Anne-white live! sex chats for YOU!


make me very hot [Multi Goal]

Date: December 24, 2022

6 thoughts on “Anne-white live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. Those mods suck lol. They def need to get off their high horses and stop letting their own personal feelings influence who they ban. Def not a neutral group of mods over there.

  2. Ofcourse not- which is why what I said doesn’t pertain to op or actual post. Clearly- I was wrong for replying to a comment that I felt was implying sex work is not professional work!?

  3. Might as well consider this a financial and relationship loss. If it’s all in text, which I would keep it in for proof, just say “You said you’d pay me back the total X amount and the only reason i used my card was to get you a discount. I expect to be paid in full by X date as agreed” and if she waffles on you or denies saying she would then you know she’s a liar and a thief. If she says she changes her mind or continues to gaslight you to wait till you get paid then you know she is just a thief. Either way, I’d dump her and if the money is that important hit up her folks and have them pay you back and block her

  4. my sister was in an abusive relationship which turned into a marriage. the guy must have felt more entitled and powerful once the wedding sealed the deal. things got worse. divorce a couple of months later

  5. If you love her and see a future with her (debt aside), then I would hope you wouldn’t punish her for being a victim of the system.

    That is the hard part. I love and care for her.

    The reality is that to not punish her… I would be punishing myself.

  6. Cool he expects you to pay equally…what’s your expectation??? Just cause he says something doesn’t mean that’s LAW.

    A lot of people pay with percentages of their paycheck.

    I make WAY more than my bf. I’d be a giant bitch of I expected him to pay half. I make a lil over 150k…. He makes 40-50k.

    I let him tell me what he wanted to pay me…what he thought was fair so he had enough in savings but was also contributing to our lifestyle.

    He also takes me on dates and treats me. ( I take him too but that’s not the point here)

    I say giant red flag for your bf there and maybe this anxiety is a wake up call that something isn’t right here. You guys should be a PARTNERSHIP. A team. This guy sounds like a dictator. ?

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