Anthonella-Rose live! sex chats for YOU!


fuck pussy dildo and cum [Multi Goal]

Date: March 24, 2023

4 thoughts on “Anthonella-Rose live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. Read between the lines bro. She is trying to break up with you, she's just not brave enough to do it so she's trying to convince you to do it or to say out loud what she can't.

  2. Than you for the straightforwardness. The angry-is-not-an-emotion thing really irks me to my core. Usually he even doesn't accept he's angry, even though he says all those degrading things, raises his voice and visibly tenses up. It's like he doesn't even realise how he acts.

  3. Yea cause it’s never up to me. She asks if she can go and I don’t understand why cause she goes either way. Like she goes wether it makes me uncomfortable or not. So why is she asking? I never tell her to ask or anything, just a simple “hey I’m going here” just so I’m aware of her whereabouts in case anything goes wrong. Again its not just a 1:1. This girl has commented to her how I look like her. We both found it weird of her to state that. I get it’s an insecurity of mine that I let that comment get to me, but my gf shouldn’t walk all over and make me feel like my feelings aren’t valid about the situation. If she could just be more understanding. She always tells me she wants to go dancing with me but when she gets the chance to I all of a sudden can’t go? She tells me “we used to always go to this gay club before you” and I’m like “yea, before me. You’re in a relationship now though. You have a partner now and some things you did when you were single will have boundaries to it. It would be nice if you could be a little respectful towards it”

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