Ariana https://onlyfans.com/hottary, y.o.
Room subject:
To Start live video press there
On-line Live Sex Chat rooms Ariana https://onlyfans.com/hottary
Date: January 9, 2023
Ariana https://onlyfans.com/hottary, y.o.
Room subject:
To Start live video press there
Noticed this too lol
Thank you for you message, I appreciate it. Luckily I can count on my best friend, she's been really helpful and patient for the past few days so it makes it a bit easier to know that I am not coming alone. I'll try to go out and find ways to make myself busy and, as many have stated in the comments, it will take time but I'll be fine. Finger crossed I won't have to wait too long though.
Sweetie, your boyfriend raped you. And it's not ok. I'm so sorry. Idk what you want to do about it, that's for you decide. But you need to know that that IS what it was.