Astrid_Moorelive sex stripping with Live HD


62 thoughts on “Astrid_Moorelive sex stripping with Live HD

  1. Question: where is your cousin’s mother? Why did your mom take on a “motherly” function? Next time your mom asks you anything, your reply “No. You don’t deserve it. You have been unforgiving mother.” Doesn’t Christianity preach forgiveness for sins?!?! Especially for such missteps as not loving to go to church. Maybe you don’t enjoy church because your parent (mother) made a church going experience about public image not God

  2. Reading this, it doesn't seem like James even likes you very much. He's just been running a 6 year audition for the mother of his child and you're only the current frontrunner.

    I think that's less important, though, than why you would want to marry a man who exposed himself to you as a liar, and deeply misogynistic manipulator.

    I know you were so close to the life you wanted, and that this is blowing up your options, but it sounds like that life would have been at the very least a lie and at worst a nightmare. Run, girl.

  3. What was your experience if you don’t mind my asking? If they’re not being physically intimate anymore, is it something I really should be worried about? He ended things with her. But still does so much for her and maintains a really confusing “closeness” I don’t understand.

  4. Hello /u/throwRA25452425,

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  5. Revenge porn is illegal in many states. She should have gone to the police. If she doesn’t she’s probably not telling you the truth

  6. This is kind of what I was hoping he would do after I told him how uncomfortableit would make me to attend with her there. It's tonight and this whole thing came to light last night sort of late. I don't want to be the one to do it/ don't want to look like the insecure gf.

  7. Your friend is an asshole, don’t chase her, she’s a poor excuse of a friend. I don’t even follow her damn logic.

  8. No. You don't get to cry “puritanical morality policing” when someone points out that something is problematic. That's some next level bs

  9. You have amazing friends! Your boyfriend, not so much. He sounds immature and insecure. You can do better.

  10. If she cheated on you dump her. If you stay with her, you’re letting her know that you accept her cheating on you and you’re OK with it.

  11. You’ve never been with a woman oh fucking well. Just date her since you both have similarly shitty personalities.

  12. When you forgave her for cheating the first time, you gave her permission to cheat the second time. She is for the streets, fam.

  13. I’ve fixed my emotional problem thanks to her. But the won't want me to be with another woman. And won't accept me back also.

    But now that I made up my mind to go with someone else, she suddenly changed.

    The problem is, I can't forget the past, and I can't hurt her.

  14. Based on her description, it sounds like when the father is around, which isn’t often, he’s constantly looking for reasons to discipline his son, for perceived infractions.

    Like… imagine you barely see your dad and the only times you do see him, he’s yelling at you about everything you do. This kid is nine years old now, but I guarantee you by the time he hits high school, he’s going to hate his father if he doesn’t already.

  15. No mine wasn't looking for it either. She was not very sexual by Nature either. What she was looking for was an emotional connection. As most women do. They end up having sex as a gift back to the guy who is paying attention to them. We are not sex subjects to women. Yes some women like sex more than others but typically women don't cheat for sex. They're not like guys. They cheat for an emotional connection. They cheat for the thrill, the dopamine, the chemicals of being pursued by the opposite sex. Eventually intercourse becomes something that they give to continue to get the attention. We actually got back together several years later. We lasted another 10 years and recently we were able to put it all on the table both her infidelity and ultimately my recent infidelity because of the anger and resentment that I carried from her previous and Discretions. We both learned a lot through our marriage particularly about the male female sexual dynamic. She always used me for sex but she sought out after what I couldn't provide her. Looking back I would have done a lot different and to be honest I don't even hold any animosity towards her or to the guy. I had to take a step back and look at myself and what was I not bringing to the table in the relationship. She loved me to death but she also loved the attention in the early days of Facebook and when text messaging became popular and I was working 16 hours a day. We were young and dumb and now we're close to 50 and separated again but still very close

  16. Artists are free to express themselves however they like.. He’s choosing to express himself through raps about bitches and hoes.. Beyond the disrespect, which is clearly not on, his values sound terrible and his rhymes derivative and played out. I’m cringing for you.

    I have no real advice other than to say I get it if you don’t stick around. Eesh. Imagine introducing him to people and he wants to talk about his new song: Phat A$$ Hoes.

  17. Sorry OP. What kind of grown adult? You know the answer, and that he isn't one unfortunately. Can't even get unemployment. It's a naked lesson, but you are both young and can rebuild from here. Good luck.

  18. The “find herself” language does sound very 90s tv show… nobody ever uses that phrasing except as a negative nowadays

  19. Please block her again as she doesn't deserve it all her way just because she wants things to be amicable when you see each other at random times. Things can be amicable regardless, she just wants to be able to stalk you so she can remind herself she made the right decision to dump you. The best thing you can do is move on and be happy.

  20. First —You guys aren’t labeled but you “basically are” because you’ve been seeing each other for awhile? No, have that talk— it is never good to assume even if you’re confident. But, there are going to be things you will get to experience together in a relationship and separate. He’s at least texting you and sending you photos which means he is at least thinking about you while he is away and probably wishes the same thing, that you were there too— esp if all his other friends brought their significant others. Don’t distance yourself, just try to think about if you were in his shoes. Its natural to feel this way, but don’t let this create an issue between you two.

  21. Aye seriously. My net worth is something like -16000 USD at the moment.

    Also while we're remarking on usernames: yours delights me. My fiance was giving birth the year before last and the way she told me she got through the pain was to close her eyes and visualize herself as a potato. I have never loved anyone so much as I did her in that moment.

  22. I thought you were being unreasonable until you told me of his behaviour and what he said.

    Why would you want him anywhere near you?

  23. The sadness here is that there is no way to help someone that doesn't want to be helped. IMO attempts to encourage him toward counseling with lead to denial. If you want to continue being with him, the best that you can do is continue giving him positive feedback without trying to push him to do whatever needs to be done before he is ready. Questions about what/how he is doing on a particular issue is better for him than a statement about what he should be doing. He may never get over being in denial. When you think about how committed you want to be to him, remember that there may never be an improvement in his view of himself and his life. Maybe you could consider moving on to a more personally satisfying life. Just my thoughts offered for your consideration. Be happy because you deserve it.

  24. Oof, lady you need to be single for a while and work on yourself. You’re not in the right frame of mind for a relationship.

  25. Damn I’m asexual and I’d love a boyfriend like that. Haha usually I’m the one everyone complains about but now that I’m aware of my asexuality (and determined it’s not to do with my health) I just don’t date or I just date other asexuals.

    He could just be asexual or he could be going through a physical issue. A doctor visit doesn’t hurt to at least cross that off the list. He could also be depressed? Idk many factors so it’s time he tries to determine the cause. That’s what I did.

  26. Sounds like you finally figured out you're the side guy. It took you a while to do the right thing, but you eventually got there.

  27. As I read this I got the feeling she checked out even earlier than 6 months but stayed longer because of your condition. Only tips I have to give is go no contact, focus on yourself, keep busy with exercise, hanging out with friends etc. You need distance from her to heal.

  28. OP, you say “but as someone who comes from a single parent household.” This comment makes me suspect a lack of human intimacy growing up, something that can lead a lot of us to accept being treated badly in a relationship as long as we get a few crumbs of intimacy here and there. That’s what your ex is doing right now. He’s desperately throwing crumbs at you because he realized he pushed too far and he needs to Hoover you back into the relationship. This man sounds like a raging narcissist to me, but I would suggest watching some videos of Dr. Ramani on YouTube if you want to know more.

    It sounds like you have a kid? Just know that you model what they will accept in a spouse someday. Would you want them to accept what you have been accepting? That man hasn’t changed, he’s just desperate for his narcissistic supply.

  29. Maybe you're not good at reading red flags ahead of time, but honestly it's absurd to think that “2 in a row” somehow means you're doomed forever. Shit happens dude. Break up and move on.

  30. One example of secrets is that I use the nickname of one of my very best friends (f) for my computer login password. My partner asked why, I gave a different reason, and it soon came to light that it was my friends nickname. One example of the flirty texts in specific with this wordle friend was sending the cat heart eye emogee in response to a bitmogee (of herself) she had sent me

  31. No? Make this spoken. If she shows up in a white dress, her invite is rescinded.

    I had an aunt whose husband had his mother show up wearing BLACK at the wedding, and that's somehow less obnoxious than what this woman is pulling. She's 55, time to grow the fuck up.

  32. An absentee father who didn’t want his kids to begin with suddenly, 14 years later, wants in their lives after providing nothing for those 14 years and the little contact between mother and father has the ex coming across as toxic and unfit to parent. No court would rule in his favor unless there’s some sketchy stuff happening.

  33. If I had an award to give you then you'd have got one. I didn't see the OP but I'm also sick and tired of people recognising someone is an abusive relationship and then being abusive towards them themselves as if that's going to help them leave. They have absolutely zero clue about how abusers work to trap and manipulate their victims into staying and it shows. Either that or they're abusers themselves and know exactly what they're doing.

  34. I mean maybe if they came back and tried I'd talk to them but why would I seek it out. It doesn't seem like he's interested.

  35. Yes. When your partner is lying, I have no qualms about going through their phone, privacy for me at that point doesn’t matter anymore. Maybe I’m wrong, but the truth for me should always come first. And if they get upset, oh well, they’re cheating… too fucken bad.

  36. Hey he has sensory issues and maybe autistic based on the cancelling of plans constantly and some other things you mentioned. You dont have to stay and don’t owe him that. Sorry to hear about this, wish you both the best.

  37. I'm going to dye my hair blue like I've been wanting to and I'm really looking forward to it… who knows maybe I'll be frisky and get tattoos lol


  38. Man, almost all the shit you listed for reasons to stay are things he'd do without you, too. They are things that people do to on-line, not to help their spouse. You could change a light bulb, but you can't give yourself a back rub, you know what I'm saying? Why do you love him? Do that list.

  39. If you’re going to Thailand to access sex workers you’re going there to access exploitation. Let’s call a spade a spade – most ‘sex tourism’ is people going to access children. If someone wants a consensual transactional sexual encounter with someone they don’t need to go somewhere with a known history for the exact opposite to get that.

  40. In my personal time, I spent extra time with family and playing with my toddler nephews. Their sweet little faces and antics gave me a lot of joy when I was feeling low. At work, I concentrated on getting things done and being organized. I was very productive.

    My sad time was during lunch breaks and late at night. I took solace in knowing that my life was on the right path, I was working towards my goals, and would eventually meet someone wonderful. I also told myself that it was okay to be sad and have tears. It's normal. Everyone goes through this and I would get past it. I was sad for a few months, then I got over it. Later that year I met someone amazing.

  41. “”Comment Rule 2:** Keep it civil. No insults, no threats of violence, no encouraging violence, no harassment, no trolling, no advertising other subs, no spam. You will be banned. All bans in this sub are permanent. You don't get a free pass.

  42. “Sin” isn’t simple imperfection, it’s regarding knowledge and behavior outside the will of Yahweh. It’s inherently self hating because it’s inextricably bound to the concept of hell, something you’ve avoided addressing at multiple comments now presumably because you’re aware you can’t defend it.

  43. She sounds like she has other problems and wants to rush you into marriage after only dating a year. That's a bad look.

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