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Bad_Babelive sex stripping with Live HD


24 thoughts on “Bad_Babelive sex stripping with Live HD

  1. Oh I didn’t see the not part! I know him, he won’t like it. I only want to ask him that to get it through his skull how much this porn watching hurts me lol

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  3. Until he wants to do the work to get better, he won't get better. It's not your job to force him into therapy, or to bear the brunt of how emotional issues.

  4. Make no mistake, I am NOT a rape denier. Let’s just make sure we are on the same page there. But something about this all doesn’t seem off at all to you?

  5. I didn’t think about vulnerability! Thank you! Mannnn, I was really hoping we’d all just become a chill friend group. I’ll tread lightly now though.

  6. Like people are saying- it’s either how his body reacts to alcohol. Or he’s freaking bored and just doesn’t enjoy that.

    You can be upset- but if you dislike it that much maybe you two aren’t very compatible…

    If you wanted to go home from somewhere to go to bed and your bf got mad at you over it, how would you feel? That sounds goofy, doesn’t it?

    People are allowed to sleep whenever they want. You have zero control over his schedule period; let alone when he goes to bed.

  7. Have you tried bringing a mediator or trying counselling? You mentioned in a comment that you’ve both spoken about this and nothing has changed, that’s really nude to feel unheard when something is truly bothering you, especially in your own home. Maybe having an outside unbiased perspective will help her realize that by enabling her friend she is hurting her partner and her relationship.

    I wouldn’t necessarily go to an ultimatum right now. Another route would be to encourage/assist the friend to find housing elsewhere and draw a clear boundary that you don’t want to interact with her. If they are hanging out then they can meet somewhere else, or you can make other plans and get out of the house for a bit. Taking yourself out of the equation is the best immediate course of action to take so she can’t stress you out as much. Ask your partner to stop speaking about you to her and if she brings you up to change the subject as well, keep her on an information diet. The friendship can be separate from the relationship and that’s what you need. You just can’t force her into making that choice without potential consequences for your relationship.

  8. She's been supporting him for 4 years – he will probably get alimony regardless of his ability to work

  9. And yet she saved his number under the wrong name and it’s clear to you that she deletes messages….

    Who cares what she says? Look at what she DOES. She lies, she hides things, and she actively tries to cover her trail. Why would she be deleting messages if she didn’t have anything to hide?

    Why is she communicating with him at all, even if it were only sporadic or ‘innocent.’ It’s entirely disrespectful and inappropriate, and there is NO excuse for it.

    Stop listening to the things you want to believe are true and start looking at the cold, nude facts. You can’t love a person into honoring your relationship and respecting you. You can’t love her into being honest or faithful. You gave her another chance and here she is, being shady again.

    You know exactly how this ends. You just need to grow a spine and end it. Or you can continue to waste more precious years of your life with a person you don’t trust, who disrespects and lies to you. Loving someone isn’t always enough. Love yourself enough to demand better.

  10. I think you are looking at this all backwards. No one was right or wrong here. You two just have different needs and expectations for a relationship, so it is time to break up and find someone better suite for you.

  11. Also I’m dying about the fact that he’s like “your mood has improved since you went off your medication at my insistence”

    If she’s not getting any sleep how is she in a good mood

    He honestly seems really controlling. Disrupting sleep is a great way to control someone

  12. “Nagging” is when a woman tries to get a man to keep his word, and he wants to make her into the bad guy.

  13. Thank you for framing it this way, I think it's worth me bringing up again and seeing if it could be an actual fix to our situation

  14. Your mother is a failure for protecting her pedo brother over her daughter. You do whatever you need to do to protect your own daughter.

    Everyone who has children in your family need to know and the fact your mother is trying to cover it up.

  15. I'm relieved you took that well. To me it doesn't sound like your marriage is salvageable. It is so so so important that you see her as your peer. Also that you support her but not bail her out. Like you wrote about helping her financially.

    I do not think cheating is the worst thing that can happen in a relationship. But the cheating she's doing is a way to get out. Love is fucking scary, but it's so important to not exercise control of others, especially your spouse. The only thing we can change is ourselves and our perspective.

    And I know you're angry and hurt, that may be why I'm reading into your post the way I have. You can't change the past. Her life experiences are what brought her to you, you have to respect that. It's how we learn to love.

    I see my woman in a different light. She's loved before we met and I have no issue with how or with who she did that with. My past is checkered as fuck, I'm a big walking tattooed red flag. She and I have total acceptance of each other. We embrace each other along with our flaws and our past.

    The hand you hold should not be the one that holds you down.

  16. This is going to sound crazy, but he said he had trust issues and I lied to him for 6 months about this. And he broke up and took me back 35 times insisting I need help and to get therapy asap. He thinks my mom is a narcissist and has made me completely delusional and says “there’s something in me that’s greater than I think” and I need to become a better person. I just have a nude time viewing my mom that way, but he says I’ve always put him second when he actually has my best interest at heart and doesn’t care to validate bullshit.. this made me feel like he invalidated me and didn’t care

  17. What field is your wife in? And you? I can just say from personal experience that I’ve never had a great time mixing work peers with my partner. We sit around complaining about work, usually things that are very specific to the field, because I think that’s what coworkers do. Lol. Twice a month also isn’t “often” in my mind, and she may feel the same way. I really enjoy my independence and feeling like a whole person outside of a relationship. You guys are married and cohabitating. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with letting her have this one thing for herself.

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