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Bad_Slut_Teacherlive sex stripping with LIVE Cams


One thought on “Bad_Slut_Teacherlive sex stripping with LIVE Cams

  1. I have to be blunt; you're making terrible decisions, possibly because you're feeling the need to settle down. But he is not the right person to settle down with…you're not settling down, you're settling, and you know it.

    1.5 years together and you're trying to bloody well buy a house? No wonder he's pushing back, that's way too soon in any relationship, no matter how happy, how perfect you two are together. But the fact that he is pushing back, when you're so dead set on pushing forward, proves that you two don't want the same things.

    If you want a house, then you need to buy one yourself at this point. You need to stop waiting on someone else for the things you want, and start making decisions for yourself again. Cause ol mate isn't telling you he doesn't want to, he's just stringing you along and wasting your time.

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