Barbie and Ken the naked on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD


Barbie and Ken, 21 y.o.


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Online Live Sex Chat rooms Barbie and Ken

Barbie and Ken on-line sex chat

Date: April 21, 2023

64 thoughts on “Barbie and Ken the naked on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. Sit him down and straight up tell him you’re feeling that something is off. That you’re not as close as you used to be, then ask him if there is anything that he needs to tell you. That you want the truth about how he’s been feeling in the marriage. Then let him talk or not talk. If he doesn’t come clean about a dating profile then, personally, I’d be done and file for divorce. If he comes clean then proceed straight to couples counseling if it’s still at a point where it can be saved.

  2. An ignorant person would have learned from experience by now. Only delusions are this immune to evidence.

  3. I'm really glad you posted your comment. Reading the original post, I thought “neurodivergent?” but then read the comments and started doubting myself and feeling embarrassed. I'm a grumpy woman too. I don't think we have enough context from OP to decide abuse vs. Personality trait or symptom of mental illness or distress, but I do think it's important to take into consideration people like you and me.

  4. I consider myself pretty far from prude but I’ll never understand how strip clubs became normalized for bachelor/bachelorette parties. People will have no problem with this, yet get insecure if their partner has friends of the opposite sex. The cognitive dissonance is weird

  5. It stars Joaquin Phoenix and Scarlett Johansson. In the movie he becomes addicted to his AI to the point where he shuns real flesh and blood women. It’s a very good movie. Kind of sad but genuine. I’m not sure if it will help your girlfriend but watching it might help her gain a bit of perspective.

  6. He needs help. Neither of you can online like this, its not healthy. But he needs to take steps to work on himself if you want a future with him.

  7. You’re not in love with this man, you’re in love with the imaginary dude in your head. He is adamant about screwing other women for the rest of his life, so let him go do it. Time will heal your hurt and sorrow – in six months you’ll be looking back at this with disgust, and thankful you got away from his manipulative arse

  8. Even if I became a billionaire tomorrow, I wouldn’t trade out my engagement ring for anything else, ever, because that is the ring he gave me when he proposed and, hence the name engagement ring. Not to say I couldn’t add some bling to my other hand with a billion dollars, but my engagement ring is my engagement ring and my plain gold band is my wedding ring. “With this ring, I thee wed” and all. The whole “this ring” part is important. Feeling the need to change out either one would not be a decision I could possibly consider without diminishing the value of what he gave me (he gave me HIMSELF) when he put those rings on my finger.

  9. oh yeah that sounds fucking exhausting. people definitely don't change on their own. it takes inner work. mine was done with therapy.

    i honestly wish everyone would have access to therapy and people wouldn't suffer as much from their own brains. like, that relationship sounds exhausting to be in for you, and just being her sounds exhausting and miserable.

  10. You have two years before you reach geriatric pregnancy. 3 years ago you used up most of your eggs. Let me be your guy for a moment, OK? I'm not trying to be mean. You “do you want kids?” Me ” no. I've never wanted that. I thought if I flat out told you I'd be on my own and I want someone to help support me, you or anyone. ” Keep in mind if you have kids right this moment you will be in your 50s as the leave for college. You will be 60 when they have a kid. You might not online long enough to see your grandchildren go to college. You “Do you want to buy a house together?” Me “No, I'm thinking about getting a house but not with you. Maybe with a relative. Maybe you can help me. At no point do I want to be on my own” you “you don't want to be on your own?” Me ” oh course not. Our entire relationship has been to make my life easier. I need you around because you take care of me, after I move out ill need you to be my back up. A place to stay occasionally. Until I find the right girl. She will be a secret til I'm sure she will support me so that probably means I'll marry her. She will have a kid or ill tell her I'm not ready yet because that worked on you “. End of story. There is a psychological phenomenon where you sink value into something for so long that you feel it's too late to stop. Sunk cost fallacy. You are youngish. Smart. You have a career. Go get your little cottage. Do not get more than 2 cats! Spend more time on community events and volunteering. Meet a guy who sees you and says WOW. Because you sound to me like the real deal. The kind to have and to hold. Good luck. I know you can figure this out.

  11. I personally don’t see any issue with this. But everyone is different. Communicate how you feel to her. That’s really all you can do.

  12. Of course you do. But that's just you thinking about yourself and what you want. You aren't thinking about her needs or wants

  13. She sounds really immature and like she expects every moment to be about her and about what she wants, and that's not how life works. Sorry she did that, I'd have been annoyed and gone to sleep in the living room too. She definitely doesn't respect you or what you have to say dude. sorry.

  14. A maid won't solve your issue. He still not be an equal partner to you unless he changes. Best of luck. I hope you're prepared to leave because joy deserve a better husband and father than this guy is.

  15. You’re in an abusive relationship. Your husband is purposely making you feel bad, insecure, and like you can’t trust yourself.

    If he wanted to, he could stop all of this behavior today. He could be kind, loving, and helpful. He really could. But he doesn’t want to.

    This is the way your husband wants things to be and he isn’t going to change or do things a different way. You can’t fix this because you aren’t doing anything wrong. You need to develop a safety plan and leave this relationship as soon as possible.

  16. Jesus Christ. This is manipulation and abuse. Please re-read your post very carefuly. Does that sound like someone who loves and support you? Because from here, it doesn't.

  17. You can't really do anything, it's on him to decide what he wants to do and how ambitious he wants to be. Sounds like what he is happy with and values may be incompatible with your goals and I wouldn't count on him changing.

  18. Girl why are you wasting your time trying teach this white boy some respect and manners when he’s so dead set on having none? And yes, I called him a white boy and I mean that in a derogatory he’s-a-racist-who-likes-to-tell-people-he’s-not-cause-he’s-got-a-black-gf kinda way.

    Don’t date racists. Start there. He does not care about your perspective, nor does he respect it. If he did, he would listen, not try to compare your valid race-based experiences to his little white boy ways. He minimizes your issues because he is racist. Like you went through all that effort typing the post, you know damn well you can see the racist undertones. The sublet sprinkle of racism. So ask yourself why you’re so adamant on ignoring it and rugsweeping it and acting like you’re the problem when really it’s just his racist ass?

  19. Maybe I have a problem of judging different people's moral beliefs. Do you have any advice or resources on how I could improve this?

  20. I was being honest with how I feel in the post. Not saying my view is the absolute best or healthiest, but I try to improve where I can.

    I think you might be projecting some pre-established views of vegans onto me.

  21. A lot of the issue in our relationship is that he started out watching porn and then took it too far and started commenting on photos and trying to reach out to these girls and PAY for videos/nudes. In his own words, “if porn is okay, why isn’t it okay to pay for it and comment on pictures? I don’t know them”. THIS is why I’m not okay with it, and he knows it. He can’t “halfass” his porn problem, apparently, so it’s best for our relationship that he doesn’t watch it at all.

  22. Do you know what’s more permanent than marriage? Children. You can get divorced but children are forever.

    So why does OP’s bf think it’s logical to have a child now but not get married.

    Doesn’t make sense, I don’t trust it and I would in no way be having this weird dudes children.

  23. In before people start posting this on Twitter or TikTok. A whole community could explode if this isn't fake.

    Ditch the wife and church and start all over again. Deepest sympathies to you and the kids.

  24. Why does a 30 year old woman need advice from a 22 year old kid? That’s really weird.

    She is obviously using you for emotional support, that’s probably something she is used to and since you were willing, she took advantage,

    But you are obviously hoping this becomes something more, and it’s not going to. You shouldn’t hang onto this relationship if you don’t like how it currently is. Just cut her off and move on.

  25. Jesus.. My brothers had the same snafu happen except my elderer brother slept with my elder brothers ex.. And he couldn't look, talk, think of or see him like a brother anymore and anytime they actually interacted they got into a fist fight

    This went on for 2 years of them just fist fighting if they ever saw one another, it was until my elder brother slept with my elderer brothers fiancee.. They kept that a secret for 3 years, I had wondered why my elder brother suddenly forgave him when he specifically told me that he was dead to him and he was never going to ever forgive him

    It only came to light when me and my elderer brother were at the bar knocking back a few shots and beers when he told me that she confessed what they had done because they were about to be married

    What I wonder for you is why do you think your sisters self esteem has anything to do with such a shitty thing to do to you? To be honest that sounds like she's masking her own decision she made as you know it clearly was mutual interest as it happened

  26. If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it's yours. If it doesn't, it never was yours to begin with.

  27. Of course there should be boundaries, but giving someone a haircut when you’re literally studying to do that is nowhere close to being boundary-pushing behaviour.

    If you have some weird hang-up that makes you think haircuts are sexual, you need to not be dating a Cosmetology student.

  28. Thanks a lot for the diagnosis. I usually don't notice her snoring. In fact, it's me who snores and we joke about it a lot. She usually makes me turn to a side when she hears me and that solves the problem.

  29. You're the one who doesn't want to move on, that's why your mind is paying tricks on you by making up dreams about B. I'm sure the latter has moved so why can't you focus on your wife for crying out loud. Must the past still be lingering in your mind? Man up and let it go.

  30. I need waaayy more context before I decide someone is a trafficker, also more context on the relationship between OP and GF and also the context of how the would be trafficker got to meet OPs GF.. through mutual friends, through rich buddies.

    Rich people often pay to take friends and acquaintances away if they have good vibes. It's not uncommon, what wealth status is the new friend, what wealth status is the GF.

    I just need way more answers to way more questions than I think OP would be willing to give

  31. Tell her how you feel, if it was the other way, I'm sure you wouldn't go and save your relationship.

  32. Good that she ended it. She shouldn't have been dating you in the first place. Seems like you took advantage of someone 13 years younger than you, and they finally got wise as to why you had to date someone so significantly younger.

  33. There’s no “fix” that gets you everything you want. And that’s life.

    You can either stay and do what you are doing, or do everything in your power to get back to your kids.

    It’s just a tough decision you need to make.

  34. I dont remember who but some one said something that sort of helps here. For women foreplay/intimacy starts first thing in the morning. What that means is intimacy for many woman is more than physical intimacy, that foreplay starts as soon as you want up in the morning and engage the mental aspect of intimacy. Toys and Role Play are in the moment forms but many women really want to feel heard and support and the mental build up to physical intimacy through out the day.

  35. I see what you mean. In the beginning she made it clear that she is not traditional by any means, we split all the responsibilities and are happy to do so.

    I don't think I could ever force anyone to be a house wife, I can't have one person doing all the shit while I sit back and do nothing.

  36. Gotcha. Well, to me her responses come off as less “this was such a huge deal that we're breaking up over it” and more “it wasn't working out anyway”.

    Better luck next time!

  37. OP, when someone suggests opening up a relationship (and you don't want to), that's pretty much the death of it. If they want it, they'll just cheat. My friend had a similar case where his girlfriend wanted to open up a relationship, and he just immediately left her (and we all agree that it was the right move). My other friend stayed, and found out her boyfriend cheated on her.

    The moment someone brings anything related to sleeping with other people (eg. “can I get a hall/cheat pass”) up is the moment you can start wondering when he'll cheat.

  38. She just used this as an excuse. Most likely she already decided to breakup, based on her earlier text.

  39. You are too young to be dating a man that’s 10 years plus your age. You may put yourself in a bad situation. I would just leave it alone.

  40. Thank you!

    Part of me is grateful that he is at least giving me a heads up now and the other part is confused as to why hours after this outing I am still getting kinda brushed off. It’s been about a day now and I guess I thought we would be able to catch up, given he’s rested and up.

    I’ll talk to him but something I worry I’m overthinking so I was debating between leaving it alone or just conversing with him

  41. Come on, love. You already know the answer to this. You’re posting on here to get reassurance that he’s not good for you, but you already know this yourself. I was in your shoes once. But then I dropped the man as if he was hard (which by the way he wasn’t lol) and my life got 10 times better. No more sadness. No more arguments. Did I feel lonely and empty? Sure, he left a human sized hole. But we’re so capable of filling that ourselves. Please for the love of all that is holy, leave and don’t look back. Stop wasting time and work on bettering yourself so you attract higher quality people ✨

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