Let’s enjoy GOALS: oil ass #latina#teen#blonde#bigass#curvy#anal [175 tokens remaining]
Date: October 30, 2022
Let’s enjoy GOALS: oil ass #latina#teen#blonde#bigass#curvy#anal [175 tokens remaining]
No orgasming isn’t the same as “no cumming inside of me”
You can't convince someone to love you or care about you. Having doubts is normal, wanting to act on them is not normal. If she actually wants to “explore” being single AKA sleep around with multiple guys then dump her ass and get on with your life.
Be clear with yourself though, someone wanting to explore being single is code for I want to Fuck randoms or I have someone in mind who I want to Fuck. That applies to men and women, and it's always one of those two scenarios.
“Physically cheating”? Good grief. He's your boyfriend not your property. You don't get to control his body.
Literally looked up her name
Okay then I will tell her the truth when I end things.
Put it this way, she went on holiday with her mum to Germany (ironically enough to a place I have family of my own) came home and immediately went out to her friends for an overnight event, and tomorrow she is going to her mothers again for the holidays.
I am unlikely to see her again until the new year, and I dont want to have a “fight” before she goes.
I should say she considers it an argument if it's something she doesn't want to hear and merely extends her stay at her mums if I being anything (and I do mean anything) up. Its just how she seems to deal with any form of confrontation.
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OP, no matter what you choose regarding the baby, you CANNOT stay with this guy. HE IS ABUSING YOU AND YOU'RE LETTING YOUR CHILDREN SEE IT. You MUST leave him.
Ideally, you'll get him to sign away his rights to the baby if you have it, but I strongly suggest you don't have it. Babies tie the parents together for life and you do not want to tie yourself to an abusive asshole while you have minor children in the house. Talk to a lawyer and see if you can get him to sign away his rights before the baby is born. Then, next time he threatens to leave if you have the baby, whip out the paper work and get his signature; file it immediately.
Then you're free to make your own decision.
I get it. I’m sorry for being aggressive. I can’t even imagine.
But still, what advice are you looking for? Do you think your marriage can be fixed (serious question)? If so, we can go from there.
So the thing with a celebrity crush is that it’s basically a very specific daydream – you can buy their merchandise and look at their pictures and go see their movies/shows/whatever, but at the end of the day it’s unattainable. Or it’s supposed to be.
I think you’re feeling like your girlfriend crossed a line because suddenly it was no longer unattainable: she was up there on stage with him, sharing the same space. Of course you’re feeling weird about it. And your girlfriend’s reaction is to basically double down and say it’s the best thing ever and she’d do it again? I’m sure your mind, conscious or subconscious, is wondering exactly what she’d be willing to do if he asked and excuse it all under “celebrity crush so it’s fine”. When the reason a celebrity crush is fine is that nothing is ever gonna happen.
And it sounds like you didn’t freak out at her for her actions creating feelings you didn’t expect, you just drew a boundary for future actions – that’s the right thing to do. I think it’s fine for you to set the boundary of “hey I’m glad you enjoyed that but it made me uncomfortable to see you with him in person”. I’m fine with my spouse having crushes, but if they had one on a friend or coworker or a person they saw in the gym occasionally, that would be a problem for me.
But at the end of the day it’s up to her to agree to this boundary of yours or not – if she refuses, is this enough of a dealbreaker to end the relationship? Or would you still want to be with her, knowing this might not stop and she might see nothing wrong with going further than holding his hand, because it’s “just a celebrity crush”?
Be true to yourself…you know what to do.
You became a couple very young and still are at 19. Put the family stuff aside as this is your life and you have so many years ahead of you. Personally I see there are trust issues from both of you. Your girlfriend asking you to block her when if she trusted you I wouldn’t be an issue. The other girl is disrespectful and on for the chase. You have told her you are In longterm relationship and have a GF and she still pursuing you. You are allowed to sit back and reassess your life that happens when you head off to college or uni. You are open to new experiences and a whole new world opens up especially if you come from small town. If you are wanting to take a break or have feelings of any sort you need to communicate with your GF how you are feeling and why openly and honestly, awkward nude conversations need to be had in all relationships without fear if being judged. If you can’t do that then you need to ask yourself why. It doesn’t matter if you have been together 1 year or 30 years your relationship needs to be open honest respectful communication. Put other girl aside her intentions are not real as you think they are. Of course we like to be desired and have others show interest in us it’s exciting. But you need to know what you really want out of life and at 19 not sure any of us did/do. You owe both yourself and your GF honesty tell her how you are feeling, ask her how she is feeling really listen and open up to each other. Better now than 10 years down track with mortgage, and few kids.
I just disengaged with them. Online is not real life. For many people it brings out the worst in them, they only show you the worst parts of themselves.
The vast majority aren't interested in changing their views when arguing on different subs, their only goal is to argue their point of view.
Why is now the moment to tell her all that? What are you hoping to achieve? Honesty is great, but not to the complete detriment of the other person and their feelings. Sometimes honesty and complete honesty are two different things.
I don't want to tell her immediately, but after a few weeks while I think it through I want to, both to unburden myself and let her know. It's selfish, I know, but I don't know how to handle it without at least telling her I need to distance myself.
As for your other paragraph, you are completely right, and that's what I'm most afraid of. Even if we are so close, I completely understand she would feel 'icky', as you put it. Perhaps it would be best to tell her as short as possible that I need time for myself but I can't help but feel I want her to know how I feel. That's why I'm asking for an outside perspective and I don't think I'll tell her anything yet, as I'm still very emotional.
You don’t “attract”, you literally picked this dude and all of your other relationships too.
“Attract” makes it sound like its out of your control. It’s not. It is literally you who pick these men.
Try again, I’m telling her that there is always a cause for behaviors. I’m not saying that the cause is always rational. Sometimes you need some compassion to help those around you ❤️
If you love her and don’t want a divorce maybe you should let her know! Make her feel like you really need her and want things to work out but also ask yourself — are you 100% sure? My partner have done that too, I feel like he wants us to be good, but he kinda said once “if you’re gone — you’re gone” or some shit and I’ve been questioning if that sounds like true love. I feel like he’s never really been able to passionately say that he loves me SO MUCH. Women need to hear it.
I’ve also been depressed and my partner didn’t help much trying to push me to do things so I went on antidepressants and it really helped. I too have been jealous but like, not crazy jealous, just said I would be happier not seeing his likes next to random boobs on IG. So everyone gets weird about same sex friends, that’s ok.
I can change him?
I am sorry, but these arent political views, you just want to break up because he is an egocentric and closeminded dick.
You sound so unhappy OP. Time to exit this situation. And as someone who lives in a state with archaic, abortion laws (saving to leave) I can assure you my husband and I pay a ton in income tax. So not only are his views and comments hurting you, they aren't factual. Wishing the very best for you in the days and weeks to come.
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You have no choice? She’s forcing you into it? Wow your wife is sounds like she might be a narcissist.
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He s not your friend
You have to make peace with the idea you might lose your relationship with them if you don't keep bowing to their beliefs. My advice would be a nude line on those conversations.
If you don't see eye to eye and want to escalate things, then why are you having them? Shut the conversations down before they can happen. “I don't want to discuss it,” then change the subject. If they can't respect your boundaries and keep pushing to discuss it, be prepared to leave to get your message across. If they do respect your wishes, you can at least sidestep the conflicts as they are for now. You both know their positions aren't changing, so if it's you bringing them up, stop doing so.
Realistically, with children, you'll never be able to trust that they won't say something when they have them alone. If they're pushing boundaries now with respecting your wish not to discuss it, they're unlikely to respect your wishes on not bringing it up with kids either.
At some point, you need to have a deep introspection and decide if keeping them in your life is worth continuing those lies in front of your children and parroting those same talking points. Are you prepared to marry someone with their beliefs to keep them happy? Will you be strong enough to shut these topics down or argue against them in front of your children? It's extreme examples but so are your parents and their response to your viewpoints. I think you need to really sit down and admit to yourself how rational it is they will be accepting down the line. Figure out where your lines in the sand are. Would low contact would be an acceptable compromise? At the very least, the shutting down conversations and keeping discussions to safe topics should help a lot for coexisting, provided they respect your wish not to discuss these topics.
Tell him you need to break up. “I’ve realized I made a mistake and this is not the right relationship for me. I’m sorry to hurt you but I don’t feel the same about you.”
If you need to “There isn’t anything else to discuss. People date to find a good match and this doesn’t feel right to me. I just want to break up.”
Oh I remember that one
No it’s just because she doesn’t want me watching porn
Sign the rights away. This is on him. He fucked around and found out. “Wah wah i didnt think it would be this hard” sir that's a whole child. You need to get a lawyer yesterday
You’re just being weird man.
Your post lacks a question. As per Rule 2, all posts must feature a question that you want specifically answering. We don't host, rants, vents, letters to other people, poetry, journal entries, hypotheticals or 'what would you do' posts, or reflections on past experiences to give other people lessons.
We are here for you to ask specific relationship issue with a current relationship you have right now, in this moment.
No, she can’t be present or join in because she’s busy watching their kid so he can game.
Do you know how dates work?
Any reason is a valid reason to end a relationship. You clearly aren’t happy, don’t get stuck in sunk coast fallacy. I just walked away from a 4 year relationship that was fine over all but i wasn’t happy. And god, I am so happy now. Its going to be rough, and even through the relief you’ll likely be sad but don’t just stay and be miserable. She also deserves to be with someone who can meet her needs too (also probably needs therapy for codependency and to learn to be alone but that’s a whole other issue lol).
Does she have anyone else to share something like this with? Or maybe she's just affirming you made a desirable choice for a partner.
You have some morals and leave them to sort out the mess you’ve both made. Tip: don’t knowingly go near a married man again, it causes unnecessary heartache and makes you look like a POS too.
Who cares about your husband’s stupid rules? If he doesn’t like being around your kids that’s HIS problem and he doesn’t get to dictate your relationship with them. Little secret: your husband needs you MORE than you need him and disobeying him will only make HIM mad, no one else will care that you disobeyed him. Is your house overflowing with sunshine and happiness or are you walking around on eggshells to please a curmudgeon who’s already angry about something he saw on FOX news? Stock up on the TV dinners (so he can eat alone), take the sign language classes, go visit and get to know your son. If Hubby-poo doesn’t like it just shrug and say “Oh well, you’re unhappy. There’s a Lean Cuisine in freezer. Toodles!”
Also no I didn’t mention on areas that I had thought she could work on for what it’s worth.
Oh don’t worry she does. She literally can do anything she wants.
Absolutely divorce him. You have thrown away 20 prime time years on him already. Avoid the Sunk Costs Fallacy and make sure its not 20, or 40 more. At this age you still have time to have a decent life and maybe even a second better marriage, If that is what you want. Don't waste another minute!
Not expecting to be believed. Just being honest.
Sounds like my ex, her name isn't summer by chance is it lol
What a pathetic cop out. Deal with the consequences of your actions.
I guess because I want it to be better
You read her post and just decided to… like… say things… about her wanting him to pay her bills. None of that is implied in the post. I'm not sure where you got any of that from LMAO.
Name one company that will take a complaint from a spouse over their employee?
The top comment is probably the correct one, that your wife had a change of heart.
That being said… the only times I’ve experienced that reality warping what the fuck is going on here I’m talking to someone and they are so convincing that something that isn’t true is true that I start to question my sanity…
.. is with narcissists. I’ve encountered two in my life, including my ex, and the degree or earnestness with which they look you in the eye and create an alternate reality by pure force of will is… just crazy.
So… I hope for your sake this isn’t what’s going on.
If you only want a hook up, my advice is buy yourself a decent toy. Seriously. This person doesn't give a rats about your pleasure, so you're probably looking at minimal foreplay, followed by a quick few pumps, and he's out the door. You will get more out of a toy. I mean, it's your choice, but don't go into this expecting amazing sex.
If you want to find a fwb relationship, there are plenty of websites out there that cater to that. But make sure the person you set this up with actually likes giving pleasure. Anyone who thinks the highest pleasure a woman can feel is having a dick inside her knows nothing about sex or female pleasure. That's your first red flag. Find someone who loves to eat you, not someone who will do it only if they're really forced to.
That's what I'm confused about.
Don’t think so, OP said once you have an initial investment there’s only maintenance, where as there are ongoing costs for airsoft
Leaving one's parents is not easy. It may be the correct decision, but that doesn't make it easy.
I have a very. very. VERY. simple question.
Why would he be dating you more than once if he didn't want to sleep with you?
And I'm not saying that's all he wants, but come on, you're 28 years old for god's sake. You should understand this by now.
But at the end of it all it’s still the age thing, how would I explain to my parents that I’m seeing someone more than a decade older than me?
“Hi, mom and dad. I'm dating X, she is 39, I don't care what you think. Bye, love you”
My dude, you're a fucking adult, you shouldn't worry about your parents thoughts and should just online your life.
In the future when you meet a new person you like be clear about your feelings and expectations. This would bother me forever. I would rather start fresh or be single.
He can find other things to rhyme about that don’t disrespect you or make you uncomfortable. For fuck’s sake, Macklemore rapped about thrift store clothes and won awards for it.
If he won’t listen, then maybe it’s time to let him be gangsta somewhere else.
Invite them to meet one another, you can be in the middle’
Flavored Lube. I like Mango.
Yea I don’t blame you for wanting a divorce. Every place you want to go to he does with his friend first? Yikes lack of effort and just sheer lack of care
Right? Did you tell her this was your expectation when she moved in?
She’s 19. She’s going to look 19. And she shouldn’t have to look any other way
We have an “open book policy” but I still feel bad and because I know I only checked because I was feeling insecure about stuff. I know I wouldn’t care is she looked thru mine at all
I was abused as a kid, and learned to repress my emotions. Then I went to therapy and learned that emotions are not a bad thing and it's okay to cry.
Well, now cry often and I hate it. Whether it's a book I'm reading, crying when I'm really angry, or crying because I feel someone is disappointed in me (try hiding it, but it still happens). I'd most likely cry if I was in OP's shoes and my boyfriend reacted like that to me.
Is it love bombing if he shows genuine signs of remorse and attempts to get better?
Dump him. He sounds exhausting, violent, lazy, and verbally abusive. Not sure what he's bringing to the table here.
Wow great “Hey sorry i slapped the shit out of you i was just drunk tihi”. Great personality
Actually, he was my best friend’s friend and we first met in a wedding and we liked each other but both of us have a bad break up back then, we decided to be friends.
Yeah financially it would just be way better for me as a new grad, everything has become so extremely expensive. I get that's not a great reason to move in with someone early
You can't force someone to do things that they don't ever.
Explain to him how it makes you feel when he talks to you about that.
If he doesn't want to change. Then there is nothing you can do about that.
Your partner’s child is the most important person in this entire story.
Oh you mean her future estrangement from her grown kids because she'll still be a @#$%& in 20 years and the second they're out of the house they ghost her immature and controlling ass…
There comes a time when a man learns to put away childish things.
Sorry, but if you are sitting on a couch doing something with a 9 year old in another city, then you gotta grow up.
Your GF is right. Or, she is wrong and you need to find someone else who is OK with you doing shit that 9 year olds do.
i wouldn’t say the relationship is miserable. this is genuinely her only flaw. she’s perfect all around and i enjoy her company so much
I can understand how you feel, you don't necessarily not trust him completely, you just feel unsettled due to a few factors. Both him doing something with other people that you have mentioned doing together on multiple occasions and then that a girl will be there as well.
Communication is always so key within a relationship. It may be best just to sit down and calmly have a conversation with him to express how you feel. This is something normal that you are going through but it is potentially you just need some reassurance from him, more than anything.
Alcohol is a drug but I hear you. Everything I said still applies.
Trans female to male
No way this was written by a man of 45.
You need to be married and stop hanging out without your husband at this point. You’re in your 30s. Grow the f up