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Date: November 24, 2022

40 thoughts on “Camilah online sex cams for YOU!

  1. I appreciate your input, thank you. I guess I am just looking for her to show gratitude in ways that are aligned with my love languages. She likes words of affirmation and gift giving so that is how it show my appreciation for her where I respond more to affection through physical touch. I will start the conversation with her with caution- truly I would likely stay with her if this continued I really love her that much. I just think if I were in her shoes I would be trying to show that appreciation and I am just not seeing it from her.

  2. someone can have an insecurity and ask their partner for something that would make them feel more comfortable. there’s nothing wrong with you if seeing those pictures makes you feel uncomfortable. at the same time, it’s within your partner’s rights to want to keep the photos up as well.

    so i think the real problem is that he says he will take them down then doesn’t. you should have another convo with him and approach it with curiosity. is there a reason he wants to keep them up? if so, giving him a chance to explain that to you might help you see his perspective and feel more comfortable. or if he genuinely just forgot about it and doesn’t mind taking them down, that will give him a chance to do so.

  3. It wasn't just a bad joke. You were making fun of your significant other, you were basically bullying your partner and then go… “but it's a joooooooke” and to see many people make excuses for your behavior? Yikes.

    This was probably(if the story is true, I suspect creative writing) not the first incident of this BS and more like a last straw.

  4. He’s just an unsure lad. Hopefully he listens to the more level headed response from women, rather than the snappy reactive remarks from men thinking OPms partner’s an evil wench.

  5. Dude, you're a creep who took advantage of a venerable person. You offered her the world to get in her pants, then once there, pulled the rug out from under her. Your therapist is right, whether you want to believe it or not.

  6. If my wife flirted with a guy in a joking manner (obviously not serious), it wouldn't upset me. Now that I know she's married though, I'm going to stop flirting back.

  7. I’m happily married and flirt online. My wedding ring is ALWAYS on.

    It’s not about if a marriage is open in any way or not, it’s what the person isn’t being honest about that’s the problem.

  8. Why did she feel the need to lie? Is she a compulsive liar? Would you have not let her go alone to have a night out with her friends if she asked you to?

  9. This is the fifth post today I’ve seen where a poster is sharing their partner wanting their best friend or their best friend wanting their partner.

    I swear, people need to start paying attention more to these things in their relationships, the dynamics and recognize yellow flags before they become red flags!

  10. Huh. I’m gonna be honest, this doesn’t make much sense, I’m not sure it wasn’t written with predictive text. But if I’m reading it correctly, stop overthinking it. If you’re interested in being with the person today, be with them today. Don’t think about tomorrow yet. Just make a choice for today. Agreeing to be in a relationship doesn’t meant you’re getting married, it’s an expression of interest of exploration.

  11. He shouldn't be going in late when he oversleeps, he should be getting the fuck up in time to go to work. This man is never going to amount to anything, stop wasting your life with a loser.

  12. At the moment your boyfriend has no worth as a photographer. He doesn't have the experience and has not yet made a name for himself that allows him to be picky. Even Annie Leibovitz had a lot of jobs after art school before she landed a job for Rolling Stones. Remind him beggars can't be choosers and to get a job or you're done.

  13. don't remember much of that night because I was pissed, all I remember is that I woke up with

    Step number 0: Your drinking days are over … forever. We don't want to be reading a post about how you woke up with blood on the front of your car, and remember none of it. Clearly you don't know when to stop, so the solution to that is you never start or resume again.

    want to call my ex and confess to everything to her now

    Uhm, … bit late for that? How 'bout apologize like hell and be a teetotaler for the rest of your life … for starters. She may or may not want to hear your “confessions” – she ain't exactly a Catholic priest with a confessional booth – so she may not want to hear it. Maybe try to do what's right for her, rather than attempt to unburden your guilt.

    want her to at least know that I still love her

    Again, what's best for her. How 'bout ask her, ask her if she'd even want to hear something like that if it was or might be the case – maybe she just doesn't want to hear it and wants to be done with you.

    needed to do the right thing and atone for my mistake

    You might be able to apologize, but unlikely you can fix the damage you caused.

    So, do the right thing … but that doesn't necessarily mean “confessing” and espousing your love for her – she may not want to hear that at all. So doing the right thing also means not making it worse. You majorly f*cked up, and screwed up multiple people's lives from your screw up – you don't get a free pass on that, and that's not necessarily something you can “fix”. So, do the right thing, and don't be f*ckin' up or drinking ever again. And “confessing” and “espousing your love” doesn't absolve you of anything – though you could do with some proper apologizing – and admitting to what you did – to those that actually want to hear it.

    want her to at least know

    No, time for what she wants, not what you may want – you already got what you wanted and f*cked up royally. So time to stop always thinking of yourself first. What does she want, and not want … not about what you want – you've already wronged her horribly – don't pile more wrongs on top of that.

    my sister who knows everything told me to just let her go. any advice?

    Well, absurdly improbable you'd get her back. Your sister's at least partially right. Sure as hell don't push anything onto her that she doesn't want – period – ever again. So, maybe you can apologize, or whatever – or maybe she'd rather not even see your face or hear your voice. In any case, don't push anything onto her that she doesn't want. And no more alcohol for you ever again – you're done.

  14. LOL no she didn’t. She had no idea that if he were to truly embrace it? She would be shook!

    This means hearing his dark thoughts, why he never feels guilt or remorse, why he understands empathy but can’t feel it himself, why he plots revenge and will act upon it.

    Like will she be okay if he one day is pissed off cause he’s bored and say steals something to feel something sue to having ASP?

    Issue ready to understand ASP’s have a 3x’s higher rate of getting caught and going to prison due to their chaos behaviors that break laws?

    She also needs to understand he is 10x’s more likely to take his own life and can end up in a psychiatric unit due to this alone.

    She’s definitely not ready and had no idea, due to fact how ASP handle babies and children, that child will NEED therapy due to the lack of emotional investment from his side of things.

    ASP’s struggle to connect to infants & children if their own. This can create codependent anxious attachment children since some ASP’s have Narcissistic Personality Disorder as well.

    Op, is in over her head and doesn’t realize him screaming out his diagnosis to her mom, is part of the impulsive rage revenge they show.

    They aim to destroy others, put fear in them on purpose.

  15. Tough one. I am against ghosting in dating. But since this isn’t dating, I would personally be open to the idea of just ghosting him.

    I am just not sure what to say, and he’s gonna twist anything around anyway for cry points on facefuck. So what’s the point.

  16. I got weirded out when the same thing happened to me. Didn't want to not be cool, get in the way of exoration, or come off as insecure but I was realy hurt. That's a valid emotion.

  17. A part of me also feels that women change (sometimes to become more selfish or bitter in their mid/late twenties)

    Gross and untrue.

  18. There are very fee circumstances where the answer to this question is in doubt. This is not one of them.

    Let it go broham, let it go.

  19. He says he just wants me to be me, but at the same time he'll let me know what bothers him without really setting boundaries. I really wish he would though.

    I honestly don't think he's expecting me to give up any friendships, maybe he'd be happy if I removed this particular friend I talked about, and I would for him, but I would also be very sad about it.

    I think his expectations are that I don't flirt or invite flirtatious behavior which I already don't do. Or maybe he really does want me to cut contact with my guy friends but just doesn't want to say it. I really don't know..

  20. It's quite likely a few of the behaviors you thought of as, “annoying”, were actually worse than you think. The things you've described here are horrifying and I hate to think how much worse your ex was that these seem like minor annoyances. Your “husband ” was not subtly threatening you, and using your past against you. I hope you get and stay somewhere safe and far away from him.

  21. … maybe I need to get checked because I find this naked too ??, as a person with abandonment issues it's understandable. A lot of trauma for me turn sexual without intentionally trying to. I think you should talk to him to figure out why this occur, he may be unaware of it.

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