Candy-Worldd online sex cams for YOU!


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Date: October 27, 2022

35 thoughts on “Candy-Worldd online sex cams for YOU!

  1. Then he needs to talk to his wife in more detail. A one line answer and shutting her out and down is unacceptable in a marriage.

  2. One thing he texted her that gave me a red flag was she mentioned she would help him with something and his reply word for word was, “Lol that brings warmth to my heart.” He’s spent hours watching her IG lives while at work and he told her she looked great in those lives. If she takes too long to reply he asks her if something was wrong. Discussing their days in great detail.

    I try to ask about his day and I usually get, “it was fine.” He doesn’t put as much effort in our conversations (in person or over text) the way he does with her which is what concerns me.

  3. Why are you so hung up on this? It's been clarified. Context makes it clear that the 2020 phone is the new one. It's an irrelevant detail anyway so I'm not sure why you're harping on it after it's already been explained that you misunderstood.

  4. I don't think its a red flag but than again that's something I would do so maybe it is and I just don't realize it. Personally for me I like to focus on 1 person at a time its easier for me, it doesn't mean that I'm “all in” after a first date or want to marry you right now or anything weird like that, but if there is initial good vibes I'd ideally want to see how things play out and go from there. If it doesn't work out than I'd reinstall the app and use it until I found someone else that seems like things could be promising. Like I said for me its just easier and honestly between chores (laundry, meal prep, cleaning etc.) work and my personal hobbies I don't have enough time to be dating around with multiple people all at once anyways.

  5. Thank you so much for this. I do not expect sex because of our finances, I more just brought that up because if he felt this way, he could have told me one of the many times I brought it up before. But in my mind, he didn’t, because he didn’t want this lifestyle I’m providing to end.

  6. He’ll only be on the hook for a short while because i imagine they havent been married that long. Alimony isnt a lifetime thing

  7. Okay, so if you trusted him fully you wouldn’t have downloaded an app to check whether he’s being faithful. That niggle in your gut? Listen to it. Listen to it EVERY TIME.

    Also, he’s only sorry he got caught. He’ll just get smarter next time, he’ll use a fake profile and you’ll never know.

    You’ve got a whole life ahead of you. Don’t waste valuable youth chasing after a guy who has disrespected you. Don’t waste your emotional energy trying to build something on broken trust. Throw the whole man out and start afresh. You got this.

  8. Stop being afraid. You keep chasing they they keep running. I’m always okay being alone but I was in your shoes once. No one would check on me unless I check on them. Just let everyone be and do your own thing. Learn how to be alone and not have to care about anyone else. It’s not easy but you would want to do it for attention and validation but at the end of the day it’s not worth it because they are not putting in the same effort as you. The moment you stop being afraid you won’t care so much and they will come around.

  9. There was no encouragement that I could see in her response to your ask. There's no need to apologize for it. You seem to have exchanged contact info, so she could contact you with her response if she wanted to. If your conversation went better than I think, you might remind her, I suppose, but I think you have your answer.

  10. Hello /u/GANIFER69,

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  11. Hello /u/rexdoesntplayguitar,

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  12. Ah, yes! I would indeed be allowed to install my own lock, as long as I wouldn't, you know, damage stuff. But the lock I had wanted to install would have required the keypad to get put into the wall and some electric lines would have to be laid and generally, damage would have been done and that's what the landlord wasn't keen on because it wouldn't just have been in my apartment, but outside in the hallway and apparently, that's what's not okay.

    Hiding a key in my apartment sadly doesn't work, as my OCD has me arrange and fix up everything all the time. My father has, however, a key hidden in my cellar (since that's outside of the apartment and I can't get to it), but that's more for when he forgets his key. But I suppose that in case of fire, firemen could grab it… if they would find it, my father said he hid it pretty well. But it's… something, I guess. Absolutely not enough, though, but still.

  13. My ex best friend told me “You must love pedos” because she thought I voted for Biden. I am in no way political so that was really confusing. Then she called me all kinds of other names and told me I’m selfish. Just weird shit that made no sense. She could be jealous of you and it’s coming out sideways, or she’s showing off in front of her boyfriend? Either way, I never had any desire to work things out with her and we were friends for eighteen years

  14. If you’re hiding your partner from your friends because you’re afraid he’ll be offensive, that’s a sign that you shouldn’t be together. Imagine if the roles were reversed and he didn’t want his family or friends to meet you because you might embarrass him or offend his loved ones? That’s shitty for both of you and isolates you from your friends.

    Bottom line is that you hold different values and are incompatible. You should break things off before marriage so that you both can find partners who align with your respective beliefs.

    Some advice I got long ago was this:

    Would you be proud to have a son that grew up to be exactly like him?

    When you marry and have children with someone, your kids will very likely be similar to your spouse because they have half of your spouse’s DNA, and your spouse is their role model. They will grow up wanting to be their dad and take his words and actions as a roadmap for how to be as an adult. If you’d be embarrassed/ashamed to have raised a son who grew up to be like your partner, you shouldn’t marry and have children with him.

  15. Op… This difference in age gap really likely won't be that big of an issue.

    Your bf will likely think it's werid as fuck .. but do you generally find inappropriate anxiety stepping into your brain? Or do you avoid many big uncomfortable feelings and superficially smile away or smooth over triggers that otherwise might cause your anxiety to skyrocket?

    Likely – you do.

    Or you wouldn't be in this situation right now.

    You're not wrong or bad for this – and tbh… Your bf likely knows this about you to some extent – so weird as it is – he likely will think your explanation “odd, but that tracks!”

    Really, it likely will not be anywhere near as terrible an outcome as you are assuming.

    That said – your default to catastrophising things and being a prisoner to small anxiety triggers – must be fucking exhausting to live in your head with!!

    You and your brain deserve some grace and some peace, op.

    For your sake, please consider some supportive, curious kind therapy to unpack this quirk overreaction of your brain. In therapy you can learn strategies and skills to mitigate your anxiety holding you prisoner for such a likely minor reason, again.

    I think your bf will likely be more concerned than pissed. You deserve good mental health op. Dont let chronic and misplaced anxiety drive your life. 🙂

  16. Just a hustle? Maybe within reason, but if she's financially ruined people by taking advantage of addiction and other mental issues, with no safeguards in place to protect them, that's awful. Would you defend pyramid schemes too?

  17. I think you need to find your own fault here. You failed to express your feelings and let them get to the point where you lost your love for her. THEN you told her. Now you want everything to change immediately and for you to love her again immediately. You fell out of love slowly, if it’s going to come back, it will come back slowly too. Don’t assume your wife will resent any changes she has to make to get your love back. If she loves you it will not be a burden on her, rather an opportunity to save the marriage.

    Give it some time. It sounds like she’s tying. Give her a legitimate chance.

  18. Neither of us were a “golden child” per say but she was typically favored by our parents since she's older but neither of us were super spoiled or anything. I don't believe my bf would cheat plus my bf has never liked women at all and despite “dating” they've barely ever been alone together. I don't know of any mental issues with her but I won't rule that out since this is so out of the blue.

  19. Don't tell him that you are breaking up – just do it, by phone, text, email, but not in person. Ensure that you have removed any personal belongings from his place. Then start blocking. Good luck!

  20. I used to work IT and have been subpoenaed to provide cheating emails in divorces. It absolutely happens all of the time.

  21. giving you the standard advice for this moment:

    change all your passwords. If you can guess his' most likely he can guess yours or use a password reset request because your mail is still open on one of his devices.

    IF you want the the drama to unfold, get a recording app on your phone, and change the ringtone/msg tone for his number to something else (saves you on paranoia moments when he calls or txts.) Some recording apps can be sret to auto record when certain numbers call, use it.

    Ignore his attempts to contact you all day, it will only slow you down and distract you.

    Go where you want to go, get a nice bottle of wine/large bucket of chocolate icecream, or whatever your poison, and when you're settled, only then open the messages and voicemails or whatever. Preferably together with a friend so you can make fun of him together.

  22. I guess I understand both of you. If I lived abroad, I would still want my children to have some connection to my former home country.

    In the same time I would not want foreign names for my children while I live where I live!.

    It is a selfish approach which does not mean it is wrong. However of the two, I can see myself giving up on names if I lived abroad (in case of disagreement). It was me moving there after all.

  23. I'd like to quickly mention that we both have separate apartments and technically do not live together like I had said, but spend enough time at each other's apartments to say that we are. I have my PC set up at his and we generally spend our free time there. We both have our own spaces, if need be.

  24. Organise another party with just your family or friends. Sometimes that’s just what you have to do if you have a big social circle, have separate events with different people as an adult. You organise it yourself and what you want to do.

    Does it suck that he’s gatecrashing his sister’s party because he can’t make an effort, yes.

    You probably should talk to his sister about it and probably check to see if she’s okay with it and you had no clue he was planning to gatecrash her party.

  25. We can't control other people's interpretations of our thoughts. Suppose for argument's the conversation on threesomes has been discussed already (which doesn't apply to OP who again seems averse and insecure that he would want that in general but again argument's sake)

    Let's assume also it's not just an idea or fantasy in your heads but something you both want to explore. And that for the first one it would be a a MMF threesome. Now…when you say you'd want to do it with your friend rather than a stranger what you might be trying to convey is that you'd be more comfortable with this experience being with someone you know and trust.

    But what he may take away from that is that you have wanted to be sexual with that friend and are just feeling comfortable enough to share that. That you suggested your friend because you have been thinking about him for a long time and see this as an opportunity to act on that with the excuse of “it can't be a random person, it needs to be him”.

    Even if the threesome is his idea and they are both okay with it, if the friend is her idea and he isn't okay with her even thinking on that level about friends as possibilities then we run into the same problem.

    And again it may be worst because he could be thinking “You just have friends that would be okay with randomly having sex with you while you're with me or at all? You can see each other in that way? How do I know you haven't been doing things with them before or while we've been together, you've had access I don't with them so you could keep it secret. ”

    Saying it's different because it'd be her idea is like a “yes…and?” After all this threesome is his idea. It feels like the distinction you are making is that you feel OP's bf actively wants to make a threesome with OP's friends happen because he values them/being with them over her and her feelings on some level. Whereas if she suggested her friends it wouldn't be because there is any sexual tension/interest between them but as a comfort thing. it's almost like nonsexual sex. And she doesn't have any specific friend or friends in mind she has considered before, they are just options.

    Brojobs, just looking out for a bud nothing weird here. It's not like she's ever wanted it before and he should know that. You brought up having a threesome after all, I'm just saying if I wanted to have sex with someone else it would be xyz friend. I'm just going along with the ride.

    If you bring up that you are comfortable having sex with friends then on some level you are saying you both feel attraction to them and would enjoy being sexual with them. It's not platonic sex unless you see them as little more than a prop which is pretty shitty to ask of a friend. (I would think you'd want them to have a good time and feel appreciated to) Otherwise how would you even go about considering a friend that's just okay with being in a threesome? How would you know that friend hasn't thought about/been waiting for such an opportunity?

    Feelings and intentions are hot to convey and we aren't mind readers.

  26. You need to get over it, it does sound like you are insecure. Either leave him or stop nagging him. It’s obvious you don’t trust him and probably never will.

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