Charlotte-and-Hannaa live sex chats for YOU!


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Date: November 24, 2022

34 thoughts on “Charlotte-and-Hannaa live sex chats for YOU!

  1. It sounds like you have given him chances. You hav been together long enough to know it’s not going to work, why drag it out? It sounds like you know what you want and it isn’t giving him one more chance. It is awesome you have a good support network, lean on them and just make it a clean break. I wish you the best of luck

  2. “Might be” poly isn’t an excuse for hiding your relationship or flurrying with other people. It doesn’t mean she can do what she wants like that. She needs to give a real answer, though I’m guessing you’re not going to like it.

  3. But the workplace and a home are two different places, with different rules. Your comparison makes no sense.

    Let's hope the kid grows out of it.

  4. It's really not though.

    Choosing to get offended by an expression that's likely been around longer than you've been alive ain't it, chief.

  5. I’m not validating her rationale, but it’s a common practice to add someone you’re interested in on Instagram as a way of casually bringing them into your circle before and see if they’re mutually interested

  6. That makes complete sense. I try to avoid this at all costs. I lover my partner to bits and I want the best for her. Turning our mutual friends against her is obviously not the way to do that. I often play devils advocate really strongly in these situation defending my gf position to my friends once I brought it up. Helps me put myself in her position and understand things better. The aim isn’t and never was to bring her down.

  7. Reading this I hardly see it really moving past the 2 hour booty calls. Yes relationships are work. If she's complaining about her “Boyfriend” coming over. Than just take it for what it is and just don't be as serious with her. By the sound of things. she's not a keeper IMO.

  8. Sounds like she indeed wanted a break to check if it could work out with him. And if it does not she will fall back on you.

  9. Some things can't be taken back and will damage relationships permanently. Saying you want to kill your spouse even jokingly is insanely off-putting, but when you were not it's even more sickening. I don't know if there is any going back from that

  10. Yes, in your position if you fucked her without a condom and she told you to stop, physically tried to stop you and you didn’t, that’s rape. She literally kept going when and said to wait ignoring you.

    Just because you’re a guy doesn’t mean that’s not the case. You did not consent. Sorry this happened to you, you were violated so it’s no wonder you feel that way.

  11. I can assure you it wasn't easy for her, it isn't easy for anyone struggling. We all have will to on-line, even if it's buried deep inside under all this negativity. Can you please look at the sites I linked? See if anything is available and if it's not we will look for more. It will probably take few moments for them to reply, but they will and then we can think further what to do. I can be rude or unfair, but that doesn't mean I will leave you without help, even if it's severely limited like in this case.

  12. My ex used to call me his (shitty) ex's name when he was stressed out. He wasn't still in love with her. It can happen. Doesn't mean it feels good.

  13. that’s precisely the point, they are not strangers.

    they’ve been dating for months and have from the sounds of it been sexually active with each other multiple times. It’s hard to say when someone should disclose to their partner they are trans, but I would say probably at least by the time you’re becoming intimate with one another, would you disagree?

  14. I have done this with my roommate. Every new “friend” is the same cycle: best buds, then an attraction, sex, more sex, arguing, sex, arguing some more, gaslighting (this is at the 3 week mark), then 3 months later, more dates and sex, then the final gaslight. Every friend goes through the same ringer. I have stopped listening, caring and giving advice. Crazy thing is, she has 15-20 men and women on this cycle at any one time. A typical week is 3-5 different people…. I have lost track.

  15. There is absolutely nothing about what she described detailing him antagonizing her. At all. Just her taking his comment that way. Because she describes something this way doesn't mean that is how it is.

    So you gtfo.

  16. That is a good idea. My only concern with that is the fact that I’ve never seen/been with her in person (but I do know what she looks like). Wouldn’t that come off as a bit creepy?

  17. I would say that if you are able to ask directly, it’s very obvious that you’re initiating sex and he’s the one that should get into it. It’s clear, it allows for consent to be given or withdrawn and it’s good communication strategy. You could add a kiss on the shoulder/neck, some caresses, but it sounds you’re doing it right.

    IMO this is on him having a movie-like idea of how initiating sex should be like.

  18. This is who he is. He's cheated on his ex and you, and eventually will cheat on this woman too. You know as well as everyone else that pictures don't tell the whole and true story. Block and move on.

  19. This is a legal advice: when you brake up with her (which you should) you need to record on your phone the brake up. Hide the phone and make sure the video it's visible.

    This is for when she goes crazy due of the brake up, you have evidence of assault. All this to protect you because without the video, you will be the one in trouble.

  20. Thanks for such a great response. I feel like there have been a rash of questions lately like this where one of the partners is clearly suffering and the response is implying that she loves being miserable and just must be a b*itch.

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