CHLOE-CHANNEL on-line sex cams for YOU!


show asshole + spank nude my ass [Multi Goal]

Date: November 1, 2022

42 thoughts on “CHLOE-CHANNEL on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. What makes you think she will even believe me tho they have been together for years have kids together. Who knows what he’s said about me to her to keep us from being friends because I tried and he said she didn’t like me.

  2. Nah. I have really long hair so I know it gets everywhere and anywhere…

    I have found once found a hair that obviously wasn't mine stuck in a rug or something and I definitely did not jump to accusing my BF of infidelity/cheating (as I am secure in the relationship and fully trust him). I did use it to try to scare my BF and see his reaction cus I just wanna see him squirm lol but he never does since he knows I'm not seriously accusing him, and b/c like OP he's not guilty…

    But I didn't do it in such a weird round about (imo manipulative and accusatory) way like OP's wife. IMO, it's weird/alarming for somebody to behave like that, and I'd be more worried about that than trying to find explanations of why hairs can get somewhere.

  3. Listen, you can be with someone/seek out a partner who respects your bodily autonomy, or you can be with someone who will guilt you for ever daring to make a decision about your body, future, and health.

    Seems pretty clear to me. You have nothing to feel guilty for, and you deserve to be with someone who won't judge you for this.

  4. Either try to explain to her exactly that, that she’s single because she couldn’t find a guy that meets her standards. You were single because you couldn’t find a girl who’s standards you met.

    And if she says something about you being wrong, ask why you two never dated, and when she doesn’t have a legitimate answer, point out that she proved your point.

    Then, online the life you want to on-line, trying your best not to hurt anyone in the process- eg if you want to sleep around, then do it, but he honest with the girls you sleep with. If you want to date casually, then do that, but be honest about it.

    If you meet someone you do like, date them and see what happens

  5. Typical refugees who want to mooch instead of work hard. Met a lot in my time. It makes me respect the hot working humble ones a lot more. But unfortunately not everyone is grateful

  6. My sister in law and i have had some indifferences. She is quiet a dominant person. I 've got the feeling she claims my mother a lot. I think my mother feels oblieged to help them out all the time.

  7. Clearly it’s bothering you, otherwise you wouldn’t be posting here.

    So move out or ask her to leave so you can move on with your life.

    No way would a future girlfriend accept you living with your ex. You’re killing your chances at moving on.

  8. Yes, you should speak to your therapist about it. Yes, it was highly inappropriate and he was/is a pervert.

  9. I’m being to desperate for her because I’m trying so hard to convince her to tell me the truth. But even if she comes clean it’s probably better for me to just go due to the fact that if she’s lied before she’ll probably lie again in the future . If they cry when they lie you have to say goodbye??

  10. In arranged marriages you can still say NO and people have a some say into who they marry. They are not threaten to marry this person like OP was. Also, there is a lot of vetting that goes into the process and the families are involved. Here, there was no vetting, the dad went to a bunch of random people and one happened to say he would marry a teenager.

  11. She either has a breeding/impregnation fetish she's hiding that comes out when she's drunk or she's trying to get pregnant and uses drink as an excuse for her actions.

    Either way, I'm assuming you're not wearing a condom. You can still get pregnant from precum. Pulling out is not perfect.

    Yes, this is assault. This warrants a long talk and serious apologies and explanation or the end of the relationship. If her reasons are the former, you can satisfy those fetishes safely.

  12. She asked how to keep it from impacting the relationship. I didn’t say it was a good thing to do, it’s just the only way to do what she asked. And it’s already too late anyway ??‍♀️

  13. Dudes watch porn. Overwhelmingly, this is the case. It has nothing whatsoever to do with you or his attraction to you. It isn’t cheating, and isn’t any indication that he’d actually cheat at all. This is your insecurity talking to you. If you can’t get past it, talk to a professional.

  14. I don't think anyone is saying so. But the fact that he can't have a conversation with her about it without becoming hostile means that he's not even ready to be in a relationship.

    People should be able to talk about their deal breakers, even if they are irrational, without being hostile or cruel.

  15. I’ve been married longer than you’ve been alive, and my husband has never known my weight.

    He thinks you weigh less than you do? Great! Your weight is none of his business. Never tell him & you’re good.

  16. Exactly. It’s her pussy end of story. She ALONE decides when she’s done. Idk when we let men have a say in this shit but I for one took my key back a long time ago. Watching period shows and movies showed me just how little say women really had in when and how many and I’ll be damned if we keep that going in any way.

  17. Yes I agree, and dont forget it’s not just men, there’s a number of toxic women out there who pressure other women/young girls into going to extreme lengths for beauty. We should all appreciate ourselves. And your right, have the products out there will literally give us infections or it’ll burn the shit outta down there. Companies love that we hate ourselves so they can make more money ??‍♀️??‍♀️

  18. that I feel I cant trust her to say no

    As a man, you have no idea what it is like to walk through the world as a woman. I am not saying that you've never been harassed or assaulted or abused; all these forms of violence can and do happen to men. However, by you do not online in a world where men are viewed as inferior, stupid, bitchy, unintelligent, hysterical, whiny, subhuman objects whose only value comes from sex. You do not on-line in a world where simply by virtue of your gender, you are placed at significant odds of being harmed by someone of the opposite gender. We online in a misogynistic world. You are not grasping this. This situation is not about her violating your trust. It's about you failing to recognize that a man harassed your girlfriend, she did what she felt she had to in order to protect herself, and you're still making her harassment about you. It isn't.

    You need to educate yourself. You have a girlfriend, female friends, female family members who have faced and will face harassment and violence in their lives. As a man you have enormous privilege and power and you have the ability to be a healthy, supportive partner and to take violence and harassment against women seriously. I hope you start working on that.

  19. If you can’t get along with his friend group the relationship isn’t going to work. He can keep you a secret and progress the relationship, he can't give up his friendships without eventually coming to resent you over it. Either you make up with them and find a way to be civil or you end the relationship.

  20. Why are you still discussing this with him. Ask him if the tables were turned and there was a man who madly in love with you, and trying to kiss you, if he would want you to go on a vacation with him. If he says yes because he trusts you, ask about the disrespect. If he says he wouldn't feel disrespected.

    Then you know who your soon to be ex boyfriend is. He's someone who doesn't think it's disrespectful to go on a trip with someone who has previously tried to have sex with him, and is in love with him.

    For me, that is enough. There are plenty of men who will give you respect, and have similar morals to you.

  21. Not sure where you're from, but I just googled this:

    The good news is that you won't be held liable for any pre-existing debt that your partner brings with them to the marriage or partnership.

    Yes, in a way it will become your liability because the more debt she has, means the less available income she will bring to the table. And I don't know what happens when you divorce, if the debt becomes shared.

    Anyways, that is besides the point for me… If you're already anticipating a divorce… Don't you think that should be an indication to take a step back?

    Marriage… requires for you two to discuss these type of things. If you cannot have this type of conversation with her, then you're marriage will be set up for failure.

    You two have been together for 5 years, you should be able to iron out this type of discussion together.

    If you think she is taking advantage of you, why marry her?

    I think you need to do some soul searching yourself in this relationship, and then also address your concerns with her after you decide what's best for you.

  22. It doesn’t matter. There is no compromise when one wants to cheat. He needs to take you and your boundaries into account

  23. I’ve been thinking about this a lot, and just couldn’t figure out the correct words. I believe he does care for but seems he can ONLY focus on his goal to school which is fair. I always express how I feel about this and he always says “if this is not working for you please let me know, but I don’t know what you mean.” . I always feel whenever I try to explain what I mean he can never understand my perspective and rather questioning what I’m trying to explain, which I ended up feeling frustrated and confuse what I was talking about. He overall seems like a good person but struggles with commitment. I hoped things would turn out but this might be a bigger heartache than I expected://

  24. I could be wrong, but especially at your ages this sounds like a childish tantrum on her part. I don't think she's seriously going to harm herself she's just kicking and screaming because she threw her toys out the pram and you got sick of handing them back.

    This is not your responsibility, and if she really does harm herself that's ALSO not your responsibility

  25. Comment Rule 1: All comments must be on topic and focus on the OP, in good faith. Derailing arguments, fights, and moral whataboutism is not allowed. Advice given must be good, ethical advice. Remember, the goal is to help your fellow human.

    “”Comment Rule 2:** Keep it civil. No insults, no threats of violence, no encouraging violence, no harassment, no trolling, no advertising other subs, no spam. You will be banned. All bans in this sub are permanent. You don't get a free pass.

  26. She told that he watches porn twice a week and often touches himself. She also told that his main complaint is that she gets « too wet » which indicates his previous partners weren’t even aroused enough before having sex with him.

    Again, why should she go through invasive procedures if he’s her first partner thinking there is a problem with her? There isn’t even enough proof that she’s the problem. You just don’t want to admit that he could be wrong.

  27. Oof this hurts really.. but why do u think so ? It was mostly misunderstandings because of chatting alone..

  28. Does she see your son as an object – aka, a perfect doll that represent her perfect life, or does she see him as a distinct person? Narcissists tend to see other people as objects, not as distinct people with a whole interior universe.

    I know a person who is like this. Who likes to show a perfect image of her family and her son and I find that she is already grooming him to be a narcissist. She’s doing things like: always comparing him to other children in a superior way – even when he is present. Always praising him (praising is not necessarily bad, but excessive praising is). Always filming him doing stuff, even if he doesn’t like it. Buying him toys and clothes really often, like a lot. She also was saying that she doesn’t know if she wanted a second child because it might hurt his son who is accustomed to have all attention on him. Is this healthy?

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