CindyBeauty on-line webcams for YOU!


#joi #cei #dirtytalk #roleplay #domination #fantasies

Date: October 25, 2022

37 thoughts on “CindyBeauty on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. You can't change the age gap and you don't have any influence on external stressors.

    If you're being genuine, kind, and engaged then you've done your part. If that isn't good enough for her she can kick rocks. As long as you've been true to yourself while being a good boyfriend to her, you'be done your part.

  2. If you aren’t happy, it’s okay to leave.

    In fact, it’s okay to leave for any reason or no reason.

    It takes two people to start and be in a relationship but only one to end it.

    State clearly once that it is over and that you no longer want to be in a relationship and then take steps to re-enforce that decision.

    You don’t have to stay friends. You don’t have to keep talking. Sometimes a clean break is best. Do what feels right to you and for you. You are ultimately the one person in this world who’s happiness you have direct control over.

  3. Just sounds like she doesn't enjoy receiving oral – it doesn't work for everyone! Ask her what she does like

  4. Fetal age is determined by more than the date of your last menstrual cycle. Many women continue to have periods early in pregnancy. Just like many women have irregular periods and skips months of not having any.

    They will do sonograms to determine by size of the fetus along with other factors to establish how far along the pregnancy is.

    So, being an armchair quarterback on how far along she was when she gave birth is a moot point and has nothing to do with the OP problem.

    You had a vasectomy for a reason. Think long and hot about this. A child is a lifetime commitment.

    If you are sure, then get paternity established. She can't just giver her baby away without your consent if you are the biological father.

    Get an attorney and make sure you have a support system with your family. Raising a child takes help.

    Good luck!

  5. You bent over backwards for an awful woman. Man i heard love makes people blind but THIS BLIND i mean no offense but you shouldve drawn the line somewhere and you didnt. You let her walk all over you :/ so good riddance. Give it a few months and you will be over her. For now, take it one step one day at a time and distract yourself. Spend quality time with your daughters, hobbies, etc

  6. First of all, congratulations of your endevour to learn Spanish. Secondly, if I may, I would like to add this:

    Estoy estudiando y practicando el idioma español, ¿en qué país se dice tu refrán?

    This sounds more constructed and formal. It translates roughly like this: I am studying and practicing the spanish language, in which country is your saying spoken?

    But there are many ways to ask for the proper answer. You could easily go for something like this: ¿cuál es tu país? or ¿en qué país se dice ese refrán?

    Hope it helps.

    Ah yes… I almost forgot, the country is Mexico but I'm certain this saying is spoken in most latin america and perhaps, even Spain.

  7. Most sexual things are pretty neutral. You have to look at the situation as it applies to each case. It’s pointless to even have a conversation on the merits of being a pillow princess in this scenario. It’s shitty in this relationship. This person has a high libido and is stuck finishing themselves off most the time, after giving to their partner. The sale partner who wants them to stop taking needed medications for the sole purpose of turning her down for sex. Her partner sucks in every way.

  8. If he actually cared then he would have considered your income. Sounds like he’s just with you to help get his mortgage paid quicker and he gets free house help too. If y’all break up you wasted your time money and energy

  9. The reason to stay home until your thirties is the cost of housing. There is virtually no way to get into the housing market when you are young anymore.

    He seems to want to stay home so he can “chase his dreams” not because of the housing market. But becoming a super successful DJ requires hot work and a sprinkling of luck… Because most people who chase this dream will fall short.

    That said to “make it” in the music industry requires that you sacrifice on being reasonable, to ignore that most people will fall short. To instead doggedly pursue the dream against the odds.

    You will by now know if he is good or not, and if he is good then that pursuit makes some sense…

    Obviously you don't have to take that journey with him. Especially as if he did make it then he would be living the life of a travelling musician… And, well, that lifestyle leads many people to cheat.

    This makes it insecure on two fronts: A) The fact is most who pursue this path fall short. (B) His success in this pursuit would bring with it a risk to your relationship anyway.

    So in this I don't think breaking up with him makes sense. Even if he “made it” it would make sense.

    So wish him well in chasing his dream, but his dream is not yours.

  10. I think it's a shit or get off the pot situation. It's experience and he's applying how he experiences life with the relationship that he wants. So there's the conflict. uncertainty gets in the way of relationships, sowing doubt anytime you guys are separate to the point it may become a mental dis-ease. So be honest, if you like the dude give it your attention, if your eyes are still wandering, call back when they aren't and you're thinking about him. Nothing wrong with options, but he obviously isn't on the same page with you, real talk

  11. They typically don’t test for HSV2 unless you have an active lesion that can be swabbed. It’s not part of a standard STI screening. The blood test is notoriously unreliable. So not sure what your plan is there.

    Also, herpes can lie dormant for years or forever. So no reason to assume he got it after you met.

    And condoms don’t prevent transmission.

    So….what to do?

    Well as you broke the law, you can’t say anything without a risk to losing your job and never being hired in the same field again.

    Just stop seeing him.

  12. I’m from the US and sure we aren’t known for our culinary skills either

    I’m going to stop you there because I think there’s a difference between the perception of a country’s cuisine and the people’s culinary skill (the ability to prepare food).

    Pretty sure most people consider the later to be about the same across equal socio-economic groups in different locations.

    I think anyone who actually expects the average italian to have a better understanding of technique, application and theory outside the dishes they make regularly than the average Irish person, is probably off their rocker.

    But on to your larger question: I would recommend getting veggies introduced by making delicious slightly less healthy versions of veggies that he’ll enjoy. I’m talking Brussels sprouts and broccoli doused in fat, heavily seasoned and roasted, and served along some potatoes. Meet him halfway and he’ll probably meet you halfway as well. You’be got chef experience, make delicious dishes that are a little unhealthy now to avoid the really unhealthy ones down the road

  13. So the only reason they divorced is because of his disloyalty? How can you expect a man to be loyal to you when this is what happened? Of course he will confide in her, especially if he only left because she made him due to his actions.

    Girl you are too old for this shit and way to young to put up with this shit at the same time! You deserve better a man that will protect your reputation and not fight and speak ill of you behind your back.

    That being said I also understand that dating at this age is different and lots of people are divorced with kids, but that doesn’t mean they have to make you feel this way. What is the point of staying?

    Never fixate on the problem, always search for a solution. If one can’t be found, remove yourself!

    Best of luck op, you do deserve better!

  14. What can we do to fix this

    Why do you keep saying “we”? He fights like every problem is an attack and a battle he has to win. You cannot fix this. He can't fix this either unless he admits this is a problem and finds help with it on his OWN, NOT with you.

    Is he willing to do that? Has he admitted his conflict style is immature, mean, and won't work with anyone long term?

    That's the only way this is getting fixed, when he fixes it. Not “we”.

  15. I’ll honestly just tell you what you’re asking for because it’s the truth. You’re being crazy and everything will be fine.

    Shit happened a few years ago based on petty nonsense. She won the fight but there’s nothing to be embarrassed about now.

    Now, if you get together and she’s an asshole, then that’s that. If you’re both mature, you move on. You could even break the ice with self deprecating humor and then tell her you want to clear the air and be cool, because if things continue as they are, you’re going to be seeing a lot of each other.

  16. Wow he really is the worst boyfriend ever. You can do so much better. Rid yourself of the dead weight and find an actual man, cause you don't have one now.

  17. Why would he share that she’s in a relationship? That’s not his information to share, and a lot of women would rather their stalker know as little about them as possible. Plus a lot of creeps don’t care if the woman they want is in a relationship; some even get excited by the prospect. He did what was best for her.

  18. Having a crush here and there isn’t a problem, as long as you recognize it for what it is – and don’t act on it. I’d even call it normal. Don’t overthink it, you’re only human.

    I guess the bigger questions are… are you happy? Has anything changed as a result of couples therapy? Do your long-term goals align (lifestyle, children, career and financials?) What needs/desires of yours aren’t being fulfilled right now? Do you still find him attractive?

    I feel like you already made a decision and are just sanity checking yourself in Reddit. And that’s fine.

    As far as your shared history and stuff, it’s less important the future. If the relationship can no longer give you what you need after putting in a good faith effort at trying, then it sound like it’s holding you back.

  19. I think you need to look at a generation older than yourself and see how many successful relationships had age gaps over 5 years. It can definitely work.

  20. This is one of the few ultimatum times: Couples' therapy/anger management or break up.

    Be very clear that her behavior won't be tolerated and your relationship is over if she doesn't get herself together.

    Make some preparations in case she throws a tantrum or leaves right away. Such as having a witness there and have the conversation in a public place like a park. Where you can leave, but not so many people for a scene, etc.

  21. She's already asked you out, so I don't understand why you are doubting her interest?

    Just ask her out if that's what you want. If that's not what you want, then don't.

    “Hey Person, sorry I couldn't go for drinks when you asked, so maybe we can try that again? I'm available [DAY 1] or [DAY 2]. Either of those work for you?”

  22. I would be a nice gesture but not required.

    My stance is never go to a dinner without being prepared to pay for myself. It’s served me pretty well.

  23. Sorry. I'm not kidding tho have you been to one? I been going to them since I was 13 I'm 30 now. I don't date ravers if you exclusively to just you.

  24. Yet you still chose to have children with him?

    You don’t have children then expect advancement. You choose the quality guy first.

    You could do the advancement with offloading it onto him.

    You have high expectations for a low effort guy.

  25. I had a close family member who was an alcoholic. They have to want help. My relative had residential treatment more than once, and attended outpatient treatment many times. It never helped. The relative died of cirrhosis of the liver. There were short periods of sobriety but they never lasted long. They have to want to change for themselves. You can't control someone else. You will drive yourself nuts trying.

  26. Porn addiction to the point of physical injury. So disgusting. He quits porn or you divorce him. He is not a well man. He needs addiction counseling.

  27. Hun, that sounds like the beginning of him becoming financially controlling.

    If you are financially dependent on him, then you can’t leave later as he becomes more controlling.

  28. i believe its imporant in relationships to try reassure each others anxieties, try to find out whats making him anxious, and to try to reassure him on that. if he still is being unreasonable then thats not your problem. it sounds like he might have trust issues from previous relationship truama. and thats okay but it needs to be approached for what it is.

    in my humble opinion, i wouldnt let this effect your decision on the trip. but i would also suggest trying to find a way to have him along with you on the trip and enjoying these expereinces together. i mean thats the obvious solution here.

    failing that just give him a call every now an then, say in the evening or something to check in and catch up about the day, youd be suprised how reassuring and supportive that can be, thats what i would do with my partner if they were worried like that. but it might not be your guys dynamic.

  29. Comment Rule 1: All comments must be on topic and focus on the OP, in good faith. Derailing arguments, fights, and moral whataboutism is not allowed. Advice given must be good, ethical advice. Remember, the goal is to help your fellow human.

  30. I’ve been with my partner for almost 14 years and never once slapped him. You need to stop abusing your partner and go to therapy.

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