ClaireMoulin online webcams for YOU!


ClaireMoulin Public Chat Channel

Date: October 29, 2022

2 thoughts on “ClaireMoulin online webcams for YOU!

  1. when you feel the need to delete something so your partner does not see it, weather you have had intercourse with somebody besides your partner or not that is cheating. because you know the contents of what you said would upset your partner to read them so you removed it so they wouldn't see it. he knew what he did was wrong and he made sure you weren't able to find it. my partner has done the same thing when he had an emotional affair. he would hide their communications and use apps that didn't keep their conversations. I know you said you're at work for 3 hours by the time they're at the bus stop, but I would ask your boss if you could take a late morning one day and take your son to the stop. if nothing else and those were random mess up messages, there is really no need to delete them.

  2. I got more and more worked up as I was reading your post and, not gonna lie, only made it to “I have no history of cheating on him, but he has cheated on me”. I can’t take anymore so I have to reply now. Will finish reading the rest after.

    Currently boiling with rage on your behalf. This man is vile and disgusting. Even if he hadn’t cheated, you shouldn’t be putting up with any of this. You can go out, you can dance with people, you can sleep in the same bed as your friends, you can be late to the movies and decide not to go…as soon as you cut this monster out of your life.

    Don’t do this for anyone. And don’t stay with anyone who cheated on you. He doesn’t love you. He doesn’t respect you. And he’s only this controlling because he’s a misogynist and he’s projecting. He knows if he was in your shoes he would cheat. So he assumes you will too.

    “Manipulated” is too soft of a word for what is going on here. You are being abused. Dump him and take comfort in your friends.

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