Claus, Alice and guest Lana, 21 y.o.
Room subject:
To Start live! video press there
On-line Live Sex Chat rooms Claus, Alice and guest Lana
Date: December 5, 2022
Claus, Alice and guest Lana, 21 y.o.
Room subject:
To Start live! video press there
BRAH this was my fuckin answer exactly, make a fake profile…. you know her likes and dislikes. Make sure you connect, play along and see what happens
Hehehe delightfully devilish, Seymour!
Sounds like a break up with a parachute.
Say thank you and keep it
Update bud
If you can't trust your partner to not cheat, change your passwords for everything and then leave.
I can see him being friends with a minor would lead to misunderstanding for other people, but I know it's nothing more than a sibling relationship on his side, so no worries on that.
My man insists she sees him like a big bro, like a mentor even. But the fact that she said “in love” looks so inappropriate to me. He might know her true feelings because he knows her, but I can never trust her, thus don't like her.
I just want to know if i was rude as he claims and if it is not okay to not like her, since I can't pretend. :/
It’s completely normal to have sleeping habits that are different from your partner. I’ve been with my SO for 10 years, we rarely go to bed at the same time anymore.
We did for the first few years of our relationship, but that was because we worked together – we had to be up at the same time.
Sometimes if one of us goes to bed first the other will come cuddle for a little while before getting up and doing their own thing.
Only a snob would care about a college degree if their partner were smart and successful.
If they are not smart and successful, and they had opportunities, lack of a degree could be a sign they can't manage their time or focus their attention or work for a longterm goal, all bad things in a relationship
The person that does not have a degree could resent the other person, and that is a problem if they obsess over it, trying to prove they are good enough or smart enough
Most degrees mean very little these days. You almost needs a PHD to impress someone with academics, or be in a STEM field.
Does she also find it funny?
Get a lawyer, take your evidence and sue your wife. Then divorce her. Or divorce her first, then sue her. Whichever option ends with you losing the least amount of money overall.
Is this on Cinemax late night? Or on lifetimes channel!! ? ?
You go on a gay sex app just to “chat” with people? No.
The post is stupid, if it’s even real
Once the intimacy gone it will leads to relationship issues and it could be divorce or cheating , sex brings intimacy and absolutely it’s important
Say this louder. I happen to be 27 years old and I have no business talking to 16 year olds. We lead entirely different lives, I am an adult and they're a kid whose brain is not done developing. Is it inherently wrong for adults to talk to kids and teens? No, not at all. Many friends of mine have siblings around that age and I talk to them. About school, about games, about what subjects they're taking etc. But it ends there. I don't ask their numbers to continue a conversation outside polite chatter when I'm in their house. If I see this kid/teen outside I'll greet them, hell I'll have a cup of juice with them and chat about their school and what I named there and be done simply out of politeness for being their older sibling frienf. So no, talking to kids/teens isn't inherently weird, but chatting up random minors, pursuing friendships with them no matter how innocent is beyond weird and wrong. I literally don't see how a 16 and a 27 year old can interact normally.
This just sounds like a troll now. No body realistically is this narcissistic
If a woman bought my husband a car and I knew the history behind it, I would have 0 problems with it.
And I have had a woman gift my oblivious husband all sorts of shit before we got married. But she made it obvious it was romantic intentions. Everyone knew she wanted him.
But if it was a childhood friend that did it as a sign of gratitude, no problem.
I also moved in with a friend for a period of time because of the shit show at home.
Fyi, it bears repeating: I do not wish to leave him. I want him to stay with his wife.
Some comments are not showing up for me. Apologies.
You say you can't on-line without each other, but it seems she can't live! without Harry Styles. She has an obsession. She is addicted like one is addicted to a drug. You will not be equal to Harry Styles. You either wait until the addiction subsides, or be with someone who is a bit more well-adjusted.
I mean, the only advice here worth a damn is talk it out with them if you want to work it out.
At 3 months, I'd be willing to call it quits if stuff like this is occurring frequently. Couples fighting over dumb shit do even worse when it's real shit.
If alcohol was a contributing factor, they might want to tone it back. Setting a rule that when somebody is inebriated, save loaded conversations for the morning. I'd have avoided some dumb shit in my life if I took that to heart.
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Because practically, many trans people are not safe enough to disclose that information to someone they don't know enough about yet. Too many trans people are assaulted or murdered for doing just that, and I don't think you can blame any of them for being hesitant to disclose.
This guy is an asshole though, because at the point of the act is not an appropriate time!
My take is that there would have been no 4th date.
Just ask him what his intentions are, and if they don't line up with yours, then move on. It seems clear that you are also in it for a purpose as well. State that
Honestly, I think you should break up and I’m not someone that throws that suggestion around casually. My ex was like this, to a lesser extent, and it made me miserable. I was his main source of entertainment and it drained the life out of me. After leaving, I feel so much better because I have the freedom to do whatever I want without someone guilt tripping me.
So my advice is to be alone if that’s what you need. Your GF is being really selfish and unsupportive. And trust me, her behavior won’t get better.
Remind him that human beings are social creatures and we did not evolve to “figure it out on our own.” Were supposed to be able to rely on and help one another; that’s one of the only reasons our species have made it this far to begin with.
Struggling does not mean you are weak. Needing help does not mean you are weak. It means you are human, just like all of us. No one is an island. No one is truly self sufficient. Accepting help is one of the strongest things a human being can do; it means that you acknowledge that while you’re not perfect, you’re not alone.
Sometimes family are the worst people to go to for advice. They always want the quickest and easiest fix for you and in this case it's therapy. I've been where you are and honestly, no amount of therapy is going to fix this. No vows are worth it. The vows stopped meaning anything the minute the abuse began. Maybe if you hadn't suffered abuse previously and if she had only just started this abuse, therapy may have been a viable option. I just think you deserve to be free of her, she sounds like a monster to be blunt.
Honestly when I was in a similar situation I also felt like saying no made me crazy and insecure because of the way it was being pushed. Once I got out I realized that not wanting that isn't insecure at all and I was being manipulated to feel that way. You may find the same by leaving
It sounds like your boyfriend is emotionally manipulating you into feeling bad about yourself, rather than you being angry at him for his unexcusable behavior towards all of this. As everyone else has mentioned in this thread, you are not a cheater, you guys were broken up during this time.
Break up with this guy, find someone who respects you and doesn't try to do these stupid mind-games with you.
You can always know what your GF says to your daughter. Your daughter may not always tell you. I agree that you should be worried. Your daughter may be worried that she is the cause of a fight between you & your GF. So she would be blaming herself.
First off, thank you for sharing this. It means a lot to know that I have so much support as I feel super alone right now. Hearing what you have to say really helps confirm that both of them are shitty people and that I’m not overreacting. I appreciate you and you’re kind words so so much❤️❤️
Yeah, it's not actually about you.
Why not care less about what you reckon and more about what she thinks?
Yeah, it's not actually about you.
Why not care less about what you reckon and more about what she thinks?
allow????????? is he your dad???????????
Prenuptial agreement. Your finances remain separated. If you buy a house together you own half the house and he owns half the house, not “you own the house together”
Your subject says “emotionally cheating.” Did you do that?
Op the title alone should let you know your wife is crazy. But don’t call her it otherwise she might literally hurt you. She needs help.
What an awful situation all round. Your wife sounds like a terrible person and is using you.
And destroying the laptop by throwing it across the room is one thing (still entirely unacceptable) but having the presence of mind to grab a hammer? She sounds totally unhinged.
I don’t have any advice. I just wanted to say my heart absolutely broke for you while reading this. You will be okay. You will heal from this. Give yourself time.
You don’t have to have prior romantic relationships to have your psychological defenses up and ruin current or potential relationships, what does your family and life in school look like? We’re you teased or bullied, do you consider yourself confident and happy in your own skin?
part of being in a relationship with someone is being able to talk with them about things. if this is an issue at the point of causing you to break up with your boyfriend, i think you need to talk with him.
don’t you think he deserves the chance to know that this is damaging your relationship and choose whether he wants to do anything about this? honestly, if he wants to do something about it, some of this is fixable—for instance he could spend some time teaching himself to cook with the help of youtube.
by not talking to him about it because you want to spare his feelings, you are choosing to parent him and make decisions for him. he is an adult you love and who loves you back—talk with him and tell him how you feel.
Just tell him “No” and end the relationship so both of you can continue on with your lives.
Best update I've seen in a while, good job OP 🙂
This was the right call.
He’s not blowing anything out of proportion. You literally say yourself that 9 out of 10 times, you reject it. The stars literally do have to align for him to get the smallest taste of his needs, which is by no means fair to him.
Sure, it takes two to tango, you have your say, but so does he. What would you do if he told you no? I’m willing to bet I know the answer, don’t bother answering.
Honestly, and this is just being blunt, if you’re not able to provide your partner with their needs, don’t be in the relationship. You’re not going to get anywhere only having things your way. All that will happen is he will grow resentment towards you, and you will in turn resent him when he inevitably goes off for it.
You were furious she got a haircut? I get you were surprised but that’s a weird reaction to have. She didn’t grow horns and tattoo her eyes.
You seem to be missing the point. You have been spying on her. If you don't like what you found, then you need to come clean about your behavior and tell her what you saw.
My money is on option 3.
You're probably exactly right.
No way. There’s no way your stripper girlfriend one week gave you a venereal diseases. What is this world coming to?
Yup. OP shouldn’t even walk across the street for this guy.
Also going through a divorce with an addict that's getting worse and worse. Stopped seeing her child and all that. Just want you to know you're not alone.
Write her a letter and then burn it. I've done it and it's very cathartic. No contact is the ONLY way to get through it.
Why do you think she didn’t delete messages? You wouldn’t be able to tell.
Get out while you can. It wasn’t a one time mistake – she kept it going and never would have told you.
Teach her how to block people on different platforms.
She likely has someone in mind already to hook up with and she wants to cheat with your permission. Alternatively she has already cheated and wants to clear her conscience by getting your permission and then retroactively applying it to what she’s already done. Your next question should be “what’s his or her name?”
How do I tell my husband I'm doing that?
Hey, mods, enter this into Google for me, would you?
trashbin64209 site:reddit.com
Thanks!!! That made me feel better. Yea, I’m going to do that:)
Nah that just sounded like something someone who was born in ‘68 would say
She just wanted to comfort OP and tell her about her own experience. Nothing wrong with that.
I’ve told him I want him to get his stuff while I’m not in the house.
This is a man I was telling my mum I wanted to marry a week ago. This is all very scary and upsetting. But I have to thank all of you for supporting me.
INFO: You kinda yadda-yadda-yadda'd the important issue:
What were you residually angry about? What horrible thing(s) did you say to him
I'm going to be downvoted to hell for daring a diagnosis, but has she ever been tested for ADS/ ADHS? Cause uncontrolled impulse spending + blind eye to mess sound like the typical symptoms.
Stop being her friend. How did u pick the name?
If you don’t feel like yourself or safe in a relationship, leave!
I need help with this too. This really is a shit feeling when time together is great and reassuring but when I'm alone I constantly worry and doubt the relationship. It's an awful delusion that I can't separate from fact sometimes
Thank you so much for the thoughtful reply. I definitely don't have the same aversion if he compliments anything else – I think we both enjoy being able to be proud of eachothers accomplishments for example. I will try to be more intentional about dedicating time to improving my relationship with myself – thank you for the suggestions!