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28 thoughts on “couplevillagelive sex stripping with LIVE Cams

  1. Why not ask him what he wants from this relationship as it seems atm he’s not giving you any attention and that’s such a shame 🙁 I wish you well buddy but you deserve better and this life is not a rehearsal. Go out and live your best life. Happy Sunday btw x

  2. He is jealous. That's all. It sounds like he's smart enough to know that he's being ridiculous, but not emotionally mature enough to realize that the problem lies within.

  3. How sure are you she hasn't cheated?I think she already had some with the guy she wanted to go out with.and another thing,the things that she asked would always be at the back of her mind if she hasn't cheated yet,she will be in the future.

  4. On my mom's side, everyone had/has brown eyes she has blue eyes. My daddy has brown eyes and both me and my sister have blue eyes. Eye color is individual… leave your husband and take your kids and yourself to a safe place

  5. I’d think, in The some specific situations. It wouldn’t be too bad. But this isn’t that.

    They just broke up. It takes time to really. truthfully be content with that. Hypothetically, If they just dated for two months. Maybe It wouldn’t be so bad. But that’s not what your situation is.

    If they dated 4 years ago. Then they’ve had time to learn how to live without one another. But this isn’t that

    All of these time details are not in your favour. But they are in favour of them getting back together.

    Maybe a birthday party or something down the road someday. But not this one

  6. Hello /u/ThrowRASea7656,

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  7. I can see why people advocate for just ghosting someone, but for me personally it's not the way to go. I'd send her the message you quoted in this thread then tell her you'll be blocking her for a couple of weeks. Use that time to get your thoughts in order and to process what your feeling. Then meet. Not for her, but for you.

    I understand people process pain in different ways but I'm one of those that needs to excise the demon, not ignore it. It's better to get things off your chest than to have imaginary conversations in your mind.

  8. Well thank you for not shitting on my bf over this one mistake. His so much more than just that. But you are right it doesn't make a great impression and that is probably what my dad remembers the most from it.

  9. At the end of the day, this is a real exercise in trust. You certainly have a right to feel some sort of way about it, but it also sounds he’s being very up front with you about the situation and their history, so that should give you some level of re-assurance.

    It also sounds like he has acknowledged your feelings that you’ve communicated with him, and is trying to be sensitive about it. You’re in a new three month relationship, and at this juncture I think it’s unfair to be asking someone to cut off a long-term friendship with someone based solely on their history.

    Take some time to hang with them both and see the nature of their relationship in-person, and go from there. You may find that despite their history, it’s clearly a platonic relationship with no romantic or sexual chemistry. Alternatively, you may find that it’s weird and uncomfortable and validates your concerns. But you won’t know until you see it firsthand.

    Bottom line: this is a new relationship and a point where you can really learn an important part of your boyfriend and it can go in either direction. But don’t predicate it on “what ifs” and observe it firsthand then decide.

  10. By the time it gets violent, she will not be able to be gone in a whip. That’s why victims end up staying. Leaving is one of the most dangerous parts.

    People need cars and medicine. They offer tangible benefits that outweigh the risks. She can find someone else.

  11. I moved here a year ago and I really have no close friends here

    You being solely dependent on this person for friendship, companionship, etc is extremely unhealthy. You've only known the guy for 5 months, yet your entire self-worth seems wrapped up in this relationship.

    I loved who he was before them, to him it means nothing

    Who he was before was just nice enough to get you hooked. He is showing his true self now. Dont hold on to that fantasy he was a few short months ago. Again, you've only been with him for 5 months. You should not be so vested in this relationship that you can't see it as a mistake and move on.

  12. I don’t think it telling us rationalizing ofc if it come up be truthful but I just don’t think it’s something to just let them know unless they ask purely because he was acquitted if he was found guilty then again id say to tell her asap but because he was acquitted I don’t hold that opinion

  13. Cheating is never, ever justified. Ever. And with one of your own friends, no less. You have a health issue that prevents you from having comfortable sex, and this is not your fault, nor does it make you defective or useless. It is not your fault he cheated and it is not justified, and it is not okay that he's been fine with having sex with you despite you being in pain. Dump him yesterday and find someone who isn't going to sleep with your friends.

  14. You need to talk with her about this. Confront her that she’s been emotionally cheating. I’m afraid you should be prepared that much more has happened.

    How quickly they’ve begun the affair should be a concern. And that it happened within your friends group shows that your gf and her AP weren’t bothered about being discovered.

    She cheated and now you need to know if she has true remorse, that you can forgive her and she can regain your trust. Reconciliation is starting again with a small chance of success.

    That this one man, from billions, is the only man alive that is able to tempt her and fate placed him in your friends group is obviously nonsense. So you should consider that your relationship has issues beyond this AP and her cheating. Good luck.

  15. Move to NYC. Not to be doom and gloom, but do it now, while you're young, and while you have a chance. If you move elsewhere (with or without the boyfriend), life may get in the way, and you'll never have the opportunity again. If you have a job lined up, housing, the financial gains to do so – go and enjoy.

    Unfortunately, it sounds that you're not compatible with your next steps. You don't want to move with him. He doesn't want to move with you.

  16. Nope break up with her. You want someone who values together time and she likes being alone. Dump her and find someone who wants to spend time with you.

  17. And im just saying but you're only in your mid 20s. Your bf is almost 40. I dont know why you'd want to date an almost middle aged man when you can date a younger guy with no baggage that doesn't make you feel this insecure. You're supposed to feel good and loved in a relationship. Dont be a rebound or someone's 2nd choice.

  18. Well why should it be a thing? Why should a marriage have to first get permission from an uninvolved 3rd party before it can occur? Is the woman alone not able to decide for herself who she wants to marry?

    I don't fault anyone who likes and chooses to continue the tradition, but to act like it is in no way archaic and is needed as a good foundation to follow is simply absurd and just wrong.

  19. No they're debunking your point by countering with a completely valid point in that one of the locations is one of the most multicultural in the world.

  20. How do you end it with someone who is determined to fight for you til you go back?

    How do you call a woman who was lied to a bitch, but still hold so much respect for the known manipulator? You walk away, you block them, and you tell them that if they persist, you'll get police involved for harassment

  21. This sounds like you traveling so much is really crappy for her, and maybe you haven't been acknowledging that or considering it. I get why you don't like her suggestions, but maybe go back and listen to understand, try to figure the underlying need behind her ask, and address that.

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