Cutebobs on-line webcams for YOU!


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Date: April 6, 2023

22 thoughts on “Cutebobs on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Your problem is that your boyfriend was ignoring you. Focus on that part, it really has nothing to do with the friend. You didn’t like the way he treated you and felt ignored

  2. Right, that's what I've come to understand. I would never want to make her feel like she has to sacrifice her faith to be with me, and I don't expect her to, so it seems like we just need different things.

  3. So if he beat his last girlfriend but didn't tell her because it never came up that's ok right? I mean it's not a full blown lie and he didn't tell her to save the relationship right? The issue isn't the lie itself it's now you know they are capable of lying to your face and you will always wonder what else she didn't tell him.

  4. If I had a HL partner that always said yes to me 90% of the times I asked and loved giving head, I wouldn't watch porn ever again.

    It's always weird when women put stipulations on what their partners do for self pleasure when they often reject their partners.

  5. Sadly it is rather common for people to dumb partners that got them through their issues.

    It is what it is, but the problem is why are you drifting from your bf? Are you incompatible, or is it sth else? Can you maybe discuss it with him, and tell him whst you feel is lacking?

    There is nothing wrong with breaking up to get more experience too, this is up to you really, but do not lie to people.

  6. Easier than a breakup, and it was what was expected. And this is what love has always felt like for me, except once.

  7. So you're worried that your coworker smiling at you might impugn the boundaries of your marriage, but your post history is you soliciting sex tapes and audio of girls moaning.


  8. Break up is the best choice. This coworker was important enough to hide and lie to you. Leave him. You can explain to him, that after his lies you can't trust him, and because he deleted their text you probably never could again.

    If you find it difficult to leave him, and want to try to make it work, then first point is him quitting this job asap. He has fucked up, and this is the consequence. If he refuses, then this is how much he values your 7 years together. Leave him, there is no hope.

    Even if he agrees you should still make it clear you don't know how long it would take for him to regain your trust. If he wants to stay with you he needs to accept years of suspicion, and insecurity from you. He needs to give you access to all his accounts, and not hold anything secret from you.

  9. You know people can read your earlier responses, right? You can't fix this woman. She has no intention of changing herself, and the thought of doing that for you will never even occur to her. Stop pretending like you're in a good marriage, you're not. That woman is manipulative, selfish, or just plain in need of help that she refuses to find because she LIKES who she is. Should've taken that money you spent on the cruise and put it towards a divorce lawyer or mental health for yourself because those 2 options are the only way that money would've been well spent.

  10. You and your son need to get out of this situation. It's terrible for you both. I'm sorry but you're making your son grow up in this environment where your husband and your ex are both at each other's throats and your husband is bullying you. It's clearly scaring the hell out of him and he can't change anything about it so you have to. Put your son first.

  11. I'm implying he's gross for going to such lengths to hit on other women (in a place where it's clearly inappropriate and notably cringe). It's like the cherry on top to all of the douchebaggery.

  12. I spend plenty enough time with my boyfriend to be fairly positive he isn't racist. A scrub, maybe. I'm with my boyfriend because apart from this one complication with his chosen family, he actually listens to me and respects me.

  13. Her allegedly “loving” you won't stop her from fucking another guy, what does that tell you?

    Don't waste more time on her, she is not trustworthy nor is she worth for you to pursue a serious relationship with her.

  14. OP doesn't mention being in a relationship, so why on earth would her being on Tinder be any sort of deal?

  15. You can spoil a dog and also train it. The dog needs boundaries and any good dog owner, even those that are obsessed with their dogs, would train it.

    Snatching food off a table? Fuck no. I could accidentally drop a piece of dog food on the ground when preparing dinner for mine, and he wouldn't dare touch it without my specific command.

    This isn't an issue of being jealous of a dog, it's an issue of bf not seeing his dog is an untrained menace with no sense of boundaries and no way of enforcing them. You can let your dog come beg for attention and whatnot, but you need a command to let your dog know that now is not the time.

  16. OK. You're doing great. So great. It's horrible and confusing right now but it will become clear. You have been there for your gf and therefore your daughter.

    Who is taking care of your daughter every day right now? Obviously she shouldn't be left with your girlfriend or ex girlfriend, correct? I assume not. So your full-time dad? Do you have support?

    I know you're concerned about the relationship but that's my only question right now. Do you have enough support to parent your daughter. Your girlfriends gonna do what she's going to do. Addiction is a tough nut to crack. I don't know what's going to happen. And she's not very mature. That flip-flopping is not just hormones my friend. Hormones can cause mood swings, but that's immaturity and you've got to detach from that. You should probably not be together. That's my opinion. I know you love her. But focus on your daughter right now. Taking care of the kid. Your girlfriend needs to take care of herself? I'm sorry you can't get any of her family members interested if she's spiraling and might hurt her child! She needs to find her way. There are resources. Just being involved with the kid police will hook her up with steff. She needs to want help and reach out for it and pedal like her life is on the line. Because it is. You can't control that. I promise you you can't. You can't really help her.

    Do you have enough support?

  17. Dude! Word of advice. There’s no such thing as breaks in relationships. You are in or you are out. This 304 engineered a break so she wasn’t technically cheating. Bottom line is this though, she doesn’t love and respect the OP. His logic after the event indicates he has no spine and the relationship is very one sided which ironically will only decrease her attraction to the OP. Vicious circle. The only high value move that will increase his SELF respect is to dump her like the cheating hoe she is and NEVER take her back.

  18. Please somehow get ahold of his phone/whatever and delete ALL the things you sent him. It never ends well with content like that on devices.

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