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7 thoughts on “Desipooja786live sex stripping with LIVE Cams

  1. Talk to your boyfriend first let him know about these feelings and let him decide what he wants to do because it honestly seems like you don’t want to pick between them, Then I suggest talking to your best friend

  2. Dude, go get some counselling. Your insecurities can harm your relationship if left unchecked.

    As for her ex, lots of adults stay friends with their ex. I try to with mine, although I've had to cut a couple of them off completely. I take it as a sign of emotional maturity. They can still be civil despite their differences.

    But anyway, get counselling. Tell them you have anxiety issues and it's affecting your relationship. They've undoubtedly dealt with this before.

  3. My (24M) gf (22F) doesn’t feel “motivated” to do more around the apartment because I don’t “contribute enough” financially.

    Don't undersell yourself – you also don't contribute enough in the way of housework or being a decent partner.

  4. yes, if communication breaks down or was never there, than he should just move on.

    He can say why he is leaving but giving an ultimatum is not the way. If my wife tell me no more sex, for whatever reason she has, First I ask why because would like to know. If she says Just no, and refuses to tell me her reason, than I have my own choices. try therapy to find the reasons or stay without, or to file for a divorce.

    Having issues is normal and there are good and bad ways to deal with them.

  5. I'm so sorry you have experienced all this pain. There's nothing I or anyone can say to you or do for you that will take this pain away from you. That is something only you can do for yourself.

    Having written that, I have to write further that this woman has not in fact helped you deal with the pain in your life. If she had, you would be on your way to healing. It's not her fault or your fault. It is not something anyone else can do for you. And that's the point.

    As harsh as this is, it may be better that you are now alone to heal and learn to mange this one your own. Nobody can take that burden from you. Only professionals can help you, not anyone personal. This is something you need to learn. A professional is objective and distanced from you, and will not mix personal help with whatever belongs in a emotional relationship.

    This is one of the hardest lessons in life: You personal relationships can be supportive of healing, but can not replace professional help and self help.

    As nude as it is, you need to stop relying on her-which is too much for her to deal with- and continue this healing journey on your own. And yes you can do that. With professional help you will find your way to a health life.

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