Stop accepting new requests. It's Snap, not your work email. You don't need to be engaging with it at all. Document every interaction you have, and also let YOUR parents know what's happening.
I have had my trust broken by him before and so I am trying to work on it and start trusting him again, especially since he promised to be better. But yes, I believe my anxiety gets triggered more now that he has already broken my trust.
My ex husband’s jealousy of our son and lack of any empathy (including for me) were red flags early in and I stayed far too long after. It turns out yes, there was someone who could love us far better and further, with me out of the equation for their visits, my sons dad is actually noticing HIM more so they are closer (don’t assume this will be the case though).
Thank you for the advice. And that’s a good idea I’ll have to look into
Stop accepting new requests. It's Snap, not your work email. You don't need to be engaging with it at all. Document every interaction you have, and also let YOUR parents know what's happening.
If you think he isn't trustworthy
I have had my trust broken by him before and so I am trying to work on it and start trusting him again, especially since he promised to be better. But yes, I believe my anxiety gets triggered more now that he has already broken my trust.
My ex husband’s jealousy of our son and lack of any empathy (including for me) were red flags early in and I stayed far too long after. It turns out yes, there was someone who could love us far better and further, with me out of the equation for their visits, my sons dad is actually noticing HIM more so they are closer (don’t assume this will be the case though).