DivaSoul online sex chats for YOU!


FOllOW me, lover – you will help me a lot! XXX [195 tokens remaining]

Date: March 20, 2023

37 thoughts on “DivaSoul online sex chats for YOU!

  1. him to get full custody, due to her mental state.

    Absolutely nothing OP has provided would be considered a reason to remove a child (especially an infant) from the custody of its mother. Being mentally ill isn't an excuse to take someone's child away, and there is no evidence of abuse or neglect. What makes you think they'd have actual grounds to do that?

  2. Starts a with C ends with a M, six letters, can save lives by avoiding creating ones, anyone wanna take a guess?

  3. Oh, see, he didn't get an invite until our 2nd year together on one side. And even then, he never questioned why or why not I didn't drag him to these family events (or battles). He knows my family is dangerous and the complete opposite of his. He really only likes my grandparents, but only because they raised me when my parents were to be involved with themselves (not each other).

    He has met my parents and knows that they are the nicer of each side. That it gets worse, especially when you throw money into the mix. He highly prefers not having to go, but if I ever asked him to come, he would. He's a smart man who allows me to handle and decide how to deal with my family, and i give him the same respect with his. Not to be mean, but Op and his GF haven't even made it to the 1 year mark yet. He needs to allow her to deal with this situation. It's a small, intimate wedding. He also mentioned she likes to keep her privacy, and maybe she's not really ready to introduce him to all the family yet, especially at a wedding she isn't supportive of.

  4. Your girlfriend obviously reacted super emotionally to this text. It's possible that overwhelmed her and she didn't actually read the message carefully. Or maybe the SIL'S text included some ambiguous phrasing that both of you interpretated differently.

    Have you expressed to her that you'd like to go? Either to support her, to share the travel, or to be a part of her family events?

  5. You are out now, and that is half — if not more — the battle. Abusers are often conniving and manipulative. From what you wrote, he has those behaviors. The only way you can get out entirely is to go no contact right now. Focus on you, your needs and safety. Forget about him. Please seek help from a domestic violence hotline or services in your area. You got this. You can do it. You deserve better.

  6. She's feeling her age and playing helpless with a younger man is adding some spice to her life. This just isn't a big deal unless you want to make it into one.

  7. He looked annoyed and went and watched TV. That's a fair reaction. Judging by the sound of it, he gets rejected a lot. It's fair that OP doesn't want to give her husband head, but he's entitled to his feelings after being rejected by his wife

  8. Just explain how you feel. She probably has no idea this is bothering you. See if you can create some boundaries you both can live with, such as no meeting alone and no flirting, nudes or sexting. When/if you agree be sure everyone understands this is a one strike situation.

  9. I have not seen them because my girlfriend did not want me to see them.

    I do consider some old dates as friends because in both directions we’re able to talk about a serious topic if needed and we know we can have support from the other.

  10. I think the hangouts is more concerning than the texting.

    If you initiate does he jump on board or is it once a week no matter what? Also did anything change within his life like a new project at work or something that is taking up more of his time?

  11. You should absolutely not be having a baby, and absolutely not with this dude.

    Stop having unprotected sex.

  12. Then you understand he is manipulating you mentally and emotionally. You need to be careful. Anything he might know or have access to, you need to change so he doesn't.

    If he has lived with you for 2 years, you need to check if where you live gives a cohabiting partner rights as if you were married, allowing them to make a claim on your property or money.

  13. she still stood her ground, and apart of that, this whole situation between these two is none of your business. I don't wish to understand it better, and I recommend the same to you.

  14. I’d probably send one short “I’m sorry, this isn’t working for me. Good luck with your future endeavors “ text and then block her on everything

  15. You don't owe him a relationship just because you're related, tbh your father sounds like my father and I cut him off over 25 years before he passed away and when he died I felt nothing and never even went to his funeral, just because they're blood doesn't mean that they're good people.

  16. I'm sorry, you're way too involved in this. When you've reached the point of seemingly conducting an internet smear campaign against your sister while complaining about her internet smear campaign against her husband, you need to take a gigantic step back out of your sister's marriage.

    The truth is that you have no idea if he is abusive, if she is abusive, or if they are both abusive, and any beliefs you might have about “the content of his character” (which you have not made sound particularly sterling, actually) are actually relatively immaterial. Because he is not your husband, and therefore you are not privy to the details of their relationship, no matter how close you are. That you think terribly of your sister's character because of things she did more than 8(!) years ago at sub-20 years old is also largely immaterial, other than that it also makes you not sound particular sterling, actually. People who have done bad things get into bad relationships, too.

    Feel free to continue to help out with the children, though it would be a terrible idea to be the childcare indefinitely so put an end date on it. You don't need to cut him out, or to be cold to him. But being all up in all this business, to take it up as your job to defend him from her, is just incredibly out of line. Your mother's neutrality is the right choice.

  17. I'm going to be a bit blunt here, so apologies in advance. I don't think women put anywhere near as much stock in looks as we do as men. So, the fact that you are in very good shape might work to a degree in attracting women but they are more invested in you as a person, generally speaking, when it comes to finding a mate.

    Yes, it sucks that you are introverted and have issues socialising with others. It has held you back a lot until now and you must have had very lonely 20s and early 30s. The thing is that most people on the dating scene have gained a lot of experience during those periods of their life and know what they want from life and their spouses. Of course women your age are going to be more sexually experienced than you. But, if you find a woman that's 30 years old and mature as such, I don't think she would mind it that much if you are inexperienced in bed. If you are honest about it and you two connect, I'm sure most in their position would gladly show you the ropes

    Maybe you come with even bigger baggage that most women your age, which would put women off dating you too. Take it from someone that also has a lot of issues in socialising and connecting with others, albeit to a lesser degree.

  18. She shouldn't be throwing lamps at people, end of story. Don't care what they've done to her, or who they are, she shouldn't be assaulting them.

    You need to tell her that she needs to get therapy immediately, lest she hurt your daughter in future. There is no ifs or buts, if her insecurity goes this deep, she needs serious help. What if your daughter was sick and throwing up and you had only just got her settled into bed and didn't have time to text your SO? She should be able to fucking manage her own behaviour, and not immediately reach for physical assault. You and your daughter can now never surprise her because you will be physically assaulted. Your daughter will be hurt. Your SO needs therapy ASAP.

    You don't need for her to admit she is wrong, or that you need an apology, that is your ego talking. And it won't fix things. You need her to promise you that she'll go and get therapy because you're literally worried about the safety of your daughter.

  19. He's having an emotional affair. I experienced about 90% of what you've described here, including him saying she apologised for “taking up his time” when he was supposed to be working on himself and our marriage ?

    I told him I'm working on my anxiety, overthinking, jealous side of me because I am and wanted to fix our relationship

    I love him very much that's why I let him still keep his friendship with her. He has like 2-3 friends he can actually talk to.

    I have felt exactly what you stated here, and my ex also only had 1 other friend he occasionally spoke to, so I was treated like Satan incarnate for even hinting at the possibility that this “friendship” could be an issue.

    I cant imagine myself with someone else.

    I said the same thing. Notice that I said “ex” in my previous sentence. His emotional affair was just the straw that broke the camel's back. It took him smirking while lying straight to my face for me to realise I could no longer pretend that he was still the kind, loving man he once was. I was bending so much to accommodate him that I was about to break, and I finally chose to put myself first.

    Divorce is not the end of the world. A husband who loves you would not treat you this way.

  20. I LOVED being an only child. Having siblings sounds too chaotic lol. My son is an only child (I had a really bad birth and said I would never do it again), he loves it too.

  21. He could also have a buddy who was talking about getting laid so he gave them to him. There are quite a few reasons beyond “Oh he’s absolutely screwing around” here.

  22. Ask him, why he thinks it is funny to be giving oneself the reputation of a stupid guy effing around the company?

    Or actually bragging to have a relationship with a woman he has non with?

    How meeting his workpeople, then? He has put you in a weird position.

  23. I actually have a huge phobia. I'd litteraly never be able to be with someone that wanted that at ALL. like I bread does and cry if someone touches mine, same with if I see people purposely touching theirs to taunt me. Every writing this and reading all this is freaking me the fuck out.

    Glad nobody is into it on this thread so far…

  24. Being disgusted about your sexuality isn't mothering. At least not good mothering.

    Anyways, do you really need such a toxic person in your life?

    None of this is mothering, again not good mothering anways.

    It's all just being judemental, negative and controlling .

  25. You agreed to be exclusive with each other. Your friends are delusional cheaters if they are aware of that and told you to see someone else anyway. Either that or you didn’t tell them that you had agreed to be exclusive.

    Grow up, talk to the guy you’re in a “situationship” with. If you want something, go for it. But don’t cheat, just communicate like an adult.

  26. What does it mean to “ease her load with the baby”? Why is parenting automatically her load? Caring for your house and your child is not something that should help her, unless it was burdening her in the first place. It seems like you have the idea that participating in parenting your own child and cleaning your own house comes with the reward of sex.

    At the end of the day, you are not compatible. It’s only going to get worse for the both of you.

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