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5 thoughts on “Edelweiss8888live sex stripping with Live HD

  1. Yes, fwb do all still not a relationship, does not have strings attached and can end out of the blue, no explanations required. That's why is fwb, otherwise would be a relationship.

    The fact that you try read the lines and justify that can't be because this or that shows how attached you are. Honestly, you should stay away even if the guys contact you, you seen way more involved than he is and you will only be hurt on this.

  2. It is a stupid rule. Imagine a partner telling you that masturbating is cheating. Itโ€™s controlling, and itโ€™s gross.

    But he agreed to it, and thatโ€™s on him.

  3. I am planning on getting an IUD. I even asked him if that would make him more comfortable. He said it probably wouldn't. He suffers from anxiety, and if there's even a 0.1% chance that something will go wrong, then he starts worrying about it.

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