EmmyCharm live sex chats for YOU!


Naughty stuff from Emmy [Goal Race]

Date: April 2, 2023

21 thoughts on “EmmyCharm live sex chats for YOU!

  1. I just can’t imagine knowing someone is in a relationship and then actually still proceeding with something like that. If he is gross, so are you if you don’t end this.

  2. I'm sorry, but this story doesn't make sense. Is it a writing exercise or something? Or perhaps are you on the spectrum or something and have trouble recognizing faces and manerisms?

    Far more likely that your boyfriend spent your vacation buttering up the cat to get it to like him.

    Also understand that with you gone, the cat probably got lonely and craving for attention. It's very common for a cat to become friendly with someone they normally shunned under those circumstances. It's also very likely that your cat is pissed at you for leaving it alone with your boyfriend for so long. Cat will likely come around again.

  3. it's less than 10 people going to get a burger at a local joint ?. not sure how it's a big 'bachelor lunch'. my partner wants me to do something more extravagant. I acquiesced because my friends kept bugging me about it, and i decided the most casual thing i can do, that i would normally do regardless of a wedding, is to have a lunch at a burger joint. i don't even want to call it a 'bachelor' anything. i would just say i'm going to grab a bite with my friends like any normal saturday.

  4. It doesn't really sound like he's your friend. This is just a guy you'll know for the couple of years you're at college – and then you'll never stay in touch again. He's an acquaintance. Someone you have shared personal details with – and who is now disregarding your feelings. Bear that in mind with what you share with him in future.

  5. It’s not a bad idea, sometimes I do spend the night if I’m too tired to go home, but the most I’ve stayed is a night, because I don’t have any of my stuff there. I don’t like leaving my stuff outside of my house

  6. Perhaps try dating someone your own age? I mean you don't get it both ways. You can date someone your own age who can hold their own, or you can date someone young, pretty, and isn't quite holding their own yet. So what is going to be? Your D*** or your wallet?

  7. MOVE OUT. Buy your own damn house. Stop depending on him for your own personal financial security. And just in general, never EVER buy real property with anyone you are either not married to or you don't have a contract with. Where is your lawyer on this?

    Can't have a keyboard? Or your furniture? Or a life because you're waiting on this dude who already has real property and significant investments (including questionable speculation in crypto [not a knock, that's a fact])? And you cant have your own HOUSEPLANTS?

    Stop. STOP. You are 34. Get your own shit together.

  8. You haven’t even told us what’s she’s wearing. Is she dressed like a Victoria’s Secret angel?

  9. Here is my advice:

    Learn about the First Time Home Buyer incentives and assistance programs. You need to educate yourself so that you can make the best decision for yourself. I was snooping and saw you are in Austin. There's tons of info I was able to Google.

    Do you have a say in the property your bf is purchasing? Did he ask for your opinion? Did you go house hunting together? If not, then this is not just technically his property but in his mind it's for him alone. Not a good sign.

    How much is half of the mortgage and whatever else you will be responsible for? Can you honestly afford it? Would it be less expensive if you were to rent an apartment on your own?

    I can see the benefit of him purchasing first and you saving your first time home buyer benefit for later. But that's only if you are 100% sure if the relationship and that you will be together in the future. I see you've posted some concerns about your relationship a few months back. Things to take into consideration.

    I always recommend when possible, people should to be financial independent before joining finances with a partner. That way there are less power dynamics at play. You are still young. Don't make any decisions that will leave you disadvantaged in the future. A relationship should be mutually beneficial.

  10. My question is why are you the one having this discussion with them? If they want to talk about it, they can talk to him and leave you out of it.

    The fact that your bf isn’t shielding you from this or at the very least taking the lead while the two of you talk to them is concerning.

  11. Pretty much this. The moment she says, “OK, set me up for a date with a cool gf of yours” I'm pretty sure she will drop the act. None of this screams good friend to me.

  12. But that's just how personal relationships work? Be it platonic or romantic, if we don't connect with other people, how can relationships form and grow? And you can fall for people without anyone putting themselves in any kind of position, so I'm not sure what your point is.

  13. I’ve had the same response anytime I use the general you. Once I got into an argument with a guy I was dating bc he refused to believe I was using you in a general sense and said no one does that ???

  14. It's an airport ride, which is more than a standard 'lift' somewhere. Offer to cover gas and tolls.

    If she doesn't want that, it'd be better to get a gift while you're away – preferably consumable – something like a giant toblerone, or a local delicacy from where you are going to. This also shows that whilst you were thankful for her help at the time of the lift, you were thinking of her while you're away – which is nice.

  15. Don’t you think you’d be annoyed at someone who says she may not want to see you if they do bad, yet blatantly tells you that they’re not even trying to study? Wouldn’t that imply that they’re not wanting to see you?

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