Essenceblaque live! sex cams for YOU!



Date: March 21, 2023

5 thoughts on “Essenceblaque live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. No. He does not care. He can pretend to care but you cannot teach someone to have empathy or to care. He’s not going to stop. You do not have to accept this as a part of your marriage. You can leave.

  2. From a wife in a 15 years relationship, with 2 kids, who’s had the envies of cheating…. But who hasn’t done it.

    I don’t know your wife and her values. But whatever the scenario is, here is what I would do.

    Before you make up a hole story in your head with « maybes and what if’s », and torture yourself with hypnosis, you need to sit down with her and ask her what is the current situation. Does she have STD, if so where did she got it, if no what are the meds for?

    She may not give you the true story first; because of shame, because of … I don’t know… fear of repercussions.

    But it’s ok, you’re strong, you can wait for the true that always eventually comes.

    What ever comes out from this 1 st conversation, you need to stay cool. Even if what she says hurt you, even if you feel like divorcing her right on the very moment, take the infos but don’t act on it yet.

    Talk to someone. A neutral person. Not a friend, not a stranger on Reddit, not a lawyer. A counselor, a shrink maybe. This is so you can vent and have a clear view of the situation.

    Then set up a second meeting with her but only once you’ve overcome the initial feelings brought by the first meeting.

    Ask her the reason why she cheated. Her answer will lead you to what you wish to do after.

    Is it a old lover…? Is it because she needs something she can’t find in the relationship…? Was it because she needed reassurance that she’ll still desirable…?

    You find out the reason(s) and you decide if you understand and forgive and work on the roots of the problem with her.

    But do know the the hurt, the doubt in her will be in your history for ever. Us human are built like that. It’s a survival reflex I guess. The berry that made you sick will always be suspicious to you.

    Never forget how you feel, but never let the emotions lead your actions.

    Good luck stranger of the Reddit world. Reading your pain does make me think about the fact that I do not want, ever ever, hurt my husband even if things are not that great between us like they used to be.

  3. She isn’t the one for you. I would absolutely change my shampoo. Even if the one I use is expensive. Your health is more important than her hair.

  4. Dude the body positive people on here don’t care if someone’s like 330lbs with cholesterol issues.

    There’s a TON of overweight people who just automatically get triggered in situations like this. Don’t even sweat it

  5. Yea flowers on graduation are pretty common where I’m from. It might be too late to get a personalised gift since the graduation is tmr but I’ve got something plan for her birthday later in the year.

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