Eva and Anton the hard online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD


Eva and Anton, 20 y.o.


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Eva and Anton on-line sex chat

Date: October 25, 2022

32 thoughts on “Eva and Anton the hard online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. 3 out of the 4 partners I've had were uncircumcised and I have never seen what your describing. I guess it just depends on how much skin they have?

  2. Sweetheart,

    Do what TOP Gs do – hit the gym, get sexier, dress better (not hoish) – gain wealth – seek high value men, make yourself a high value woman – most girls get over break up easy and move on because options, men get revenge by getting waaaaay better -imagine if you do that instead of throwing yourself on Peter yeah it’ll hurt but not much as it would hurt to see you rise above that group and sitting on yachts in Monaco

  3. Break up with this man child who monopolized your hardship over his wee tantrum. Men do NOT have it worse when their female partner is pregnant.

    It takes TWO to tango, but that does NOT mean he deserves sympathy as it takes a lot from the one pregnant.

    My ex was not on board to have a child when I had an oops yet he still took care of me when he could before the termination occurred.

    You’re also very young, a child can be a wonderful thing but it requires a lot of work and dedication, and you can give a child a great life, but you need to be realistic if you could provide enough support for you and the child.

    As for your mental being, confide in your parents if you must. And grieve properly but do not stay w him

  4. I sorta understand your gf feeling a bit miffed, it's important not to discredit her feelings either. It sounds like it was sensible of her to go a take some space to calm down/get over her insecurities. The biggest problem is that your daughter overheard it.

    Christmas is a stressful time at the best of times, and being a potential stepmom is a special stress or itself, especially if it involves someone who is ND. Your gf is definitely looking into it a bit too much. Did your gf know that your daughter had requested movies/had that as a huge special interest beforehand?

    Cos if your daughter loves feeling pretty, then your gf may have thought that was a special interest on the same level as the movies. So then maybe your gf is worried that there's something wrong with herself that she didn't such an enthusiastic reaction.

  5. It’s not guilt you feel, it’s compassion. It’s naked to see others suffer when you’re doing well. Especially those you once knew and didn’t realize they had suffered. That said, getting in contact with her could confuse her as well as your wife. Feelings of compassion for a long ago ex could look like emotional cheating to your wife and pity to your ex, so best not to invite that drama. Instead put your compassion to work in other ways, like at a food pantry or soup kitchen. When you live! a decent life, part of being compassionate is wanting to help others achieve that too, so find healthier less drama filled ways to meet that emotional need. Your tender heart makes you an amazing person, just make sure to not needlessly put that heart of yours in harms way.

  6. So you just want to string her along so you can mooch off her until you’re finished your education and you don’t need her anymore?

  7. Honestly, it's because this friend is grimy. He has a history of drug abuse, violence, theft, and is currently homeless.

    I'm fully aware that I don't control anyone's sexuality or life. I just don't want to see my sister hooking up with that kind of person. It's happened in the past and it didn't turn out well for our family.

  8. Neither of you should. There shouldn’t be any judgment.

    You two are a team. You should becoming together to help each other heal. And be working on growing a new loving relationship.

    If someone is being toxic they must go.

    I would try and just embrace her and communicate that you’ll treat her well.

    And don’t be afraid to look inward and work on whatever it is that you do wrong too none of us are perfect partners. But effort to grow goes a long way.

    Y’all just need to remind each other you’re both in this thing with each other.

  9. Also OP stop having sex with him. There are some STDs that will affect the baby. Maybe if you are lucky he will leave you for not having sex with him since you don't have the courage to leave atm.

  10. Your wife needs to be in therapy to address this abusive pattern of behavior. This is non negotiable. She needs to work on regulating her emotions. This is a problem that SHE must solve. Period. Absolutely unacceptable behavior form a spouse.

  11. Social consequences don't have to live! with her pouting! Never stay with someone because of what anyone else says or thinks.

  12. You need to figure out if you are comfortable with this guy knowing where you live! or not. If you are, ask him if he'll walk you home. If you're not, don't. It's really very simple.

  13. The real issue here is that you are actively demanding your GF to stroke your sensitive ego. She's with you and faithful to you. You are expecting her to hurt her girlfriends feelings to make you feel better about your knowingly unreasonable sexual insecurity. There's always gonna be a bigger dick, but she chose yours.

  14. Your issues (self-esteem, insecurity) are your problem and should not impact your BF. Do not curtail your own activities because of his issues either. This is very controlling and not healthy. Both of you should be encouraging each other, not holding each other back.

    It is very selfish to put your needs ahead of the needs of your SO. Going to the gym is a positive change in his life that you should encourage him to do whether you go with him or not. You can do the same thing, don't let anyone hold you back with their insecurities.

  15. Doesn't want their picture taken could also mean more broadly that OP dislikes Instagram/TikTok etc. and the bride doesn't want to feel judged when asking people to pose or do silly dances and things for social media.


    OP I am not going to assume like everyone ese that you haven't talked about it, expressed your frustration or throw out the !therapy fixes everything! and this is the first time you've said something so…

    If you are at your breaking point and it is causing this much stress, you must make a decision. Period. You sit down, sit her down and you calmly tell her that this is nonsense , there is nothing can do about your insecurity about this and I am not going to deal with this childish nonsense any longer so make a decision, you either let it go now, or you let me go now. Pick one and if you pick me, I never want to hear about you not being my first again, because then you won't be my last.


  17. So we decided to go on the break to work on ourselves in order to improve our individual selves in turn making our together selves better – well thats how it was pitched to me anyway.

    The one condition I had was that if this is truly to better ourselves for returning together, to not involve or seek other people, until we knew wether it was worth resuming or going our separate ways.

    She asked for a break. He tried to control her actions even though she asked for independence. And you think HE is the one not fit to be in a serious relationship????

  18. A few things you can do:

    Are you on any birth control right now? (Pill, IUD) If yes, the hormones in them could be causing you an issue. See your doctor. Now when I say this, you need someone who UNDERSTANDS female issues. As a guy, I strongly recommend you see a female doctor. I've seen way too many male doctors who just don't get it. An endocrinologist may be able to help. I had hormonal issues and the doctor was able to fix my issue. (Yes, we guys have hormones as well and they can get out of whack.) Look at your diet. A lot of folks dismiss this however the fact is you are introducing chemicals to your body when you eat thus you run the risk of consuming something that can mess you up. (Seen it) A complete physical exam and blood workup – get it. I get a full blood panel every year and it has made a HUGE difference for me. I learned for example that I have a calciferol (vitamin D) issue where my body was getting way too much of it. With a medication change as well as diet changes, I was able to fix the issue. You do NOT want to overdose on that. It is NOT fun. Consoling may help. I know for females a huge component of sex is where their mind is at the moment. There may be something else that is causing you an issue that you may need to explore and address.

    Hope this helps.

  19. How many times have you seen her face-to-face? Is that honestly likely to happen any time soon? It seems like the only way the conversation will happen is if you do it through text. Otherwise you can just stop reaching out and if she doesn't ever reach out to you then you've got your answer; but that's leaving the ball in her court rather than taking control of the situation for yourself.

  20. Are you smaller than her now? Some women get weird and touchy about their partner being smaller than they are. That or they feel like you're “hot” now and will find someone else or attract someone else. All of it stems from insecurity. She is being very cruel to you.

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