Fox December live! sex chats for YOU!


30 thoughts on “Fox December live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. Well done! I'm so happy to hear you are putting yourself first! You gained so much insight to your relationships and yourself from this.

    Sometimes the worst situations crack your life open to make way for a better path.

  2. It'd be pretty very hot to match with her if she's only looking for guys though….

    Have you ever even used a dating app?

  3. Just remember people who post here people who need help. The people who have no problems don’t post here. The sample of stories you see here don’t represent relationships as a whole.

    Also remember some of this stories aren’t even real and some people just post fiction all over reddit all the time.

  4. I think you may have internalized that women don’t have a sex drive, or women over 40 don’t have a sex drive. That’s absolutely not true and what you are wanting is not unusual. Your partner is just not sexually compatible with you.

  5. It sounds like your real concern is that she slept with, kissed, whatever 50+ dudes over one summer to get those hoodies. If that’s the case, just ask her if she slept with the guys she got the hoodies from. Simple as that. This isn’t worth stressing about.

  6. Yeah… sending you the video without any explanation is just some manipulative behavior and it’s unfortunate she is using her child’s very real feelings to do that.

  7. Remind yourself that you have your priorities right. Your boss couldn’t care less how you do in school. In your shoes I would look for another job. If you can afford to quit now then do that. Otherwise look for something else and quit as soon as you find something In the meantime remind yourself that study is your priority and they need to look for other options to keep the store functioning.

  8. Well I understand being hurt by her saying that, as it may come off as discarding of your relationship. If anyone mistook my gf as my wife, I’d be gleeful and tell her you heard that wifey, and she would probably do the same. The fact that she wanted to correct her friend could definitely be a tell of underlying issues.

    One of those issues could very well be that you are already married and she wants to make it clear that fixing that should be top priority, as your non-existing marital status may have been bothering her.

    Regardless, nothing warrants the reaction you had. There should should be several psychological barriers that prevents a person to assault the partner. You managed to breach all of them. It will take a long time to rebuild this trust, and nothing you can do can speed up that process.

    I think it’d be a very good sign that you went to therapy to get to the bottom of this anger and how to manage it. Then you need to respect whatever course of action your wife want to take.

    Begging, pleading, spoiling her, wallow in self-pity, none of these will help. You have apologized. Now you must try to return to normalcy, and give your wife the space she wants.

    Lastly, ask your wife if you may apologize to Cindy for scaring her. Don’t reach out to mutual friends without her consent, as it will seem like your trying build sympathy. If you wanna talk to somebody, go to a therapist.

  9. You got a FOURTH chance and got angry at her, leave her alone.

    Also giving up and giving her space is the same thing, they are both equal to: don't talk to her. If she wants to reach she will. But if I were here I wouldn't, given what you described.

    You kept starting drama and conflict with her, that's the reason she was short and dry. You were an asshole.

  10. thanks man, it is reassuring to hear it from strangers, funnily enough. I feel like it's a more unbiased opinion. We'll put some limits next time, cause yeah, definitely don't want that happening.

  11. What would FIL do if he had a daughter who took her husbands last name though? Would she not be family anymore too?

  12. For text messages, log into your phone account and you should be able to see all calls and texts.

    I would pop home early on a Wednesday as well

  13. Yeah, you’re gonna have to let go of him now and move on. He deserves to have a life. I’m not sure what your cultural differences are. But don’t let your parents pick your relationship. Still pick somebody they love not somebody you love. However, in this case it seems like you already picked. I wish you the best of luck, but I would let him go.

  14. Spending time with your friends without your bf is not a single activity. Do your friends bring their partners or is it just you who always has the bf tagging along?

  15. You should definitely consult a lawyer. The lawyer can go through the courts, and force her to get a paternity test. Then, if the kid is yours, the two of you can agree to custody terms and the amount of child support (with the guidance of your lawyer). If the two of you cannot agree, then the court will decide custody and child support. The court can keep your baby momma from taking your kid out of the country, and can also keep her from moving too far away.

    By the way, child support is generally based on guidelines that vary from state to state. But generally child support is based on how much money each parent makes as well as how often each parent has custody of the child. If you both make roughly the same amount of money, and split parenting time evenly, then neither party has to pay child support. If those factors start stop being equal, then child support will kick in.

  16. Checkmate, got my ass! Lmao ok but here's my issue, how is the line drawn? How can you treat them the same in court when one has physical evidence like lacerations, bruises, semen, drugs in blood, etc. and the other has someone's word? Seems like you'd need to have the coercion recorded in text messages or something to actually have a chance in court, right? Which at face value is really unfortunate, but the alternative is convicting people as rapists because someone said so. Which is the reality I was imagining that had me fighting so very hot lol


  18. yea i do understand that im insecure. i think personally i like being validated and people thinking i am a good bf (i feel like i take the extra mile for her). I think thats why when i realiseq my presence is no where on her social media, i feel like im not doing a good job, not good enough to be shown off

  19. You say communication is a big thing for you and yet you’re….not doing it very well.

    If you’re hungry and want to go somewhere specific, TELL HIM where you want to go. Just hinting around “I’m hungry” clearly isn’t going to get you far. “Hey, let’s stop at X and get some food. I’m hungry.” You even went so far as to go in and order something. Do you usually just do whatever he wants and then pout about it?

    As for I love you….seems to me a person would know by now. To be honest, if I didn’t feel like we were a pretty sure thing by 6 mos, I’d be out.

    Yes. I think you’re wasting your time. And I think some therapy might be helpful so you can learn to be a little more assertive.

  20. Seems like this guy is in denial about his own sexuality of being gay or bi and is taking it out on you, bullying you etc. Get out of this stressful situation and don't keep it all inside as you move on. I hope you find a new place. Don't hook up with people in friend groups is never a good idea.

  21. It doesn't matter if she “grew up with trust issues” she's 26 that is her responsibility and she should sort out her issues and have ways to cope without violating the trust of the people she is supposed to care about, the way she acted inflates how childish she is acting as well instead of being full on apologetic she got upset and tried to flip it on you when in reality there is nothing wrong with keeping photos of exes (as long as they aren't nudes or something like that).

  22. I will never understand why people insist that anyone they meet pretend they were placed on the earth five minutes ago and have no past

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