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10 thoughts on “fuck_my_skinnygflive sex stripping with Live HD

  1. No this is isolated. I have never been treated like this before. This is the first time he had people over in the manner he did. He has had people over in the past, but asked if it was okay first and I never had an issue with it because it wasn’t like a full blown frat sounding party like this was.

  2. No way man.

    She wanted to sneak in a last minute bone session because she’s greedy as fuck and probably wanted to check one last time before committing to you to see if the best friend was better in the bedroom department. Excuse the SUPER LONG SENTENCE.

    She’s gross. I wouldn’t continue this relationship and I’d just be honest with her—“Look, I can’t get over you fucking my best friend RIGHT AFTER we agreed to be completely exclusive. That type of behavior is greedy and disgusting.”

    PS, I think she’s still cheating. There’s also a chance she’s still sleeping with the best friend. Anything is possible but I wouldn’t have kept her as my girlfriend if I were you upon finding out about her wandering off with your best friend and fucking him “one time”.

    You deserve better.

  3. Thank you for this. The physical stuff shocked me big time. I mean we both agreed we weren't going to jump into anything “official”. We discussed sex. Yet we haven't had it. At all. Or hugged. Or kissed. That is extremely weird. We've been texting and discussing becoming sexual for over a month now, yet it doesn't happen. I have made it clear that I'm interested in that. I don't pressure people or put a “time frame” on things, but I certainly expected to have SOMETHING happen by now.

  4. doesn't matter unless you're worried about a child you have with him

    Monkeys have empathy for others. Your husband doesn't.

    What you set out is not just a boundary it's a basic common courtesy. It's up to you to reinforce and protect your boundaries not him.

    I can't see this is recoverable from – can you? He's sexually assaulting you

  5. No you’re not expecting too much. I was going to suggest couples counseling but it seems he won’t even do that.

    I think you need to have a serious conversation w him about this and express your needs and desires. You’re not asking for a lot, the bare minimum actually.

    Tell him this and think about what you want to do also. Do you want an ultimatum? Do you love him? Where do you see the relationship in a year? 5? 10? The rest of your life? Is this what u want? You’re young and can always find someone new. No one should ever stay in an unhappy relationship where they feel their human needs aren’t being met.

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