GabbyOwen live sex chats for YOU!


pvt6tks//happy day I undress and play when it gets wet enough in my panties @goal??Naked + rub clit 200 tks, follow me [GOAL MET]

Date: October 21, 2022

30 thoughts on “GabbyOwen live sex chats for YOU!

  1. Omg the crying and begging. The men who do this behavior instead of respect and accept what you say and dangerous ass men. I should know. My husband who did this shit is trying to kill me as we speak.

    If they can’t accept a no = dangerous

    I wish I could go back in time and never make the mistake I did. Good luck mamaz

  2. I mean, on one hand I get the position thing… kind of. It’s not fair that he seems to only like a position that involves you doing all the work. But at the same time I understand having some off limits ones. (I personally won’t ever even entertain doggy) But the fact that he also doesn’t go down on you just tells me that he doesn’t want to pleasure you or care about your needs. Fuck that.

  3. The extra masks just worsen breathability and can even worsen the fit. If you want better protection do a fit test or get an elastomeric respirator. It’s possible to live! life masking, so I think he’s a bit too paranoid.

  4. You aren't a fifty year old couple with a thirty year marriage. You're twenty and have been dating for a year. It's okay to leave.

  5. I would speculate that triggered her insecurities and she's not handling well. I'd be putting some firm boundaries in place and see now everything goes.

  6. Also don't change yourself like that. As a man I would love my wife for who she is and if she did that I would support her but I would not like to see her change herself for my satisfaction in that way. Surgeries like those for that reason I don't like. I like my gf/wife the way she is because she is mine and mine alone. If I had one. So be yourself.

  7. I don’t think there is much you can do aside from you’re concerned about these posts she’s making about not eating and sleeping. There is always the possibility she overdramatizes for attention? It’s a strange think when people start documenting what seems like martyrdom?

  8. Since I 100% knew I had been exposed and was having what I thought where recurrent UTIs out of nowhere they finally did the test. But all they could say is that I've been exposed to it but until I have an outbreak they won't diagnose it because you can be exposed without having it. But I would think that still makes me a carrier of it.

  9. I think you should talk to your mom. And honestly I wouldn't be too concerned about any blowback that's caused by the truth. After all, it's extremely bizarre for cousins to be aware of information that directly affects you, and for you to remain unaware.

    It might be a painful subject for your grandmother though.

  10. Only thing that matters is if you want this baby and are you prepared to abort it if you go with your husbands plans?

    This actually might be your only chance to have a baby because any future round of ivf might not work. I wouild say get your husband into therapy.

  11. I say get him flowers, but also do something else thoughtful. Maybe make him his favorite dinner, or get takeout and beer he likes. If you aren’t sure that he likes flowers, you have a plan B gift.

  12. Then, we can have the judge pay the child support since we don't care who is paying for it as long as it is not the state.

  13. There could be many explanations for why she's become like this. It's maybe environmental, something she learned from her parents or other friends. Maybe it's strictly related to things she'd read before. Maybe it's a display of her insecurities. Unless she specifies, you won't know. But she needs to understand what she's doing, regardless of what the cause might be.

    You're her friend. She's most likely going to listen to you more than anyone else, if you express concern. Remember that, when you're trying to make people realise that they're being toxic, you're stepping on a dangerous ground, the person may easily become defensive. Ideally, write down what you want to say before you speak with her. Avoid using strong words. Try to mention, as much as possible throughout the speech, that you're expressing your concern because you want what's best for her, not because you want to insult her.

    If she accepts it, great. If she doesn't, give it time. She might need time to process. It's difficult learning that you might be behaving badly, even more difficult to accept and try to alter it.

  14. Every time he tries to reminisce about the good old days, toss in a casual “and then you dumped me to chase after that girl you to,d me you weren’t interested in – that was just AWESOME! It’s always good of you to remind me how completely untrustworthy you are, you disloyal bastard.” Apparently if you smile while insulting him, it’s totally okay.

  15. I don’t want her to think I’m rejecting her because she’s trans

    You are not rejecting her because she’s trans, you are rejecting her because you have no romantic attraction for same sex, and when you entered this relationship, it was with a male.

    There is no easy way to break up with anyone. But be honest and straight forward about it because kiddie gloves and waffling around can feel patronizing.

  16. I'm sorry I was asking is she happy in her relationship with her fiance if she is not happy how come she does not want to leave that relationship

  17. You should read Why does he do that? It'll help you recognize manipulation tactics

    Sounds like he broke you down and love bombed you which is a very common manipulation tactic

  18. Wait for her to wake up again.

    Tell her she has 1 chance to be completely honest with you about it all.

    Failure to do that will result in divorce, he friends and family being told that she cheated on you, and you kicking her out, and destroying her art (if it’s not finished it doesn’t have value, and as she’s not working bringing in any money, even if it did, it would belong to you not her)

    Then once she tells you, you give her 30 minutes to pack her shit and leave. When she complains that you said 1 chance, tell her yes, and the concession for telling you the truth is that she can take her art.

    You then tell her family and friends.

    And then file for divorce.

  19. i’ve had something similar happen to me very recently. except i was only seeing this guy for about a couple weeks and his ex creeped me out so much that i decided to cut ties with him. i felt very uncomfortable with the way she would copy me. my last straw was when she texted me that she would take my brains out because i took him away from her. crazy exes like those definitely exist. maybe i should’ve stuck with that guy but tbh i wasn’t that invested so it was easy for me to just run away from the trouble. although in your case it’s completely different. i hope you find out a solution.

  20. 41 year old male here married for 17 years here. I agree. This trip has no red flags and he’s being crazy insecure over something completely normal.

  21. They seem stubborn, so this suggestion probably won’t work, but could they rent out the commercial building and live! off of that? Then it will continue to appreciate and they will have an income.

  22. Wanting to end the relationship is a valid reason. Not wanting to be with someone anymore is the only reason you need. I stayed with someone for years waiting for a “valid reason” to leave and it was honestly the stupidest thing I've ever done in my 43 years on Earth. And I once ate a bacon sundae. On purpose.

  23. Might not be a bad idea to assess her empathy in other situations as well, I have a hard time imagining that she could be a good friend to you if she can't empathize with an abused child until you compare them to her child… even then, was she really empathetic or just mad at you?

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