Goddess on-line webcams for YOU!


One thought on “Goddess on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Hire a cleaning service instead of bitching about the housework. Support your wife and get her help so she can recover from the hell she's been through physically and mentally.

    You have no idea what it's been like for her. The years of suffering with endometriosis, the surgery for it, recovering, then another surgery. Did anyone help her with the kids after her surgeries or did you expect her to do it all? Pull your head out of your ass. She's suffering and struggling.

    Take some time off work and take care of the kids. Let her rest and talk to her about getting her to the Doctor for a med check if she's still on them and therapy. If you live! in the US and your work and you qualify, you can get FMLA. That will give you 12 unpaid weeks to take care of her. Plus your vacation time. Again she needs help big time.

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