Hardcore Luke, 40 y.o.
Room subject:
To Start on-line video press there
Live Live Sex Chat rooms Hardcore Luke
Date: November 6, 2022
Hardcore Luke, 40 y.o.
Room subject:
To Start on-line video press there
I relate with this! I always start a new hobby, love it for a while, expend a lot of money on it, and later, I don't like it anymore and start a new one. And I can't stop it, probably the next hobby will be the one that I will stick too
Was she always like this, from the beginning? Or is this recent?
This is so damn sad. Makes me so grateful I got out of a similar situation, men like you never change. If Amy leaves you you'll look for another women in her late teens or early twenties to manipulate. YTA, fess up to her and be honest about everything
I don’t know if I want to put this label on it for sure, but this almost feels like emotional cheating.
She knows this ex will hurt her, and she knows it’s hurting you, yet she keeps coming back. I feel like she either still cares in the wrong way, or lacks the foresight to understand this won’t end well. Even if you two break up, what’s she going to do, never tell her ex that she’s dating someone?
Is there any chance you feel like the backup plan, and that she’s really just hoping to get back with the ex?
Yeah, my fault, I realize that but I kinda already made the text & still needed relationship advice on how to handle this. Didn't really want moral judgement but relationship advice.
It does sound like y'all have some communication and getting along together issues that totally need to be addressed/reassessed/discussed before you on-line together.
Only you and him can figure out exactly what that is since we're missing a lot of dynamics here.
Drop the fiancé. What’s going to happen if you decided to have children. Will he miss the birth because his brother is having a panic attack
You need some relationship boundaries, man. You either need couples therapy, or you need to end the relationship sooner rather than later…. or resign yourself to this being the next 50 years of your life.
Best of luck!
I doubt she’s even that very hot.
I'm sorry but I call BS on your husband. Obviously Sami is an extremely compassionate and responsible human being. THAT is what is influencing you; she sounds like an amazing person. If your husband is worried her situation will somehow cause you to change all your morals and personal beliefs, then that is HIS problem. He sounds very insecure, and honestly pretty judgemental. What others do in their marriages is their business, as long as they are not hurting each other. Sami wants to be able to on-line with herself with no guilt for abandoning this man when he needed her the most. That is an admirable quality imo. I hope she can find happiness for herself as well as peace. I hope you can make your husband understand how unreasonable and unfair he is being.
In a lot of ways it doesn't really matter.
Maybe it is withdrawal. Maybe it is mental illness that he was self medicating for taking a more prominent toll on him.
Reality is that still makes him an unhealthy partner for you. Just because you know 'why' he is toxic doesn't mean you should condone it or make special accomadations. Especially when it is clearly taking such a toll on you.
And in his withdrawal or whatever you want to call it he has established a deeply toxic and self indulgent narrative, one that is victim blaming you, emotionally cornering and pressuring and guilt tripping you as well. It is a narrative that will lead to treatment many magnitudes worse than you've faced so far as he increasingly feels vindicated attacking you. It's already begun I am sure you've noted.
Well, it ended lol. He has a plethora of other problems he needs to work on before he can try to blame my hair color for anything. So, now I’m a single brunette!