Hi guys <3 I'm Mia and I'm a new model here. Pls don't be rude with me i will try to do my best! <3 the naked online sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams


Hi guys <3 I'm Mia and I'm a new model here. Pls don't be rude with me i will try to do my best! <3, 18 y.o.


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Live Live Sex Chat rooms Hi guys <3 I'm Mia and I'm a new model here. Pls don't be rude with me i will try to do my best! <3

Hi guys <3 I'm Mia and I'm a new model here. Pls don't be rude with me i will try to do my best! <3 live sex chat

Date: January 14, 2023

13 thoughts on “Hi guys <3 I'm Mia and I'm a new model here. Pls don't be rude with me i will try to do my best! <3 the naked online sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. It's not that marriage is the default, it's that his gf clearly really wants to get married and only after 6 years he's even realising this while never in that time having any kind of conversation about what they want or their long term goals, they're not communicating.

  2. your friends sound rude and judgmental, and they completely missed all the real red flags in this scenario. you should cancel because he did not take no for an answer. how did he get your number? did you give it to him, or did he look it up on the gym records?

  3. Your gesture was not kind, it was creepy and manipulative. Leave her alone – she has made it clear she isn’t interested

  4. What phone number was given?

    If it was hacked, it wouldn't be his phone.

    If it was him, it would be his phone number.

  5. Wake up, stop accommodating your “wife”. She's using you. She's a mother of a 5 year olod and a wife and she wants a time out to find herself? She sound terrible entitled and irresponsible. If she goes on her trip to find herself you can be sure she's stepping outside your marriage if she isn't doing it already. Stop putting your wife on a pedestale, take her accountable for being a wife and mother. She has an obligation and responsibility.

  6. So she’s going to stay in the same cabin and probably bed as this guy? This is well beyond inappropriate. I doubt she would allow this if positions were switched. Just that this guy threw it in your face that he wanted to bang your girl should be enough to say he’s got to go. How you did you keep from kicking his ass? The real red flag is that she won’t install boundaries with this guy. It’s one thing if she were naive to his intentions, but she knows and seems to like it. Hate to be typical Reddit reply of dump her, but sounds like she’s got some loyalty issues.

  7. Thank you! I normally don't mess with anyone in a relationship. But in this case, they are not really in a romantic relationship.

  8. At best, he hid her participation due to what he perceives your reaction would be At worst, he is at a minimum interested in her, if there's not more there already.

    After you s/w him again, I would casually ask “So who all was there?”

    His answer will tell you all you need to know.

  9. he told me “the way you think is why most women don’t get married.”

    He's so close to being right without even realizing it. Women are choosing more and more not to get married because they have raised their standards and no longer want to legally commit themselves to gross men like him.

    My dating life didn't even start getting great until I turned 30. I'm in my mid-thirties now with the best partner of my life who is a catch in every way. I am extremely glad I didn't settle for the shithead I was dating at your age.

    I know time is running out for me if I want to have a healthy baby because of my age.

    Women are having healthy babies into their 40s these days. You have ample time for that and there is literally no expiration date on when you can get married. My aunt married the love of her life at 62 after leaving an abusive marriage of 40 years and they spend all their time traveling the world and fixing old cars together.

    You're extremely young. Don't let some misogynistic blowhard steal your confidence.

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