the naked online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

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Date: October 23, 2022

15 thoughts on “ the naked online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. OP is so full of shit. How are you friends with someone for so long but haven’t ever met their GF of 2 years.

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  3. You said I had a married ex. Who the fuck else were you talking about?

    I bet you think you're a good person. Does it make you feel superior to berate a girl for dating a guy who beat her half to death when she was 16? She should have known better, right? Because all men hold up a sign saying I BATTER AND RAPE TEENAGERS. With wisdom like that, how on earth is domestic abuse still an issue??

  4. Well the only way getting back together with someone works is one or both of you putting in real effort to change. Normally, change is something that takes years and no contact to pull off: generally when people get back with exes they settle into their old patterns.

    IMO, as you're coming to terms with your diagnosis it's good for you to be without her.

    Ultimately, this is a decision you both get to make as a unit. Your parents don't get to decide who you are relationship with. Their support is not required, and you aren't going to get it until you two demonstrate that you're better for one another than you were before (and even then, they might not).

    If you two try again, do it in a probationary manner. Don't waste time when toxicity rears its head again. You'll just be treading the same path you went down before. History has a tendency to repeat itself.

  5. Do you even like your wife? The woman is going through a major medical episode and youre only worried about yourself.

  6. This is pretty wild – either you both have a very evident open dialogue about things, she's ignorant of how this will affect you or this is a directly intended to be hurtful. Unsure which. Perhaps she just figured “well you asked, so I'm telling”.

    I guess this is a case of “if you don't want to know, don't ask”, but at least you can say she's being honest, for what little worth that is.

    This would mean, for me, a big re-evaluation of what this relationship means to you both and how to move forward, as I would assume beyond the initial “issues” with her Exes when you first were together (but not exclusive) you didn't have problems?

    Perhaps it's worth exploring a form of couples counselling or therapy to handle this?

    While there's many that do, I'm sure, only think of their partners I'm pretty certain that while reluctant to admit it some do think of other people – but that's a rabbit hole and mess all by itself on where you draw the line on it being “OK” unless you consistently do so and who/what you fantasise about.

    As an example, I've known of one couple where, due to one person having a kink the other wouldn't remotely entertain, they had to fantasise about said kink when having sex at times in order to enjoy it – their partner was aware and was alright with it given it was what they “needed” to do in order to work as a couple and it was a compromise.

  7. You say in this post that you admire not just his weight loss; but also how tenacious he was in terms of how hot he worked to get that weight off. That doesn’t sound shallow to me! Also I promise you that the guy would definitely not consider it shallow of you asked him out or were more forward about how you feel about him. I say go for it

  8. You are sacrificing your mental health, I’m sorry. Your gut is telling you the truth and I hope the comments help validate your concern. Your friends being biased towards you is a good thing, it’s not a reason to ignore their advice.

    You write that you want to learn to have a proper relationship, and you want to study. Right now, it sounds like you’re not in a dynamic that is facilitating either of these goals.

    The perfectionism and procrastination are different types of anxiety and you can absolutely succeed (speaking from experience). I am worried your partner doesn’t understand or respect these challenges and seems to be more concerned with having you around him or doing what he thinks should happen, than seeing you devote your time to investing in yourself. You need support, not discouragement or being made to justify yourself to him.

  9. Who cares. He can't possibly know all the variables. He's young and dumb and playing with fire and you need to be long gone before he gets torched.

  10. I think undesirable friend is putting it a little too mildly.

    She is friends with someone who spread rumours about you – I'm not saying you should break up over this because that seems too much. But the fact is this – unless this friend has apologised to you, she is being friends with someone who spread rumours about you.

    This isn't something that's going to break your relationship now, but in my opinion this is something that will damage your relationship irreparably.

  11. Well okay, that's quite the other end of the spectrum..

    Then my option would be to trebuchet eachother the stuff.much more fun.

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