Husband (29M) Keeps Putting His Hands Around My (26F) Neck. Is he trying to strangle me?


Hi, I don't have anyone to talk to about this so I decided to ask here. Just as the title says, my husband (29M) keeps putting his hand around my (26F) neck. It's happened multiple times before. He doesn't put any pressure to cut off air or lose conciousness. He started doing this maybe starting 2 years ago. I thought he was just playing around initially. Like we would be in the car and he would randomly hold my neck and shake me while he's driving. So then I did the same thing to him because I thought this was a weird game he was doing. But I never said to him I liked to be choked. He just randomly did that. Then he did it again and I play choked him back. But I started getting nervous so the times after that I haven't play choked him back.

Well since a few months ago I started looking up if play choking was a sign of abuse and google said it did. But I'm not trying to overreact. I guess I felt compelled to ask because it's been getting more and more common since having a baby and has happened 3 times this week. One time this week I was half awake because he got up and he put his hands around my neck with a bit of force pushing me down in bed. But I just went back to sleep because I was already barely awake. I wondering if his hands around my neck was why I woke up. I've also had multiple dreams of him harming me so I guess I subconsciously feel unsafe? I am definitely happier when he's not home lol.

I guess I was also going to ask if it was normal to spank your wife if she does something wrong. I hate being spanked on my butt and he will spank it or pluck it really naked and will keep doing it even when I say stop. He says that he owns me so he can do what he wants. I just hate being plucked so hard.

Anyway give me your thoughts.

submitted by /u/WiseDragonfly777
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Date: April 18, 2024

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