I (20f) feel like my boyfriend (20m) often gets annoyed at me and assumes I’m doing it on purpose. How can I have him stop assuming the worst of me?


My boyfriend and I have been together for eight months. But I feel like more and more recently he has started getting annoyed at me for little reasons, and assumes that I'm doing it on purpose to annoy him. I really don't know why he thinks that, and often I don't even know why he's annoyed.

One reason he gets annoyed at me is that I often don't wear a bra when I'm at home and not going out, because I barely have a chest at all so there really isn't much point. It's much more comfortable and if I'm not leaving the house then it doesn't really matter. He says it's unpleasant, and looks slutty. Even though you can't even really tell I'm not wearing one. And there's nothing sexual about it anyway, no one sees it and I'm just doing it because it's easier for me.

He act similarly with my period. The first time that had came up was because my friend was wearing a different dress than what she had planned, so I asked her why. She mentioned it was because she had her period, and she wanted to make sure the dress didn't get damaged. I just agreed with that, said I do that too, and that her dress looked really pretty. Where I on-line, or at least among my friends, periods aren't a big deal and you often just talk openly about them, so that sort of conversation is normal. When I got home, my boyfriend got mad at me and said I shouldn't be talking about something like that in public and that it's really unpleasant and weird to be talking about. And that it's bad enough I mention it to him in private, and that I shouldn't be talking about it in public.

And another thing he gets unreasonably bothered about is the fact that I watch women's football. I have a couple of friends who play it, so I like to watch it when I can. Mainly for them, but also because I really like it and always have. I also played it when I was younger. But it really bothers him, he says that it's a bunch of gay women and that it's weird I'm looking at them and watching them. And that when I watch it with my friends, we say one of them has beautiful hair or that one of them looks really pretty. He says that it's really weird we're 'checking them out' and that I shouldn't be doing that. He also says it's bad enough that I played it when I was younger, and that I shouldn't tell people because it implies bad things.

He also gets so irritated when I pay for things. I will admit I do probably a lot more than him, but I really don't mind. He says it makes him feel like he owes me, but I've said it really doesn't matter so many times. I just pay because I want to, it doesn't mean that he should feel like it means he owes me anything for it. I really don't care about it. But the last couple of times I paid for things, it wasn't even that much money, he got really annoyed at me and said I need to just listen to him when he tells me not to pay. But he never actually does tell me not to, so I don't get how I'm supposed to know and when I asked him he said I should just know.

I just don't really get why he always assumes the worst of me, and that I'm purposely trying to annoy him. Because I'm in no way petty enough to purposely annoy someone, just for the purpose to annoy them. And I tell him every time I'm not just trying to annoy him, but he still assumes it every time anyway and I don't understand why.

submitted by /u/throwra01573
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Date: April 15, 2024

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