I (30m) want to give my neighbor (50f) a gift after her husband passed. My husband (35m) thinks it’d be disrespectful because we don’t know her well.


I do not know my neighbor (50f) very well. We exchange brief pleasantries when we bump into each other (which is not often). I once helped her catch her dog when he escaped their backyard and ran around our neighborhood. That's about the extent of our relationship.

The other day I bumped into her and she said she's feeling really down because her husband passed away a couple months ago. I guess he had been ill for a while with cancer and his death was not a surprise. It was a bit of an awkward exchange because we don't know each other well and I am… awkward (though well meaning).

Anyway, the other day I bought a condolences card and a gift card to a local restaurant that I planned to pop in her mailbox. My husband thinks giving her this gift would be inappropriate and disrespectful given that I do not know her well.

I disagree with my husband. I think most people would feel at the very least neutral and perhaps even touched to receive a gift after disclosing bereavement to someone they don't know well. But I am sometimes clumsy with social rules…

Can y'all please provide your perspective on what would be appropriate/ not appropriate in this situation?

tl;dr I (30m) want to give my neighbor (50f) a condolences gift after her husband passed away. My husband (35m) thinks it would be inappropriate given I don't know her well.

submitted by /u/Major-Recognition-76
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Date: April 17, 2024

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