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im_yours_01live sex stripping with Live HD


55 thoughts on “im_yours_01live sex stripping with Live HD

  1. Social media is dangerous.

    People in their 20s and teens that have a strong social following tend to be very performance based self image , and her having a history of an actor makes this even more possible.

    They tie up their worth in the praises of the masses. And to be frank, sex sells.

    Science has proven men are hugely visual and (straight) women often want to be like what a lot of men seem to want… this drives a viscous cycle of women who get their sense of self worth in how many people find them sexually attractive.

  2. You went back to your mom's place does that make it a break?. If not then she cheated on you.

    The issue before, of buying your co-worker expensive gift is moot now, unless you were also having some emotional affair with that co-worker hence buying her such expensive trainer.

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  4. I can take care of myself fine by eating takeaway food.

    Takeaway fun is fine in small amounts.

    But if all you eat is takeaway, then you're compromising your health.

  5. What has the father done to earn the right to mend?

    Just because someone wants to fix a relationship doesn’t mean you have to.

    She asks him not to contact her and he continuously violates her requests. This shows a lake of respect for her feelings, her agency, and her intelligence. Which sounds a lot like what he did when she was young.

    Trust, love, and respect are earned.

  6. Op the whole point to an argument is to be productive. At this point it’s up to you to decide if you want to continue in this circle. Your partner is supposed to bring you piece not pain. This world is hot enough your marriage shouldn’t be a battlefield. This couldn’t be me. I like clear communication. I have to have a man who is strong opinions but a man who is also blunt and honest. Someone who will tell me the truth go bad or indifferent and not what he thinks I want to hear.

  7. Dump the friend and stop playing victim. You messed up, so now you need to suck it up and be there for your girlfriend. She wants to try to fix this, so work with her and listen to what she needs.

  8. Your GF has a habit of “monkey branching”. She jumps from one man to another and pretty much lining them up. I wouldn't waste my time on someone who has no integrity like your GF. You deserve better OP.

  9. One of the things that will influence your life the most, is who you let into your circle. I would not have anything to do with this, ever. We all fall in love, we al get our hearts broken, we always get over it. This woman is dangerous, her thinking isn’t like yours. She doesn’t come with anything good. Do you really want to be around that? He sat there while she berated you. That’s not how a partner behaves. Run away from this shit show.

  10. Dude .. that was blatant sexual harassment. How do feel if your soon-to-be brother-in-law did that to you?

    I'm not shocked that comment aren't saying it is SH but you should know better.

  11. It's not fake and if he sent this to children he should be in jail. The blackmailer should be going to the police if your husband sent this to a child. You have to go to the police because either your husband is a pedophile or he's been cheating and someone is now trying to extort money out of you because of it. You give your husband one more chance to fess up and admit to cheating on you. Tell him either he cheated and he should tell you with who or your going to the police. And then still go to the police if any bit of his story doesn't add up or seems weird.

  12. This isn’t gonna be solved with hugs and happy thoughts.

    Never thought it would – but it's also not going to stop by escalating and treating your partner as you would an animal. After all – if you HAVE to do that to get them to treat you decently, WHY are you in the relationship at all….

    Honestly, given what OP has written and replied so far, he should get out, with his children. Most of what I wrote was for anyone ELSE that is in a similar situation.

  13. When you broke up with him over his lie, what was his reasoning for lying? I can’t imagine that he’d lie about that unless he was cheating or deceiving you in some way. Lying about driving her home is one thing; lying about staying in his entire night is even worse.

    If you don’t trust what he’s saying about Snapchat, have him download his Snapchat history. It takes 5 minutes to download, and you’ll get a history log of his snaps/messages with her.

    I don’t trust your boyfriend tbh. Without trust, your relationships never going to work.

  14. Welcome to life. I would avoid being in any place you may run into your ONS. If he learns of your indiscretion remind him that he dumped you and you had no idea that you would get reunited and you were vulnerable and not thinking clearly. Let him know it happened out of the blue and you do not even know him. That’s all you should do. Focus on the why you had the breakup and work hot to fix it. I hope you are able to just forget it happened and be a happy couple

  15. It’s a great thing you learned this now because you are young and can find someone better suited to you. This guy is not it.

  16. I said it in conjunction to the follow up. Your friends also won't tell you that you look less attractive to your cheating SO by doing what you're doing….

    Being too forgiving gives up the power balance in a relationship.

    Like someone who pays all the bills for the house and the other person stops supporting/doing house work/watches the kids.

    Or if you both paid 50/50 and they said they are done and just wants the lease up, and you keep paying 100% to keep them around. You need to ask why they want out, then ask why do you want them there still.

  17. Thats exactly how it is , sees nothing wrong with anything he does refuses to apologise Only did when I started crying and my stichs opend then straight to games and sleep

  18. No you’re completely right, but him feeling like that is on him. Like there’s really nothing going on with this other person and I just made his jealousy/insecurity worse by lying. That’s how I see it because now he’s going to think the worse and always think I’m lying when it comes to work. I just feel horrible about the whole thing

  19. Also … girl …. Where are your kids, job and husband these 4 hours you’ve been obsessively commenting on this post? You must have a lot of downtime . Aren’t moms/wives supposed to be busy with their own lives?????

    Like Wow you’re so bothered! be mad somewhere else!!

  20. Stop trying to justify what you said. Judging by your fiancées reaction, she's not fully decided on whether she wants kids, she might want them down the road but not yet.

  21. If this isn't fake, you would be an absolute fool to stay with him after this.

    You were upfront about how honesty, porn, etc ruined your last relationship and James has just broken every single rule you placed down.

    I'm surprised you aren't already out of this relationship, but that should most definitely be your next step. He's not sorry he did it, he is sorry he got caught.

    Please respect yourself and dump this trash. He obviously is sexually attracted to the ff, and this will not change.

  22. i disagree that if it's with only one person, its manipulation. i can deal with disagreements with most ppl easily, but i get anxious when i get into a fight with my mom, bc shes the most important person to me, and also bc she has a temper that scares me, so sometimes i will just end up feeling cornered and overwhelmed and have a full blown meltdown. i dont want to have a meltdown, they feel awful, but it happens with her only.

    idk how op reacts in a disagreement, but i believe it's more likely thats shes doing it from the anxiety of having conflict with someone as important to her life as her husband, as opposed to coworkers or strangers.

  23. i disagree that if it's with only one person, its manipulation. i can deal with disagreements with most ppl easily, but i get anxious when i get into a fight with my mom, bc shes the most important person to me, and also bc she has a temper that scares me, so sometimes i will just end up feeling cornered and overwhelmed and have a full blown meltdown. i dont want to have a meltdown, they feel awful, but it happens with her only.

    idk how op reacts in a disagreement, but i believe it's more likely thats shes doing it from the anxiety of having conflict with someone as important to her life as her husband, as opposed to coworkers or strangers.

  24. i disagree that if it's with only one person, its manipulation. i can deal with disagreements with most ppl easily, but i get anxious when i get into a fight with my mom, bc shes the most important person to me, and also bc she has a temper that scares me, so sometimes i will just end up feeling cornered and overwhelmed and have a full blown meltdown. i dont want to have a meltdown, they feel awful, but it happens with her only.

    idk how op reacts in a disagreement, but i believe it's more likely thats shes doing it from the anxiety of having conflict with someone as important to her life as her husband, as opposed to coworkers or strangers.

  25. Tell him NO and that that is your final say on the matter, when he tries asking again just ignore him, when he asks why you're ignoring him tell him and then tell him that it will continue until he stops. Some guys make it a competition with their friends to see how many girls they can get to send them nudes, don't be a stat in some little boys game.

  26. Yeah we could sell it later because it would be my asset. Timeframe 2 years to buy a house I don’t know honestly ?‍♀️ We’re getting married in 3 years and would buy it 50% 50%. We casually dated 3 years and haven’t been officially for another 3 now.

    I don’t think uncharacteristic because he thinks that you should earn everything that you get (not just get it gifted). I disagree obviously, turning down a good head start is stupid imo

  27. Pick up a few hobbies so you’re always busy. Make one of them the gym. The busier you are the happier you’ll be. If she comes back to you, great. If not, you’ll be living a full life and you’ll be fit. Life is good, brother. You’ll be okay.

    Responding to your comments in this thread, by the way. Re: the snapchat thing just forget about it. It doesn’t matter anymore.

  28. I edited it but to answer your question nothing has ever happened between me and her only reason I know her is because of him and my gf and his gf just met eachother and everything went well so I’m not suee

  29. There is no chance that someone who reacts to something like this by banging on the car and screaming is going to calmly sit down over a cup of tea and negotiate a chore list. This guy is showing threatening behaviours to keep his bitch in line. That is how he sees her, and by the sounds of it, how she is beginning to see herself. She needs to contact a DV hotline and get help to get out.

  30. This was a comment I made on another post, and I'm sharing it here in case it feels relevant to you

    I think you should end the relationship because your partner is disrespectful to you

    His free time, and his ability to 'chill', to 'float through life without thinking about responsibilities' is based on you doing the mental load, and the physical work of cooking, cleaning, household management, and the emotional load of planning adult conversations about chores again and again and again and again.

    You have to be the sensible one, so that he can be the child. It's not right, it's not fair, and he disrespects you every single day he does not step up to join you in living adult life.

    In addition to this, his parents have expectations of you which are unfair.

  31. TAKE THE JOB!! If your relationship is strong enough and meant to be, you can do long distance for 9 months. It’s not that long. If you honestly think it wouldn’t survive 9 months apart, then why would you turn down a career opportunity for something that isn’t solid and doesn’t have a future? And why would you want to be with someone who wouldn’t encourage you to online your best life, even if it means being away from them for awhile?

  32. i could never date someone who doesn't share my beliefs. but even more importantly, could you date someone who is that dumb?

  33. Yeah you're a grown ass woman, it's literally not possible for you to never walk anywhere. That's life. Shit's dangerous. We had an Uber driver in my old town who sexually assaulted 80+ women. My friend took an Uber last year and the driver later returned to her house to try to break in. Uber does not guarantee your safety. Sometimes we just have an unlucky day.

  34. ? 100% I personally think after two years there is a man or even a few that have been planting seeds in her head and going after her attention. Can’t say if anything happened but 2 years and you never went is a bad move. I don’t know how to advise on this because the fact she doesn’t want you to go and actually had her friend call or message you to back this up is horrible. This kind of activity for me would put me one of two modes, I separate and see how things go leaning towards finished or I find out where this place is (you should know) and have a close friend go and hang out and see if there is a man she’s excited to spend her time with. Honestly I hate having to even think of such things but if she doesn’t want you there are you in a strong relationship?? Now you have to give her room at times and I mean she goes out with a few of her girlfriends and stays out late. This work gathering is a different ballgame because of the set up. Being together most the day creates natural bonds and a company gathering is ok but my significant other 100% is going. If you plan to stick it out maybe buy one of those gps tracking devices and stick it in her car just to make sure she isn’t going to an unknown location for a brief time. Yea it sucks and it’s shady but so is asking you to not join her at her work party or gathering. Bottom line huge red flag ? Well good luck

  35. Yes she does, especially because she thinks she a psychic according to OP's edit. She needs a lot of help.

  36. It sounds like you're devastated over something that you did to him that is now happening to you. Sucks to be on the receiving end. In terms of what you should do, be more mature than he was. Don't cut him off, you can acknowledge the elephant in the room and based off of that conversation, make your decision. If you want to maintain a good friendship, you should just be open and honest, and if you want to maintain a relationship, you should do the same. You can even apologize for possibly leading him on in the past. If you're going to maintain a relationship with this person, you should at least be open with them.

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