Isabelle-adjanii live sex cams for YOU!


14 thoughts on “Isabelle-adjanii live sex cams for YOU!

  1. A 30 year old dating a teenager is always cause for concern.

    You are both in very different stages of your life and, whether intentional or not, the older one is going to have a direct impact on how you grow as an adult.

    I don't know my 30 year olds who would feel comfortable dating someone almost half their age since there's such a huge difference in life experiences and values.

  2. Your mom is not obligated to take in her sister- especially since she's an irresponsible hoarder! Call Adult Protective Services. Your Aunt likely has unaddressed mental issues that have caused her to become a hoarder in the first place.

  3. My ex-husband still will message me happy birthday or Merry Christmas. My husband knows, and has no issues with it. I will usually say thanks, ask how his family is, and that's it. I don't think it necessarily means anything other than for some people after they've been in your lives for years, they still care about whether you're happy and healthy. I mean, could he be trying to test the waters? Maybe, but I'd hold off on judgement unless he pursues more in-depth questioning.

  4. If he's so afraid of getting a girl pregnant that he has a goddamn panic attack over being told “I'm pregnant”, he's a complete moron for having any kind of unprotected sex ever.

    Also he's a selfish asshole who spent the entire two months only caring about how your pregnancy would affect him, and doing not even the bare minimum to help you.

  5. I'm sorry about that. How you said that she discussed her feelings for him with him shows that there was intentionality and an emotional affair.

    You are angry because you feel betrayed and you HAVE been betrayed. I believe she needs individual counseling to learn how to deal with her feelings for him and also with boundaries with other men. I think it might be interesting for you to ask for a temporary separation.

    You need that time to think away from seeing her every day. This will be good as you can reflect on your decision and it will also give her time to feel a little bit of what she might lose.

  6. Don't leave him, kick him out and go for spousal support that will cover the mortgage. You'll be able to live with just household bills to pay.

  7. This is a drastic escalation so I'd like to try to exhaust all options before this becomes necessary. I will be sure to keep it in mind because her mental, physical, and emotional well-being is my top priority. Of course, I know that it may not work out that way because the world is far from ideal, but I do feel that my mother is autonomous and is capable of managing herself well in most other areas of her life. I think a lot of this is just the result of a lack of education about technology, the internet, and personal/online safety. But it is an issue and I do want to address it with her before she suffers any serious losses.

  8. You feel betrayed because you were. She at a minimum emotionally cheated on you with this guy. To have any chance for this to work out and stay together she would need to at a minimum:

    1) block and delete all communication 2) get a new job

  9. So younger men can’t be toxic and manipulate? Young men can’t use his power over you ? Lol. Yeah

    There are women who can’t even get a phone password.

    I just wanted sex after a baby. Which is a normal thing that happens with relationships all the time.

  10. I spent 4 days in Las Vegas with my friends, my Husband was at home cheering me on, taking care of our kids. Find a better boyfriend!! Seriously. There’s nothing to fix except adding X to boyfriend.

  11. ‘Sexy garden gnome’ ! You really put him in his place OP. Good luck on digging yourself out of that one. ❤️

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