JutsMia online sex cams for YOU!


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Date: November 2, 2022

20 thoughts on “JutsMia online sex cams for YOU!

  1. I would be besides myself too OP. There should be some restitution for your old man. Having your cake and eating it too shouldn’t go unchecked.

  2. I had to read this twice because the responses made little sense to me. OP for birthday asked specifically for a BLT sandwich!!!!!! This is a very simple request that does not require much effort. What he got was, to me anyway a have sex with me first then I will make you the sandwich ultimatum. There was no flirting! She could have joined him in the shower that would have been more enticing but her topless demand/requesting sex before complying with his simple wish for a BLT is wrong. Crying/manipulating op is worse like damn all this drama when you could have made him a sandwich or 3 and tried to seduce him after! This is so bad and the response would surely be different if this was my wife asked for a diamond necklace for her bday said I would give it to her after we had sex first! The op would be roasting in hell fire and vitriol!

  3. You dodged a bullet but leaving, absolutely. And honestly I think the extreme mourning might not be because you were so into her but that the relationship was helping you get through the hardest part of your divorce. So now you’re mourning both even if you thought you were done mourning the marriage, does that make sense?

  4. Yeah I think this is a good take. I already experienced a long term relationship where I allowed my boundaries to be crossed over and over – that did not end up well at all.


  5. A lot of people don't like their partner watching porn, they think it's cheating. But usually it comes up early in the relationship. Not Masturbating, is a bit much. And that's for me too far. You can't control my body. I'm female btw and okay that my partner watches porn.

  6. Sounds like your husband took advantage of your drunk little sister. I would dump the husband no matter what. And figure out what you believe when it comes to your sister's side.

  7. Some careers make partners incompatible for other people. For instance, doctors/EMTs/nurses, etc., have schedules that are not for everyone and many people want something else of their partner. You don't like your GF acting. Ok. Then walk away.

  8. If I were your son, I would write off my relationship with you and your husband immediately and permanently. Sometimes there is nothing you can do to mend a relationship when the other party is unwilling. If your political views are at such a odds, this is a deal breaker. Right wing propagandists are never correct. I don’t see him wishing to reconnect unless said propaganda is denounced by you and your husband.

  9. So if it is an infant and she has meds in his house dated this year its likely his child was with her.

    Even if any of that was the case people shouldn't lie about having kids.

    He isn't there because he is working were you live. People work and move away for work all the time.

  10. Reddit seems very eager to believe every OP is a totally reliable narrator. Unless they're a mother in law, then they're always lying.

  11. You really have two issues here, both though are kinda related and they do lead into each other.

    So let's address the first one – the need for her to keep her ex's in her life whilst being with you.

    There are two trains of thought when it comes to ex's still being in someones life. The first is that the person wants to retain the underlying friendship (for whatever reason more often down to the length of how long they knew that person, family ties, etc), whilst the second is that there is still some emotional attachment that exists that never went away after the breakup.

    Normally when people split they go their separate ways, never to meet again. That's what most people expect and sure they may run into them from time to time, but often that disappears once they (or their ex) enter into another committed relationship. If there are deep bonds then you can expect that the ex may hang around and normally that is fine as long as boundaries are adhered to and it doesn't adversely impact on either persons current relationship.

    This though is not the case with your gf and her ex's. As you see, one ex is actively chasing her and far from doing the right thing and shutting it down, she is by all accounts quite happy to let it bubble along. The other ex it's almost as if she is chasing him. That is never a good thing.

    Which neatly leads into your second, and much bigger problem. She has lied about these guys to you the whole time.

    Not only has she openly lied to you about it, she has even gone to the extent of hiding her tracks. This is not the actions of someone who is “embarrassed”. This is the act of someone who was curiously wondering if maybe the ex is worth swinging back to and upon finding that they aren't now finds that they have to swing back to you.

    No wonder then that she wanted to keep it from you. She played a silly game, it blew up in her face and instead of not playing it in the first place, now has to resort to lying and hiding shit to recover what she almost threw away.


    So I guess you have two things to work out as to whether she is worth keeping around. Can you deal with someone who still has feelings for her ex's, and can you remain with someone who has found it quite easy to lie openly to you? And if you do forgive and stay with her, what will it be like forever keeping an eye on her and always wondering when the next time this happens is going to pop up. You know it will so do you really want to go through this all over again.

    And again, and again, and again?

    Is she really worth it and are you happy to always be her back up plan?

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