Karinaaa online sex chats for YOU!


34 thoughts on “Karinaaa online sex chats for YOU!

  1. You ARE being extra. Don't do that cringey “joking around” stuff you both know that if she actually said yes to ANY of it, you would be head over heals. Girls see right through that, and it's a huge turnoff.

    She was right to block you. Your slick comments and jokes are pressing her boundaries. Be honest, you knew she didn't want a relationship with you. You said yourself that she was “nervous” because she knew you were going to talk to her about relationship stuff.

    Just save yourself some dignity and leave the girl alone. You don't want to be that guy that doesn't have enough self-worth to walk away when he gets rejected.

  2. I think your relationship is over. You have to leave at this point. I think the distance between you and your husband is growing. Thank god you don’t have kids. How do you think this will be in 10 years or 20 years with 3 kids and mortgage.

  3. Hello /u/Falcoperegrinus2,

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  6. it’s a healthy weight but ~40 pounds in two years is a lot and definitely points towards health issues or serious lifestyle changes

  7. Title is wrong. Should say “I used my wife's dildo for butt stuff and is not okay with me using her dildos in my ass”.

  8. Why do people who don't understand what friends with benefits are get into these relationships? He stopped the relationship because he found a girlfriend, you were never his girlfriend, it's as simple as that.

  9. What are you even doing here? You commented on the other thread where my post is going to turn you into a lesbian from a man? Like what? You ok? Things that people go through daily doesn't exist to you and the wacky stuff you're posting that's irrelevant to the topic is just confusing.

  10. They all reach out and ask to see me from time to time but the desire feels like it’s waned. It’s not physical and it feels like I’m their good friend they haven’t seen in a while they’ve missed.

  11. You don’t sound recovered in the least. nothing you’re saying is within the realm of normal perspective.

  12. You could just understand it wont happen and calm the fuck down? You want this man to have an affair so fucking bad. Its sad.

  13. Hey. This very thing happened to someone I know, it was 100% a scam and they convince people to send money or else they'll ruin you. If this was really an underage girl they would just go to the police because what they are doing is a felony. Unfortunately lots of people fall for this, and it was most likely him watching something and well, or in my friends case some obscure sex chat site. He thought his wife was gonna kill him so he didn't fess up for whatever reason

    Your husband needs to tell you the truth if he was on these sites. Also have his phone or devices secured

  14. Especially since a girl in this age will have her teenager friends over. And they will also see him in nearly nothing. Will be funny if those girls tell this their parents, or teachers.

  15. I was 23 when I broke up with my boyfriend for this exact reason, honestly the best decision I could have made. You need to break up, no point dragging it out even longer

  16. He is such a creep.

    Is he still coaching? Because if he is, they should remove him.

    I don't believe it for a second that he didn't start the relationship until after you got a divorce.

  17. At 19yo the step daughter needs to learn that her behavior needs to be adjusted. And if your new husband doesn’t get over it asap you should do you and enjoy your time in the warmth and sunshine. Don’t waste time dealing with an immature adult as well. Hopefully he’ll put it behind him and enjoy his time with you. I wouldn’t stand for any more tantrums but have fun regardless

  18. Depends. I read these same kind of novels. Now I know he is saying spicy, but even some of those can broach being pretty smutty. We’re only going with what he is saying is spicy, we don’t know the level it could be.

    However, I do think there is a big difference between reading erotica and watching porn. Erotica you have a developed character and can determine who they are. Whereas porn is watching a real person. IF she does get aroused, she is getting excited by the idea of who the person could be. They are a picture in your mind, she could be thinking of OP when she’s reading. When watching porn you are actively getting aroused and off to someone who is real.

    Also, OP, consider the fact that her reading could be a contributing factor of why your sex life with her is so good. It could be enhancing your compatibility and interactions. Enjoy it!

  19. Then tell her you are not ok with that since that is the truth. I do not becessarily believe she cgeats on you, but she has to acknowledge you need to talk about it properly not through phone. If she asks in texts messages, then refuse her.

    With that saud prepare what you want to say to her to settle this matter properly. You know, about your boundaries. You also should plan something to do with her at the time so that she does not feel like she is missing out on something

  20. Please get out.

    If not for you, then for your son.

    No child deserves to be around such abusive behavior. You don’t deserve to be abused.

    Don’t try to change her or give her the benefit of the doubt.

    Protect yourself and your son.

    You never know when she’ll direct her anger towards your son. It WILL happen if it hasn’t already.

  21. With that kind of mentality and reaction after, she's probably out looking for another guy that will pull out his wallet when asked.

  22. Husband and I have separate accounts, and I bring home a little more than him, but he covers the family health insurance. Right now, we split bills about 60/40, so on his pay days, he sends me a set amount of money for the bills that come out of my account (rent, Internet, phones, groceries), and then he covers the Electric/Gas bill out of his own account.

    I also pay for most of our daughter’s expenses, and we take turns for date nights.

    It’s worked for us for the 16 or so years we’ve had combined bills, and we almost never fight over money, because we both have autonomy, and we can’t complain about what the other spends, as long as the bills are paid!

  23. Hey, I know I'm an internet stranger. But tough love time. Just about everything you've done in this relationship has been wrong. Leaving would be the right thing.

    Changing for other people isn't healthy. Your motivation to change should come from within. You should decide who you want to be and shoot for that. Not to ever please anyone else. Especially a boyfriend who has demonstrated that manipulation, threats and emotional abuse are easy places for him to go to get what he wants.

    You deserve better. MUCH better than this.

  24. Truthfully he just sounds really immature. You're dating someone who's 21 years old so you best get used to immature

  25. Major red flag. DON’T DO IT.

    If y’all ever have an argument, or whatever, he’ll legally be able to drain the accounts.

  26. There are always exceptions to the rule.

    Like when you tell your therapist you’re planning and going to murder your wife/husband. Do you think they’re having a moral dilemma before reporting you to the police “but they made me promisee ?”

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