Karolw live! sex cams for YOU!


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Date: October 18, 2022

20 thoughts on “Karolw live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. People cheat for many different reasons.

    Sometimes they do because their current relationship refuses change. Some people like change in their life- to be adventurous, risk, daring even. Some people like routine in their life because it brings guaranteed comfort, satisfaction and the feeling of safety.

    Sometimes people cheat because they want to feel something or someone different. They may be want to experience something that they once had but no longer had in their current relationship, hence why some people cheat on their lovers with ex-lovers, or vice versa to experience love with someone else.

    Some people cheat because they have low self esteem. Their current relationship might not be as rewarding to them in the way they wished it to be, so they look for it in other people who can offer it. Sometimes people do it because they have no self-control, remorse and are selfish. They want to satisfy their own needs and prioritize themselves without thinking about the consequences or the effect it could have on their relationship.

    Sometimes people cheat because they're abusers. They have what they need to get them going and surviving in their main relationship with their victim, but they seek more by obtaining from others outside of the relationship.

    And sometimes.. people just cheat because they're cowards. They can't confront the person who they claim and praise that they love the most because they're afraid to break their heart or afraid of ruining the goodness that came from that relationship; wealth, family, new life, opportunities, etc., yet they go and do these things which are way worse than conversing or mutually agreeing to break up.

  2. Do not agree to or put your name on birth certificate until dna test is done. That can do them now but there is a slight risk to the baby so you can wait u til actual delivery to get one done. Write up a contract stating that any money spent on the child in question is just a loan until the father of the child is verified. If the child is not yours she has to pay you everything you’ve spent back. Once said child is verified and it is yours drop the contract and file for equal custody. Keep documentation on every issue that comes up. Every time she uses said child to take advantage or threats against you using said child, a recording or having it in writing works best. Contact a lawyer asap.

  3. Oh, well you're definitely going to. You don't have enough sense to say No to a five year old – just kiss your money good bye.

  4. RUN. NOW.

    He cannot buy a gun for a reason-do not take that lightly. The fact that he knows that and is trying to get one illegally makes him dangerous. You are not safe.

  5. Hi OP! Even if that’s not her intention, any caring person would treat their spouse better than she is. You keep harping on intention and the fact that she’s not evil. A person doesn’t have to be evil or intentional to do bad things. You deserve better

  6. He pressed the issue and asked me a bunch of times why I hate it so much. Finally I told him it looks creepy and reminds me of a pedophile. I answered his question. It was not my first approach.

  7. Is this how you want to on-line the next 60 odd years? You're not overreacting. He's a prick, and self involved beyond being able to work on this relationship with you – he'd rather keep his secrets and hurt you, and then blame you for being upset. It's a no from me.

  8. I have metaphorically made love to cabbage, salad, Paris, bread, family names (smh smh smh), timeframes, months, a spoon, and a whole bunch of other questionable things. Glad your spouse likes it!

  9. Admittedly… there is such a balance of people who agree with and disagree with what I would best describe as my “cynical, malicious, karma-aiding”, that I honestly can't tell if this is a criticism or compliment.

    If it is sincere, thank you kind redditor. If it is not… Ehh. Oh well.

  10. One of the friends was someone she was into, or they brought a new guy along she just met and liked, so you needed to be scarce. She got confirmation that things were mutual so she was very willing to end your relationship over this

  11. I get the feeling that she might be stirring up drama to break him down. Not that it's definitely what is happening here, just that is absolutely a possibility. It does ring true to my experience at his age.

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