KimTeika live! sex cams for YOU!


KimTeika Public Chat Channel

Date: October 23, 2022

26 thoughts on “KimTeika live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. She’s not so much mad about the likes. She’s disappointed and horrified that you’re the kind of guy who scrolls through photos of lingerie-clad women. To her, that is disgusting, Neanderthal behavior.

    All you can do is apologize. She’ll forgive you or she won’t.

  2. If there’s nothing to hide just take the test and make him feel stupid………… unless………………….

  3. Wtfff .. she rehomed her own dog?!

    Is that not a major cause of concern or is her personality generally cold, heartless and selfish?

    This is bananas and I would try to see if there’s someone she can talk to professionally.

  4. I would assume so too at first but did he actually see a birthdate? Is it even a real ID? People still have fake IDs.

    I mean I would have bailed at this point many months earlier but I hope for our case OP doesn’t cause mama is gonna need an update on this one bad.

  5. thank you so much for this response. i do tend to ghost people instead of talking things out, just seems easier. But ur absolutely right, ignoring him would just upset me more.

  6. Yep and that’s the cycle of abuse. They always butter you up and love bomb you after they abuse you. Leave before you end up dead or in jail or severely injured. There’s no point to this relationship.

  7. It's just a fact that the only way to get over someone is to distance yourself from them. While some people think it softens the blow in some way to continue communication, for most this just makes the pain go on longer. The healing process can only really begin once the parties separate themselves completely. You should just assume that as single people you're both going to go on to kiss (date, have sex with, marry) other people. A breakup means the relationship is broken. Maybe as soon as you go no contact with her this will make more sense.

  8. So that’s what she wants in a relationship and if it’s not what you want then you should also not want to get back together.

  9. because she's the reason you left your wife.

    I think his fiance is a different woman. There are three women in this story, 1. the wife he cheated on. 2. The coworker he moved in with 3. His current fiance. So his fiance did nothing wrong

  10. Nothing strips you off your value. While masturbating is not a high value event in and of itself, it can never strip you of your true created worth. It sounds like he may be in recovery from mast./porn addiction.

  11. Thank you so much for understanding, yes I did because I didn’t want to lose my family but it is true we only have one life, I really appreciate this comment❤️

  12. Number 4 is the best option. It was the only way I could get rid of my abusive now-ex.

    Don't concern yourself with him being homeless. He did that to himself.

  13. 8 weeks is a long time for nothing at all. You are not obligated and neither is he. That 24f Virgin badge is going to keep getting older. You are your own worst enemy here.

  14. Like you didn’t stalk mine. You did it first so I did it back. Also why shouldn’t I know who it is I’m talking to? It’s an important thing to do when discussing on the internet. Knowing who you talk to is how you avoid dangerous people and dangerous situations. Especially when pedophiles have started sending me bad things because I didn’t check who it was ai was talking to.

    Also I didn’t even need to scroll past two posts to find out what sort of account you were.

  15. Maybe I'm too harsh on him but why would he feel the need to scroll through Instagram or Whatsapp while on our date

  16. So you were sexing a guy for 8 months your ex didn't like when you were given license to smash others.

    Now you are surprised he found a different partner.

    I'm only surprised that you are surprised.

  17. Being an “old soul” usually means you were a kid whose parents dumped a load of adult problems onto. It makes you think you're mature when really you're just being used. You've created the same situation with this guy. He's just stringing you along because you make him feel young and you're not mature enough to see it.

  18. It sounds like you're diagnosing him with your experiences? Because to me, whilst all of it is arrogant, it screams ADHD and as someone who has struggled with it, I see a lot of traits explained in OPs post that I've personally had to overcome. And unfortunately one of those things is accepting that our brains can decided to fire on all 8 cylinders at any given point and the anxiety comes with the ADHD, not the other way around. I had to learn that my brain doesn't take typical neuropathways and therefore I sounded confusing or smug as I didn't know how to socially break down what was in my head, in a way others understood. And also that others don't have a passion for absorbing information the same. But the short temper on “things you know” is one of the hardest ones to overcome, as we don't have patience, we have to learn it and when we have spent 4 hours googling a simple question through hyper fixation and everything to do with it, it feels condescending for someone to question it with zero research behind them. So it's hard to socialise, because groups of people are often just opinions and when you have ADHD, factual is far more important than feelings

  19. If you don't want a child, you should take every precaution not to have one. This couple obviously didn't and now they're in a pickle. They need to have an adult conversation and figure this out together. Terminating without even telling the guy that he is a FATHER is an extremely shitty thing to do

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