kinky couple, 31 y.o.
Room subject:
To Start on-line video press there
Online Live Sex Chat rooms kinky couple
Date: November 23, 2022
kinky couple, 31 y.o.
Room subject:
To Start on-line video press there
I think your BF has a problem. The only way to solve this, is to put a camera in your bedroom, that you both agree it’s there. Also, put something very light, like a golf ⛳️ flag, so that the camera will catch if the flag moves or not, if the sound is not good enough. Good luck!
Yeah I’m going to stop paying and end this friendship to be honest
He sounds like a sexual predator in making – how much clearer does he need to make how he views you? Hint hint you’re a hole to him
The DNA test is not a problem.
The problem is his involvement with his ex.
Side note, I always laugh when I read “CURRENT boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse/etc”. Y’all need to decide if you want a stable relationship. You both already have multiple kids without one. Maybe both of you should start using birth control
Build trust back? You’re funny. Abandoning your child and smashing your coworker isn’t enough for you to think it’s time to go?
Yes, hit that bro
If you don’t want your bf or gf to have an ex on social media you can just tell them that that’s a completely reasonable thing to ask
Don't even think of taking her back before you pick apart the reason she left. Have a detailed understanding. That way you can decide if she's truly learned or just clinging on to you for stability.
Without that understanding you will always be left wondering if she will do it again until she does because whatever wasn't solved in the first place.
No, he knows it hurts your self esteem, making you more likely to not leave him.
It's an emotional abuse tactic.
You don't need a friend like that in your life.
Girl do you hear yourself? Like if your best friend was telling this exact story to you, what would you say to her?
Break up.
What she is telling you, is that when she travels, she cheats on anyone she is currently with.
Ok, so he hides you, he cheats on you, he ghosts you, leaves you hanging, is cruel to you, stands you up, does nothing nice for you etc…
Why are you trying to keep this one sided relationship alive?
Like there's plenty of better fish in the sea, one's that'll match your effort.
People can change their minds, and changing her mind at THREE MONTHS is not manipulative. It’s completely reasonable at a point when you realize you’re going to be with someone long-term to lay out your long-term goals. Get over yourself
I definitely agree. No one ages out of making bad financial decisions. I was lucky and my dad taught me to be financially literate pretty early. From that, I was able to pick a boring college that gave me almost a full ride and I had no student loans. Meanwhile, all of my friends went to the biggest college in the state and had way more fun, but they are also all still paying loans. We should be taught finances in high school and even before.
Get a lawyer. Good luck. Personally. I don’t want to raise someone else’s kid. I never dated anyone with kids. I didn’t want to be involved with a baby mama. And their kid. So I would leave too.
Simply put: if you are on the deed you are an owner, whether you’re on the mortgage or not doesn’t matter. If you are not on the deed, you are putting money into a house and getting zero equity. It’s a raw deal for you. You have no legal protections should your boyfriend break up with you. Even if you put 20k into that house, it was as a tenant and you will not see that money again.
Holy shit, that is insane. Holding an infant is necessary for their healthy development. It’s not “spoiling” him.
Your boyfriend is throwing red flags left and right. You are not benefitting from this man, and neither will your child.
Please, get out of this relationship.
I do try to lead by example, I never try to get her to order to salad I try to get her to go on walks with me all the time. I cook low carb meals all the time that she won’t even try, she will just run up to a drive through. Also a lot of this stems from us wanting kids soon but she has PCOS and the likely hood of her getting pregnant is incredibly low being overweight. But question am I trying to dictate someone’s life when expectations were set prior to marriage as far sleeping. I have issues with people that sleep all day because of my mother who slept all day and never took care of her kids, I know this is not her fault but I still ask her to sleep less. 8-10 hours a day is acceptable , 12-14 is just unhealthy.
And then as far as friends and hobbies go I have plenty of both but my wife also gets upset with me because I want to be on the go all the time.