Kira and Donna <3 first day here! the hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams


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Online Live Sex Chat rooms Kira and Donna <3 first day here!

Kira and Donna <3 first day here! live sex chat

Date: March 29, 2023

12 thoughts on “Kira and Donna <3 first day here! the hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. My ex once insisted we watch The Texas Chainsaw Massacre knowing I’m not a fan of horror movies. A while after the movie was over, he went outside to smoke. It was pitch black outside as it was pretty late and this son-of-a-bitch thought it would be funny to knock on the door and rev up the fucking chainsaw when I opened it. I. Was. Pissed. He used to do shit like that to me a lot because he thought it was funny to see me get mad or scared. But here’s the thing…he was doing it on purpose to get a reaction from me because he was an abusive jerk. You admitted that your husband was just being theatrical. I take this as he was just trying to add emphasis to his point in the conversation, and in no way intended to actually cause you physical harm (assuming he doesn’t abuse you in other ways). I’m not saying you shouldn’t have boundaries. But I don’t think it’s divorce worthy unless he continues to behave this way knowing you don’t like it.

  2. YOU (not her) are walking red flags on controlling, lying, and isolating her. You need therapy.

    > am (21M) going to take back all of the gifts

    Gifts are gifts, and you can't take them back.

    > She said that she really likes it and wants to play with them more. But I said no only when I’m there too.

    That's controlling. You either trust her, or not.

    > I hate her ex and told her to block him before

    You're free to hate a person. But she's free to be friends with her ex. If that's a problem, break up. You can not tell her to do something.

    >She probably sent nudes to him too and cheated on me.

    IF she sent nudes (NOT a good idea, but…), and cheated, how can you trust her again? You can't, it's lost.

    > I showed her her match history and started saying how I’m NEVER going to trust her again and that she cheated on me.

    End the relationship!

    > I spoil her so much, I spend so much money on her and she decided to play with my heart and do that when she KNOWS I don’t like her ex?

    YOU are controlling her. YOU are abusing your power over her.

    >She saw it and started begging again for me not to die, and I told her she has to block him for my dying wishes.

    Wait, who's dying? Are you dying? What the hell?

    >she was trying to call the police but her phone didn’t have cell so she was trying to get her ex to do it. I never ended up taking the fentanyl but I’m keeping it incase she ever contacts her ex again

    So you threatened to kill yourself to control her? GET HELP! You are NOT ready for a relationship.

    >. I’m also a prosecutor, and I will press charges on him if he ever contacts my girlfriend again.

    No you're not a prosecutor.

    >When my girlfriend was still in a relationship with her ex, he raped her.

    SHE needs therapy too, and SHE'S (might not) be ready for a relationship!

    >Whenever she does something bad I make her do sexual things.

    YOU are a [insert naughty word here]!

    > I told her that im going to message her parents, driver 7 hours to her house and take back all the gifts I have ever given her

    You're a prosecutor, right? You do know what you're doing is called theft, right?

    >I also told her that im going to burn the cat plushie she had given to me as well.

    Arson too? Lovely.

    >What can I do to make our relationship better when she goes behind my back and lies to me, doesn’t even care about how I feel and what I want sometimes.

    You tell her that you are breaking up with her, you are getting therapy until you are ready for a relationship, and encourage her to do the same. Also, encourage her to get her GED as well.

  3. This sounds like something that is none of your business. There’s nothing you can or should do about it.

    If your wife can talk to her sister about her lifestyle and using better birth control etc then that may be a thing as a sister and as a friend, but it doesn’t sound like they are very close either so that’s unlikely. If your in laws get to a point where they don’t want to put up with it, it’s up to them to make them move on. But it doesn’t sound like anything is likely to change. They will just be a family with lots of kids who live with grandma.

  4. Hi thanks for the help

    She told me she was ready for a serious relationship but she thinks we can have one with no intimacy only making out and holding each she also said she doesn’t care about not losing her virginity and that she really wants something serious about me. I am fine with slowing things down and I can be patient for the time when she’s ready but she says that she doesn’t know if she well every be ready for intimacy with me.

  5. It may hurt now but one day you will wake up and realize she did you a favor. Can you imagine having to tolerate John for the rest of you life because your SO refuses to call him to order and let’s him just walk all over you?

  6. First off, he needs to deal with his shit or get off the pot. It is not your fault, nor your problem, despite his attempts to make it so. He's telling you who he is, and how he's going to behave the rest of your lives, believe him. (and, just as a thought experiment, those times he just randomly gets that look in his eyes and gets upset about your past without anything specific triggering it. Is it usually when he's getting his way? When you're being extra sweet to him and everything is just as he likes it? Or is it more often when something is bothering him, or you had to or chose to do something that didn't put him first, and he got a bit disappointed.?)

    Secondly, just in case you were not aware, because sex ed is frankly appalling in a lot of places, pap smears do not test for STIs or any other infection unless you are specifically adding that service while they're down there. Paps test for abnormal cells on the surface of the cervix, which can be (but are not always) a precursor to cervical cancer. Last I checked the recommended frequency was every 3 years from ages 21 (or becoming sexually active, whichever is later)-29, and then every 5 years after that if they also do an HPV test, or every 3 if they don't. STI testing, which is separate, should be done at the very least before having barrier-free sex with a new partner, and beyond that is going to depend on your sexual habits and comfort levels. And which STIs they test for (and where!) is not standard, so always ask, because nothing would suck like finding out you got or gave an STI because one of you thought they'd tested for “everything”.

  7. Well, if that’s the way you roll then seems to me he doesn’t match what you want at face value. But it also doesn’t seem like you actually know what you want and as such also haven’t communicated that.

    May I offer an example?

    When I started dating my now partner, I was looking for something pretty casual. At the time, I worked long hours at times, traveled half of every month for work, have a time consuming hobby, have volunteer work, have a house and yard to maintain, etc. I had also been previously divorced, didn’t want to marry again, and am child free and do not want kids.

    I told him the most I could really commit to at the beginning was a couple of dates a month.

    All that before we even met for a first date because that just isn’t a good fit for a lot of people.

    And from his side, he has a child, he has a busy hobby, etc. so he was cool with a more low key approach.

    We weren’t even exclusive til we dated for 6 mos.

    My point being that you can communicate where you’re at and what you’re capable of or what your expectations are but more from a “here is what I can do” NOT “I won’t do this or that and you can’t have any expectations.”

    I suppose it’s kind of a fine line but to me, stating what you can do and what you want is different than telling someone that these are all the rules I live by and you don’t get to have any and oh by the way, be sure to make yourself available when I’m ready to grace you with my presence.

    I realize your post is just one little snapshot but I (44F) am getting the ick for this guy reading what you’re writing.

    I don’t feel like he wants a partner, just a FWB who can accompany him as some arm candy at business dinners.

  8. I think your going to have to just jump in and hope for the best. Prep your bf that it may be a bit uncomfortable. Prep your parents that yea, he is white but he makes you happy and you would like them to keep an open mind.

    I’m white and my husband is Hispanic. He forwarded me his mother doesn’t like white people. I think what helped was the first meeting was a large family gathering, instead of just meeting his parents. I think once she saw her son really happy, she relaxed a bit. We honestly have a great relationship now!

  9. Yeah and that 10% is very important, genius. I'm willing to bet her husband gets off ONE HUNDRED PERCENT of the time. My husband gets me off 100% of the time. If he ever got off and rolled over and went to sleep before making sure I did too, he'd wake up real quick with my foot up his ass. But he would never do that, because unlike you, and obviously OPs guy, he actually gives a shit if the TEAM sport we are playing ends in fun for both of us.

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