Kora Wolff online sex cams for YOU!


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Date: October 3, 2022

35 thoughts on “Kora Wolff online sex cams for YOU!

  1. If you didn't leave right after the first time he destroyed your property then yeah, you let him get away with too much. But while knowing that might help you identify abuse in future relationships, spending a lot of time thinking about it in regards to this guy probably isn't helpful. Anger is the correct emotion to have but eventually you're going to have to get to where this isn't top of mind all the time. Some talk therapy might help you put this into the past where it belongs. Good luck.

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  3. It's not victim Blame-y at all. If someone comes to you all tells you that they were just kicked in the mouth, but then they go back and lie on the ground and get kicked in the mouth two or three more times, you need to realize that it's not healthy.

    SA victims can cope in really violent ways and sexualizing their assault, getting aroused and seeking it out again, is apart of that. It's a cycle of self harm and she's bringing her friends and boyfriend in to enable it.

    The making of boundaries isn't to tell her that she's asking for it, it's to create a line that says, “okay, this is where your behavior becomes dangerous. this is where we need to stop before you cross the line.”

    And if she chooses to cross it again…..well, that's on her. Only she can stop self harming and self sabotaging. You can only lead a horse to water.

  4. Your boyfriends comments about rich people almost sound like he’s just pissed off he thinks he cannot do the same things as rich people and get away with it “like them”. His behaviour, judgmental attitude and close-mindedness are huge red flags to me.

    How long is he going to hold this over your head? Will you be able to buy something nice for yourself without it turning into a fight or you trying to justify completely normal decisions? You shouldn’t have to apologize for your family and upbringing, which you had no control over.

  5. He sounds like he has more of an addiction. It sounds like a person who prefers porn over their partner. It has nothing to do with the partner. It has to do with the way his brain has developed a reward negative behavior.

  6. Don't do anything, just be fine with her not liking them and not hanging out with them. If they ask why, remind them.

  7. Sorry, my post didn’t edit properly but I added this for context: OP has already tried multiple forms of birth control, compromised, and had multiple kids. Her body can’t handle another pregnancy.

    If they have unprotected sex, she is at risk. Her partner refuses to wear a condom.

    It isn’t withholding or weaponizing sex- it’s taking the risk of pregnancy out of the equation unless he chooses to protect his partner by wearing a condom. It isn’t weaponizing it if you insist on having sex SAFELY.

  8. Think of it this way, OP:

    When he was reacting angrily towards you, throwing things around, and being bizarrely demanding and unreasonable, do you think the situation would have been made better had he had access to a gun at that moment?

  9. I hope so as well. You deserve the world. I hope at least you and your child on-line a glorious and full life.

  10. For me, regardless of how long this has gone on for. I would be very surprised if she’s not giving him money still- probably via a family member.

    This just highlights to me that you both have VERY different morals and views of what is right & wrong in life. And I struggle to see how you will get them to merge to be honest. I would leave, I don’t see a resolution.

  11. Say it with me. “I am not my mothers emotional support animal”.

    I truly feel bad for you that she has basically relied on you like she should have relied on her partner for your entire childhood…. But you are an adult now who can make your life what you want. I personally would continue distancing myself from your mother. You can see your dad and siblings outside the home.

  12. you as a woman not being capable of my personal breeding stock

    and in this case, he's the one with fertility issues.

  13. All that money can be put on a down payment for a new family vehicle or on a whole ass house! Something actually useful throughout the marriage.

    Also blood diamonds are a thing, and I ain’t contributing to that lol

  14. She wanted you to get your stuff thinking when you see her, you would be her knight in shining armor and tell her that you were wrong, that you didn't need a break and that you would treat her child as your own She wanted an all or nothing relationship. You didn't. It is best to keep her blocked so you both can find what you are looking for. It is sad but you are doing the right thing.

  15. By that logic, I could say that your brother has been your brother for 24 years and only exposed you for cheating once, so you should stop pretending he isn’t loyal

  16. We had a big argument, I left to meet up with a buddy for some food, she was mad I left and said she was going out. She finally comes home at bar time screaming at me about leaving, then says, well I kissed somebody else tonight anyways, we argue, finally go to bed.

    So she went out and cheated on you out of spite.

    But when I say something about being upset, I get yelled at about how I had a gf when I met her and the transition period took a long time since we were living together and it’s basically the same thing

    Better take her to the doctor, she had to have pulled a muscle with that reach.

  17. I'm American for context so I can understand that. Fair enough. The reason I asked was to essentially make sure there wasn't another problem you should be concerned about. Him needing time to save is not a concern. It just sucks.

    But having said that, considering how expensive it is, he should take it seriously.

  18. “Can you please keep it down? I'm trying to sleep.” Done and done. Who cares if she throws a fit, she doesn't care you need rest. She sounds immature.

  19. Shit, a house could be on fire and some of yall still be waiting for the fire alarms to go off before you accept it.


    Sorry, English is my first language, and I have a lack of oxygen at the moment. Anyway, I've been in my house for 5 years. It's always been comfortable, but lately (the last 10 minutes), it's been unbearable. It is intensely hard, and there is a loud buzzing sound from the hallway. I tried to turn the AC up, but I scalded my hand when I touched the door knob. The smell of burning wood has been nice, making me remember my childhood camping trips. But I feel like that's just not enough for me anymore. Should I get out of this house?

  20. Get a lawyer, stop trying to contact him and let the courts get your money back.

    It sounds like he was unwell from the start but you ignored the red flags. Keep your distance, let the lawyer get your money back and get some therapy to figure out why you settled for him.

  21. several years ago i had a workout partner and all i did was rant about an ex. i probably didn’t even realize how much i was doing it. finally one day she looked me in the eye and flat out told me to cut it out. it was harsh but i accepted the message and i haven’t done that since to anyone.

    on the flip side i have a relative who will only rant about politics and nothing else, there is no way to have a conversation with her without her steering it back to politics – as a result i don’t talk much to her.

    your options are either tell her flat out or start being unavailable.

  22. I feel like im fueling his addiction. I haven’t told anyone about my older brother’s addiction not family members

    You ARE fueling it.

    Tell your family, you ALL need to stop paying for his drugs and get him actual help.

    When he asks you for money, hang up. Send him info for local rehabs and support groups. Every time he asks you for money, end the conversation.

  23. Sit down with her & tell her that you can't afford another holiday. If she gets mad, dump her & move on with your life.

    She sounds like a spoiled princess.

  24. Does he show you his location history every single time he gets home from somewhere, or does he only make you show yours? Can I ask where you're from? That might add some cultural significance to why you think this is all ok, I hope you realize it's not and are able to plot a safe exit plan.

  25. I feel like a part of the issue is his mental illness. he's brought up before with both me and his therapist that he has trauma and cannot be alone, and so he seeks constant companionship with friends

    What work is he doing to learn to entertain and soothe and support himself? He is 21 years old, there are many times now and in the future where he will be “alone” and he will need to learn to cope.

    I don't want to interfere or worsen his mental illness but it also makes me extremely anxious when he meets a new girl friend on-line for the sake on not wanting to be alone or to make new friends, espcially considering the way he interacts with a lot of them. I've asked before if he could limit interactions to be more appropriate (I.e no hanging out alone in private areas or not making friends unless u know the person irl) but he always forgets and states its due to mental illness.

    Does it seem reasonable that he “forgets” this so frequently? (Not to me it doesn't. These are choices he is making.)

    You can't trust him. Don't date someone you can't trust.

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