LianneRougue live! sex cams for YOU!


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Date: November 6, 2022

45 thoughts on “LianneRougue live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. You were her emotional partner while her “friend” had the fun part with her.

    Many people do this. And it sucks. Clearly you know what to do, and after all you did for her and what she did in return, just say what you found is a deal breaker and walk away. You'll find another gf, one who gives you all of her and isnt sharing herself with someone else.

    She clearly was using you. Good luck bro.

  2. You both are disgusting and this has to be fake! Her husband should lay hands on you in the biblical sense of course.

  3. I'd say you engaging with the rape fantasies sub is pretty fucking sketchy. Your wife doesn't trust you whatsoever. Perhaps because she's seen your comment history.

  4. From the sounds of it she’s displaying signs of borderline personality disorder (highly impulsive, charming) . Check that before you go any further. If it is the case, you’re in for a rollercoaster.

  5. Are you sure this kind of behaviour is isolated to intimacy though? I know you didn’t want advice about questioning the relationship but I can’t believe it doesn’t manifest elsewhere in the relationship :/

  6. There’s a possibility that they’re in China and in that case, cutting them off could lead to her getting sued

  7. This “your” person allowed this disrespect to happen and told you to sick it up.

    This is definitely NOT your person.

  8. Hello /u/Fun_Let_6228,

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  9. He is too immature to be in a relationship if he can’t handle you liking a celebrity in a superficial way. And he is dictating what you wear?

    I sincerely doubt he wants you to text your whereabouts out of the kindness of his heart.

  10. This sounds like good advice. He is telling her his feelings about this. Don’t dig too deep. He owes you nothing really.

  11. Still, love hurts in general and letting go will hurt too but you have to really think about his words and what you want from life. Don't let one man set the rules for you

  12. What kind of heart surgery if you don’t mind me asking. Depending on what he had done, after he takes time to recover, the brother in law will be seizing better than ever before. I don’t get the joke. Recovery from any surgery puts sex on hold. Is your husband 12 years old? Like wtf.

  13. In extreme cases the best treatment is to start with head shaving. Then the treatment to eliminate the leftovers

  14. a 4 month gap, I would recommend couples counselling.

    you said he confessed. did he talk specifically about your weight, or did you infer this?

    there might be some medical issue such as ED or depression involved here. it is certainly abnormal given your description of your relationship.

  15. Don’t forgive. Move on. Don’t message him again.. this is a dangerous, controlling human being. Forget about him it’s not your concern.

  16. Absolutely. We’ve been working on that too. I’m truly working on it. And I do respect her. Just something I need to figure out with my therapist.

  17. I like how, in your 3rd paragraph, you instruct her to blatantly lie to make her look better in this instance. They're both clearly too immature to be in a relationship full stop.

  18. I’m responding to a post that may or may not be real on the website. My facts fit the narrative much more than yours too. You were arguing with a complete stranger you don’t know and not very well. Good luck with that.

  19. I think its time to discuss boundaries with him and set out your dealbreakers.

    He's having sexual interactions with another person. Pretending he's someone else while he does it, doesn't change that.

    If you're not comfortable with it, thats valid and you should say so.

  20. Are you two able to have a discussion about whatever the problem is after she's had time to process and collect herself or do things just keep getting brushed off?

  21. That was my immediate thought. There's no way to politely decline that question without it being super awkward. I know that's probably the intent of some but it can come off as aggressive. A far better approach would have been a simple 'hey, would you like to grab a coffee sometime?'.

    I'd chalk it up as experience and move on.

  22. You are in denial. They definitely have a big influence on your decision. I understand the pressure of when family doesn't approve of your spouse. You fight back and defend until the end if you believe in them. My parents were the same. They told me, my husband didn't understand our traditions and couldn't love me. I kept pushing back and in the end they absolutely love him.

  23. Maybe you should get those thoughts out in a journal or something. This seems legit an unhinged thing to fantasize about.

  24. He’s such a victim. “I’m hurting too. You left me.” Well, well , well, if it isn’t the consequences of his actions.

    OP, block him everywhere. Stop texting him. You don’t owe this pos friendship. He couldn’t even respect your relationship.

  25. You have known this girl since she was four. She is barely out of high school. Don't do this.

    And very upfront with your friend. Tell her what happened, then email a response to her sister so you have a (gentle but firm) rejection in writing. And don't be alone with that girl again, in case she gets upset and tells stories.

  26. I personally won’t date someone until we are exclusive. If you don’t mind the other guy giving her back shots on Valentine’s Day then make plans. If she wanted to cancel she would. Remember they are never yours it’s just your turn.

  27. I simply am completly overwhelmed right now and feel weird and full of anxiety. I dont know what to do now and all the answers and advices make me feel constantly question everything.

  28. he’s telling you things you want to hear. He has no intentions of leaving his wife.

    The fact that you continued to fool around with him knowing he’s married with kids is selfish.

  29. Bro please don’t ruin your life like this. Please. It hurts me to see young guys like you get roped into this kind of situation.

    You’re set on a good path and someone amazing will come your way one day. Don’t let someone steer you off a very promising and happy future.

  30. Usually “the one” appears when you are not looking. Girl, it's only been 6 months. You need to work on yourself and future goals. School, your career, your hobbies. Distract yourself. It's ok to feel this way still, but you will find someone again. You're just not ready yet!

  31. I don’t want to dissect this too much, but you are home birthing his future child and caring for his current only child, he is out of town “working” and sending pics to someone that’s not you, it all doesn’t add up and your going crazy trying to make sense of it, because really it doesn’t make sense, to me based off the situation presented the only thing that makes sense is he has intent of seeking out other women while out of town. Does he care enough about you to pour his heart out to strangers and ask for advice like you are doing? Highly doubtful given your side of the situation. It’s definitely not easy the situation you are in, but make sure you are putting your needs and feelings first here, I won’t tell you how to move forward but I think you know what to do. Best of luck, lots of love. His actions are by no means a representation of you. Remember that

  32. Kids who’ve been emotionally neglected stop showing emotion, you traumatized and neglected her and are mad and blame her for how she reacted to your abuse.

  33. People are reading the post, oral sex is still sex. She lied, plain and simple. And if she lied about that what else is she lying about?

  34. Yes we have an agreement but I don’t currently have a lawyer I’m in the process of securing one though i found a sliding scale family lawyer

  35. I’m sorry, honey – but if this is his reaction to a minor inconvenience, I can’t imagine how he would respond under real stress, or towards someone he doesn’t love. What a child.

  36. He says that he needs my softer support and encouragement to get out of this and back to himself.

    Oh, bullshit. He can go to therapy and learn the root causes for his issues, not have you as a cuddly submissive caretaker, cooking, cleaning, and buying a grown man groceries.

    What he's asking for isn't interesting, it sounds like a total mind fuck to me. What are you going to do, praise him for sitting home all day while you cook dinner, cuddle him and help him care for his home? Welcome to bang-maid-dom.

  37. He blames himself for your child's death. A part of him blames you too because he chose you. You both need individual and couples counseling. Your child's death is neither of yalls fault.

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