LindaHoneyed online sex chats for YOU!


2 thoughts on “LindaHoneyed online sex chats for YOU!

  1. I’m sorry that you’re so stressed out instead of being able to enjoy the excitement of pregnancy.

    It sounds like your family just sucks, and I think you have to accept that and control the things that you actually can control.

    It does not sound like you’re going to have the bonding experience with your mom that you hoped for, and instead, you were attempts at bonding will just be used to hurt you. That is so unfair and I’m very sorry, but I think you should take that knowledge and use it to protect yourself.

    You know that your sister is going to take over conversations, so don’t have conversations that matter to you when she’s around. Don’t spend time with your parents when she’s there. You know your family is going to disappoint you, so don’t ask them for things and keep your expectations really low. You know that they will weaponize information and use it against you so put them all on an information diet. They don’t need to know anything about your pregnancy or how you’re prepping for the baby going forward.

    Lean on your friends and your partner’s family for support and to celebrate your pregnancy. You’re going to be a mom soon, which means that you are making your own family, and while it sucks that your family of origin is a big disappointment, look at this as a beautiful opportunity to create something new instead of letting them drag you down.

  2. Since you said you’ve already made significant lifestyle changes, working out, eating better, etc. I won’t suggest that.

    BUT are you taking time to nurture your soul? Hear me out.

    When we get stressed or life is just too busy it’s so imperative to take time to rest and reflect. Our hormones are also affected by stress which can keep the weight packed on.

    I would add some yoga and Pilates to your workout routine, maybe eventually some meditation and pranayama (breath work).

    Once your body is out of that fight or flight response it can start to heal. Only doing super nude workouts like cardio and things will keep you in that fight or flight mode.

    Also – work on loving yourself, it’s sexy as hell when I see other people caring about themselves and doing what they need to do to be healthy. Attitude is a huge turn on for most people!

    You got this, do it for yourself first ?

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