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Litzy1_live sex stripping with hd cam


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Room for live sex video chat Litzy1_

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Date: September 28, 2022

51 thoughts on “Litzy1_live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I think the cancer complicated a lot of things. I can't just abandon him emotionally when I've carried him on my back while he was coughing up blood onto my shoulder while we were heading to radiation.

  2. If you knew she posted things like that before you started dating her, and then you started dating her, why are you insisting she change? You chose to date someone who has a social media presence, and a lot of people will post about piercings. Even their nipple piercings. She has never posted videos of herself top less, tell people she has a boyfriend, and doesn't flirt with other guys. And she has metal through her nipples, it's going to show sometimes through the shirt regardless of what she wears. It's okay to ask her to stop, but it's also okay for her to decide she doesn't want to.

  3. u/blackwafflez1, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  4. Omg you love to cook – you’re not a martyr about it. If you hated it and bitched about it, then forced it on people, constantly asking if it’s good enough … THEN you’d be “fishing for compliments.”

    It’s praise for doing something nice, and it’s earned.

    In fact, next time you feed HIM, just sit really close to him, without any food for yourself, and every time he takes a bite, ask a form of “is it good?”

    Do you like it? Is it tasty enough? Does it need heated up? Cooled down? Does it need more salt? Pepper? Should I throw it out? Do you want me to remake it from scratch? Should I just NEVER COOK AGAIN?

  5. No need for embarrassment or a belittling set-down.

    If the initial conversation doesn't work, direct enforcement of personal boundaries is the proper next step. Tell her that her behavior is unacceptable and will stop. Handling things in a direct and respectable manner is always best, showing your own strength of character.

  6. Someone's issues (eg anxiety) do not excuse physical and psychological abuse. It doesn't sound like she's made any progress. Doesn't sound like she's even working on it given the extremely painful response of her hitting you and yelling at you. Perhaps this is a wake up call to her to get her shit together. But if you're done, then just move on and leave it in the past. No amount of talking with her is going to resolve this. She needs intense therapy.

  7. Does the average woman think about their own breasts and get aroused? Is that what you mean? If not, this is why I asked.

  8. “I can't kill myself working 14 hours days to on-line here. We will need to online and rent or sell the house in x days as I also don't deplete our savings when we have no way to recoup them. If you'd won't work with me to find a solution I will make these decisions on my own.”

  9. He’s going to do this again. You know he will. This is something you can and should dump him over.

    Was he really getting scammed? Or was this “scammer” just trying to let you/his mom and sister know what a creep he is?

  10. I’d guess that he’s biding his time until he moves into his new apartment. He doesn’t want to break up now because he doesn’t have anywhere to go in the meantime. Forget that, dump him and tell him to get out.

  11. Hello /u/sweaterweatherpls,

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  13. Y'all are not responsible enough to be in a BDSM relationship if you're taking out your frustration from your mom on her.

  14. Hello /u/gingerlondon42,

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  15. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    TLDR: I found messages showing my fiancé cheated, so I took all of my things out of the house and ghosted her. Not sure what to do next.

    Last night I, M (33) discovered hundreds of texts between my fiance F (25) and another man, revealing them meeting in secret, mostly while I was away in another city. We have been together for one year. Engaged for two months. I have never cheated. We've talked about infidelity and boundaries many times. She often expressed disgust at people who cheat.

    I pretended everything was fine for the night while she slept on my lap, taking photos of the messages between them. I took about 400 photos and only managed to get back two months before my phone died and she woke up. She didn't realise anything was up. We stayed in the same bed that night, her asleep and me not. I cooked her breakfast the next morning, asked for the engagement ring so I could get it polished at the jewellery store in our suburb, because she'd scratched it the day before. She reluctantly agreed and put another ring on “for the day”. I told her I loved her and sent her on her way. Then I quickly packed everything and left. I do love her, that wasn’t a lie.

    Many of the messages between them feature both of them saying ” love vou” and “''m in love with you” and quite a few suggest physical infidelity. To be honest, there are too many to go through them all here but the conversation thread that stands out most is from late November 2022 when I was working in another city and goes like this. The other guy says “I just always want be as close to you as possible. I love it when you sleep on my lap and on my chest. And I'm still thinking about you in that bed earlier. We haven't done that in awhile where you're literally taking my shirt off and even the kisses were different. I miss the good times. Alright put it this way, did tonight do any harm for you? I can tell the difference between making love and just sex. Tonight was obviously just sex. So obviously you're not emotionally attached anymore and not catching feelings so what harm can be done?”

    My fiancé responded: “This sucks. It just made me cry more. A lot of harm.”

    The other guy said “In that case we don't need to sleep together anymore, I didn't know it made you feel that way.”

    My fiancé has since been home, found the house empty of me and my things and is now blowing up my phone asking where I am, why did I leave, what did she do.

    Please advise: what do I do next? Ghost and move on? Give her a chance to explain?

  16. I would say she displays some of these moderately, like she does get upset/jealous sometimes if I spend a lot of time with other people or my family. She also does use black-white thinking, a lot of which when she talks about her friends or people, and then when it’s directed towards me she does it more when she is upset. Third, I do think she is a lot more reserved around other people than me, I am the one who experiences most of it. And fourth, yes I am not only convinced that she truly loves me but I know she does. She does not like being and anxious or emotional as she is, and she does apologize sometimes. I can tell she loves me by what she does for me and still does care for me.

  17. You are being taken advantage of by someone who is using you for attention

    You don't know any better and she is exploiting that

    Move on

  18. Lol are you dating my ex? He acted very similarly. Although he was never married, to my knowledge…

    On an advice note though, he could very well just be one of those people that likes to be upfront so neither of you waste time, which is great. Totally get why the way he brought it up before you even met would weird you out, though. Personally, I’d go on the date and feel it out. I wouldn’t entirely write him off right away, especially since you said you wouldn’t be opposed to signing one one day. If you have in person chemistry, great, maybe he’s just bad over text. If not, oh well, your initial reaction was right anyways.

  19. How many people would do what she did in this situation lmfao dude has a golden life partner and he’s worried about his piece of shit friend who wants his girl

  20. It sounds like she not only cheated but has no real feelings for anyone..

    You could always take her lunch and see how she reacts if the other dudes around.


    Personally if another name or two were under mine that would tell me shes cheating .

    I would dump her… You need someone who not only loves you..had your back and does not cheat.

  21. but cp does have a victim. its the child in the photograph or video. that's a real child being hurt and it can be psychologically distressing to victis to know that illict images of them are still out there and being consumed by people. it's also not moral to stand by and watch these kinds of acts be committed and do nothing, thats why many places have duty to report laws and why you won't get in trouble if you stumble across something accidentally and report it.

    if you see a video of a child getting assaulted, you have a duty to report it just like you would if you saw it happen in real life. the child may be missing/kidnapped, still being abused, the perpetrator may be out abusing other children, or any number of horrific scenarios that you become complicit in if you don't do anything. i don't believe in crimes against society. I believe in crimes with victims, and in csem cases, the victims are right there in the image.

  22. You as the person being cheated on get to decide what is cheating or not.

    If this is the first time it’s happened, then talking about it, and working on the breach of trust and putting in a new boundary is appropriate actions to take.

    If not the first time, then tell her that her behaviour and actions are disrespectful, and she needs to stop it now, or you will be kicking her out.

  23. Well, all you have to do is just tell him that you want to talk about sex it's that simple. I mean what do you think is going to be the consequence? Him not wanting to have sex with you that's already your current situation lol.

    As someone who tried to wait until marriage let me tell you that it's very tough. And the type of behavior that you are describing doesn't reflect someone who's convicted and trying to on-line up to a principle because they would have outright avoided being in the position at all with you.

    It sounds to me like he's nervous

  24. Exactly. I am so confused. It seems like OP thinks the world revolves around them. Like yeah that’s weird, but everyone in this story is an adult.

  25. Yeah I've had to switch medications. :/

    If doctors caught wind of what OP's husband is doing they'd stop giving her meds too. His addiction can directly impact her own well being.

  26. It is very normal to want to go to clubs. No bons fide Christian would want to control you: but a cult would.

  27. Hahaha this is so true! He took himself out to dinner and bought himself a video game.

    That he seems to genuinely believe that hanging out with her is a gift deserving of praise and admiration is so sad. But not as sad as OP believing it.

  28. I wouldn’t have been ready to on-line with an SO at the age of 20 or 22. Moving in together is a really naked step in a relationship. And if you are too immature to online on your own the you are too immature to live with a serious SO. This is not always the case! But it is the “better” steps imo.

    All that being said. Him wanting to move away is a completely different issue that I don’t think you have provided enough context for.

  29. Why does your fiancé feel preserving a friendship with someone he has to respect for is of higher priority than telling an acquaintance they’re being cheated on? One idea perhaps is he’s not as morally outraged as he claims. Perhaps he’s worried that his friend will reveal dirt he has on him if he rats.

  30. I honestly don't know, because you lack persistence. You try things once and then meh, didn't work. Which is fine, I get it, I've been there way too many times.

    Thing is, you're 23, you said your depressions started at about 7 years old. That's 16 years. After all this time, and let me be frank here, your brain is fucked up beyond holistic approach. Holistic as in meditation, sport, nutrition, thinking happy thoughts.

    Thing about depression is, what starts as a mental symptome can become a physical symptome. Depression literally fries synapses and transmitters in your brain that transmit serotonin and dopamine and they cannot be restored without medication, I'm sorry to break it to you.

    Antidepressants rebuild these connections in your brain. Yes there are antidepressants that will make you foggy, make you lose your sex drive, make you gain weight etc. But there are also alot that don't. Alot that actually help you in combination with therapy. It's the only advice I can give you, I'm sorry. I know it's naked. I've been there. I also refused antidepressants for the very longest time and thought I just had to get myself together, but that just didn't work. But in the end, what works for one doesn't have to for someone else. But you need to seek any form of medical help. And it takes time to even find the right GP nowadays, no matter where you're from. I know how fucked up the American medial system is. I'm German, ours is not better, you have to wait for up to a year to see a specialist or find a therapy spot, it's just free. The British health system is a joke too. I know it's very hot, I know it's alot. But wanting to better yourself and get better is already the first step. You can't do this all by yourself.

  31. Thanks for your message. She offered me to make it clear to him that this tension does not work and she does not want that anymore. But I am not sure if she will do this or not. Difficult situation. I also have to say that after she told me that, I didn't tell her that she had to do that. Maybe I should have been more consistent.

  32. Make clear. It is understandable that people that have serious problems reaches out to anybody that can help them. So the fact that she has done so is not surprising. The fact that he wanted to help her is also not surprising.

    The problem is that – he should have been upfront about this. I think you could be clear. Her renting a place from his parents is one issue. That is between them and her.

    The point is that any further interaction – regular one on one meetings – financial connections – looking after dogs – they are a no no.

    You are not obliged to do so. It is clear that they both knew they were in a gray area. If you had not been pregnant – I would have started to think if this relationship is right for you.

    The point you need to get through to him – that although you understand that he was ready to support his ex – his way of doing it is just as abusive as his ex former husband. Hiding interactions with other women- especially an ex is hurtful. It kills the trust between both of you. If he continues interacting with her – your relationship might be finished. You will just suffer and then it is better to split then to continue.

    So no dog – he stops his interaction with her – but she can rent the flat. The fact that they were friends once has no impact.

  33. I can’t believe you were able to have sex with a many with literal feces soaking through his pants that is fucking vile

    I would simply tell him you’re done unless he can literally get his shit together How can you stay? Holy f

  34. “Hey, asshole, you left your trash behind before you went on vacation. Don’t do that or I’ll put it in your bed room next time.” In short, don’t be polite. Go big. Go ridiculous. And follow through. If you do put the trash in his room, make sure it’s bagged. It’s not like you’re trying to ruin his carpet or anything. He just needs to understand that inaction has consequences.

    actually, u/Goblin_Fucker69 ‘s advice is better but I’m leaving this anyway

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