Lola Bunniii online sex chats for YOU!


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Date: February 23, 2023

3 thoughts on “Lola Bunniii online sex chats for YOU!

  1. He admits he cheated in the title. My opinion is based solely on what OPs post. If he disclosed more later, fair enough. But is seems pretty clear he made a dumb decision while being drunk, one he later regretted later due to understanding the consequences of his choice. Nothing he stated in post points to anything happening against his will.

  2. Sorry for assuming your gender.

    I still feel you enable your partners behavior: I wasn't very happy about it but of course I support him because I know it's not easy to do both full time.

    I can understand that you feel obligated to help him since I assume his expenses increased when you moved out, but instead of studying maybe he should try to look for another job.

    I really think you need to start to think about saying no, instead of not being happy with his decisions and then still help him.

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