Lolajay-19 on-line webcams for YOU!


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Date: October 17, 2022

3 thoughts on “Lolajay-19 on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. This is not a friend. If you keep her around and she tries something, that's on you for keeping her around. She's throwing you bombs on how UNTRUSTWORTHY and inappropriate she is

  2. Hey op, this situation is a little more complex than it seems. A lotta people on here might just be quick to call your gf selfish and tell you to break up but there's more empathy to be at play here. The reality is that yes, at the moment you might be too good for her given what you wrote here, but this problem might continue to apply in lots of relationships you have in the future. When it comes to doing special things for people, if they aren't asking you to do it for them then reciprocation can't necessarily be expected. Which sucks. If they ask you to do something and you put yourself through a lot of trouble to do it willingly, then they also don't owe you for that either. It sucks and it shouldn't be that way, but it's a very romanticized way of seeing things. People only truly consider and reciprocate what they signed up for and might occasionally sit back and think “wow they do a lot for me” but that might be it. What your gf said about you makes it seem that way, you aren't doing anything wrong but to the receiver it's difficult to deal with especially if they don't have much to give in time or energy at the moment.

    Now, as for your gf, she does seem inconsiderate and a bit aloof, but not to some very abnormal degree. Your gf is a 20-year-old, so are you, but you might be at completely different stages of life. There is a lot going on at that age for people and prioritizing their partner over all things might not come immediately. There might be some things keeping her from that that she might sort out and love could just be growing over time. She also might secretly feel bad about these things. It is also a common trope in relationships for one side to think they do work for the other. You feel unappreciated in these scenarios, she might in others, we don't see the background work and motives of people. Ask her HOW she thinks relationships should be, ask her that nicely and her answer will give you context for what you need to do and if you're looking for that in life.

    Instead of taking a step away to scold her for not reciprocating, if you really love her, then keep trying to help her but not in a way that inconveniences you so much. If she doesn't end up reaching back, to come see you, to do stuff for you, etc. and her reaction to not doing these things is blank then that's not an immediate sign that she doesn't care for you, IF she loves you she might show it in other words ways. Love grows over time and some people wait until they are very invested in a relationship to start doing these things. You seem like a really nice dude, but ultimately it's up to you to be in this relationship or not, but if you are really willing to do anything for your girlfriend then remember why you fell in love with her and focus on fixing these problems and see how it goes.

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