LorenRoberts live! webcams for YOU!


Enjoy an ice cream like if were your dick [500 tokens remaining]

Date: October 8, 2022

36 thoughts on “LorenRoberts live! webcams for YOU!

  1. I delete nothing. Nothing. Ever. That's just me. I wouldn't have it favourited but I never delete anything. I still have pictures on my phone from 10 years ago ??‍♂️

  2. Info: did your husband see a lawyer about this?

    If your husband dies, is his brother-son entitled to a portion of his estate? That could have serious ramifications for your future and the future of your child.

    Also, do you know if his stepmother (and now baby mamma?) had IVF or if she was inseminated? Because if I were you I’d be pretty keen on seeing some paperwork right now that proves this was a medical procedure and not a handy dandy way to explain how my husband’s semen ended up inside his stepmother.

    Have you asked your FIL to confirm that he asked his son for sperm? At the moment, you’ve got the stepmother telling you in private and your own husband begrudgingly coming clean after being confronted.

    Another issue, if it was IVF, there will probably be extra embryos left over. Does your husband know his legal rights regarding those embryos? Can his stepmother chose to keep those embryos and have more kids? Your kid might end up having half a dozen half siblings from this. Do you have the kind of money needed to fight an embryo custody battle? Keep in mind, embryos can be kept cryopreserved for decades and still produce healthy children with valid legal claims to inheritances

  3. Agreed. Where TF do you live! where the cost of living is high but nurses are paid poorly? Nurses are huge in demand everywhere, everyone has signing bonuses up to $10k, and it’s a sellers market for all labor but especially nursing.

  4. Well to be honest. Set clear boundaries again, stick to them and have a very serious conversation about it. If he doesn't respect your boundaries and conset you should consider a divorce. You said yourself he got too comfortable with it and when you say something he about it he brushes it off like you're enjoying it and actually wanting it. If he keeps that mindset, it'll only get worse

  5. Find a single woman you can spend holidays with and introduce to your friends. Clandestine relationships suck all the way around and are as unfair to you (if not more so) as well as everyone else in the equation.

    Way too much heavy lifting and self-loathing is in your future if you pursue this, no matter how alluring she is… You deserve better.

  6. You're going to have to trust your wife and the doctor, dude.

    I get that you have this big hang up about meds but clearly she's appreciating no longer experiencing those extreme lows and being able to do her work without freaking out. She's able to function better now. That should be the takeaway here.

    She's only just started taking them. Let her get used to things, touch based with her about being more affectionate, then see where it goes. Medication like that can be a serious game changer for people with severe depression and anxiety. It worked for me as a great way for me not be a functioning person again.

  7. Exactly, “If that makes you uncomfortable, you can go spend 2,000 on a bed for me as a gift that i will keep if we break up.”

  8. “he is otherwise a kind and compassionate person.” If he is only kind and compassionate towards people who think like him, then he is not a kind and compassionate person

  9. OP read and re-read the prior message a few times.

    You have a right to say no? Duh? Does he have a right to ask? Not really, he said he liked how you were at the start of the relationship and now he would like you to change and match his “preferences”.

    How about you ask if he can mentally and emotionally grow up to match your personality preferences?

  10. If he treats one child badly and treats the other just fine, he’s STILL not a good dad to either one of your kids. This is a golden child/scapegoat dynamic. Don’t join him in being a bad parent by not protecting your son. LEAVE HIM with the kids.

  11. There’s millions of other girls. Distant friends it don’t matter. But your best friend? That’s a snake move however they broke up

  12. Hello /u/TreeNo6766,

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  13. Yeah she is emotionally cheating on you and playing you. At this age few people are mature enough for long distance relationship. Nothing strange really. You should probably break up and look for some closer to where you live!.

  14. If you’re feeling that way and your girlfriend can tell you’re not ok with what’s going on, she should have stopped and he should have left. Is she continued having sex with him, that was very disrespectful and hurtful to you. And I wouldn’t be happy with her if I were in your shoes.

    Talk to her about it and see if you can work it out.

  15. Safe word are always useful. I’ve said “no” during sex because I didn’t want to cum right now. If I had said “spaghetti”, then yeah, no ambiguity

  16. You don’t have to have a reason to end dating. The things you mentioned do accumulate and without good to make them fade, well, they become enough to go.

    I worry that you’re also thinking of moving straight on which I’d caution against but we’ve all done it, so I can’t be terribly hypocritical

  17. The general assumption is that strippers might be on the table in these situations. He might not have known for sure, but he logically assumed it as a possibility. In saying that, I’m here assuming you logically assumed the same.

    So then as for the boundary, I can’t again act like that’s an inherently a crazy assumption. But while it obviously doesn’t matter now, you (and anyone else who’s unsure) should know that when strippers are involved in a bachelor/stag/bucks party, you can be assured that the friends are going to chip in for a lap dance for the bachelor. Said lap dance being the length of a song where the bachelor is fully clothed and enjoying the joke that is the moment.

    I promise you, that if you give me any other context and you’re telling us your partner’s engaging emotionally or physically with someone? I’ll be the first person to rip them to shreds here and support your argument. But like I’ve said over and over that I or we can’t tell you you’re not entitled to be upset about this, this is a unique situation.

  18. The question you have to ask yourself is “am I okay with her invading my privacy?” She has proved to you she is going to continue to do this in different ways, phone, possessions. You have confronted her and it hasn’t stopped. So are you okay with being in a relationship with no privacy?

  19. Yes, you are very unreasonable.

    He doesn't force you to listen to rap. And if he does he is insane.

    What you are doing is being nice for the purpose of receiving back. That makes it a transaction instead of true support and love.

    Dont do things just so your partner also does them.

    Also, yes, arousal can drastically change how things are perceived.

    Let's take the kink golden shower for example (I find it disgusting)

    The people with that kink may still find peeing in everyday life to be icky, despite it arousing them in a sexual setting.

    Context matters.

  20. Sounds like you need to get yourself a new boyfriend, OP. You deserve to be treated with respect and kindness, and so does your family.

  21. Well put….that's how I feel. Like I used to be a loving husband. A “good man” so to say….and now I'm not. And I blame her for it but can't seem to just cut the cord and move on out of guilt. We married young and have been through so much that imagining life apart is naked to do. My parents divorced young and it tore my family apart. I often wonder if sub consciously that's affecting my judgement. I'll look into that book. Thanks for the comment.

  22. Were you getting reattached to him? A few days of chatting and catching up after years of no contact could do that.

    Obviously this “friendship” isn’t high on his priority list.

  23. So you're saying that not having a job for 4 years, not finding another one, and being defensive about it is okay in a partner as long as they're people?

    Can I quit my job and be your partner? I'm really nice … you can pay for everything, right?

  24. No worries, I faced a similar situation at 28 (3 years ago). Putting myself first (because no one else will advocate for your interests as much as you) and leaving was the best thing I ever did.

    It was complicated because we had a house together and had to move and sell during/in between covid lockdowns but I have zero regrets and I am so much happier now. My career has thrived. I found someone new who is so amazing I feel silly for thinking I couldn’t do better in a romantic relationship.

  25. Ive gotten the argument b4. I will continue to say it till the cows come home. I have had plenty of dating & none of which were co workers. I seem to be well known around here lol.

  26. Thanks so much for your input. Compersion can be naked at times, and not everybody has it, but not yucking your yum. Have the relationship you like 🙂

  27. I don't know how to bring up to her that I'm starting to find her unattractive and lazy without sounding like an asshole.

    She already knows.

    I'm starting to notice that her sex drive is low, she says she doesn't feel sexy and she doesn't like being touched sometimes.

    Yup. She already knows how you feel.

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