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Loveypikachu | online sex chat

Date: October 10, 2022

47 thoughts on “Loveypikachu | the very hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. I missed your first post but I see alot of advice from people in liberal countries that have far different culture and circumstances than yours. Advising you to divorce or run to the police and not paying attention when you say these are not options.

    Hold your head high. You are a strong and capable woman. Don’t let these life events change you or push you down. Carry yourself in graciousness and maintain your dignity. Your grace will put your husband and his actions to shame. It is painful but respect yourself and know that his actions can never diminish your light or your worth. Work on loving yourself and your body since those are things you can control and that no one can stop you from. I hope you find some peace and comfort soon ?

  2. Move somewhere where is Arabia? Seriously?

    Tell him if he wants to be Muslim he should stop using racist incorrect terminology first.

  3. Your friends are not in the relationship. Doesn't matter how things seem from the outside, they don't know how you feel.

    Maybe he's not a bad person but he definitely sounds like a selfish lover. Also, you can't control how you feel. If you're unhappy, you have the right to try and change that. No one should be expected to just settle for unhappiness.

  4. Nah.. maybe one of them..

    OP's own words “eventually he obligated”..\ The way I see it is OP having this inexperienced guy, and I feel like she used that to her advantage.\ Right smack down in the middle of sex, and the poor guy was reluctant, and probably tried to say he wasn't comfortable with it, but here, his girlfriend, whom he's crazy about, is probably begging him during sex and doesn't fully understand how uncomfortable it makes him and doesn't know with his inexperience compared to his girlfriend experience how to say no and felt pressured into doing so otherwise will she not want him?

  5. When I was single – i'd only be approaching a dude if I was interested in him. I'm not striking up a relationship out of thin air unless I want him to know I'm attracted to him.

    You're being deliberatly obtuse. Why bother getting married if you aren't going to listen to your partners doubts and ease their discomfort? Anyone in a successful long term marriage will tell you to pick your battles. You fighting to maintain the relationship with this random gym chick is so unneccessarily damaging. Is that really the hill you're gonna die on? Is gym chick really worth the wedge it will drive into your marriage? Whats so special about her that you'd put her above your wife? I'd give your wife the benefit of the doubt and trust her intuition. Women know other women. Just as men know other men.

    Then again, perhaps the woman isn't the issue. We're only hearing what you want us to hear. I rather doubt you're not enjoying the attention. No way you actually believe this chick was just looking to make a new friend. When a man gets approached by a woman unprompted the mind immediately goes to 'is she interested?'

    Glad I'm not married to you thats all I'll say. Who wants to marry someone thats ok with making them feel uncomfortable and insecure?

  6. OP purged her post history because she's manipulating the flow of information to skew others view of the situation. You need to stop enabling her

  7. Had something similar happen to me! I would recommend urgently seeing a dr if you can as taking it out yourself can be quite dangerous and the pain should have stopped by now.

  8. Uhm….dump him. ESPECIALLY IF YOU DONT ABORT. Don't subject some poor child to an abusive father that never wanted them.

    But also, I wouldn't focus on the effect that abortion would have on future pregnancies. Focus on if you're able to provide a decent quality of life for a new baby. Would your existing children suffer if you see the pregnancy to term?

  9. Your hormones are going to be all over the place, and finding it really difficult to believe you can look after your babies on your own, you may find you want to trust your bf, and for the sake of the babies try and make the relationship work. You will have beautiful babies and then it will be harder for you to leave him, as you slowly get your head straight and wake up to realise all your pregnancy hormones have returned to normal, leaving him will get harder and harder. Trust is a major factor in a relationship, and seems his told you a lot about his past, just not the most important thing. Or at least this is what is happening to me right now. Planned pregnancy, 23 weeks told me RSO been together 3 years before fell pregnant. Thought I could handle the lack of trust, but I can't, and now he won't leave my property. I am glad you have family to support you. The right decision will hit you when the time is right, just make sure you have a safe place to go. Good luck.

  10. Asking respectfully, What was the history of this relationship?

    How did you guys get together in the first place when you didn't even find her attractive or interesting? Like what was the reason?

    Also, did anything massive happen at the 2year mark you mentioned about?

  11. Get yours, homie. Or- if you can't deal, dump her. She'll probably try to put this all away, and say she would rather stay.

    Don't fall for it, she'll probably cheat, if she isn't already banging another dude, which she probably already has, and is trying to justify for after the fact.


  12. Does she consider it cheating? Cheating is dependent on the boundaries on the relationship. Just because someone doesn’t consider it cheating doesn’t mean she won’t. If you know she won’t like it then why do you do it?

  13. I see what you mean by this comment, but this is giving severe victim blaming. But don’t pull that BS. especially when the OP is pretty young and is upset about the situation.

  14. Yes the fuck she does. He should’ve discussed that with her. Wouldn’t you think if your gf said no and you only have your ex to help you’d tell her beforehand. The fact that he didn’t is shady.

  15. I think it’s so nice that you went out of your way to plan a day like this. Does he tend to reciprocate with things like this for you? I don’t want to be quick to condemn him for being rude, because it does sound like nothing was going as planned and that can be stressful and chaotic. But that’s life too. Does he always respond like that towards you?

  16. Maybe this is the problem comment from OP.

    I am trying not to taint everyone's perception of Charlie so I guess my lack of divulging stems from that.

    When I first brought him home to have dinner with my mother and father, he was two hours late as he was playing games and there was a lot of traffic on the roads. He arrived late at a family function (baptism for my niece). He makes jokes at my expense around my family. He left the table during my niece's birthday party and sent back his plate of food and it infuriated my mother/brothers. I went to my brother once when Charlie was giving me the silent treatment and was really upset.

  17. First of all, do you have proof that she is pregnant?

    If so….

    Tell her you want a paternity test now and you will pay for it. Can you pay for it? It’s just a blood test for the mother and a cheek swab for the father and it has ZERO risk for the baby.

  18. Hello /u/mischievouspanda9,

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  19. Here's the thing, OP. You aren't gross and dirty and neither are people who have slept with dozens of folks. Sex doesn't render people of diminished value That being said, most folks don't want to think too much about their partner's past partners. But what I'm seeing here is a racist, alcoholic boyfriend who reeeally isn't worth your time to begin with.

  20. Oh no. That’s not the deal breaker part. It’s the fact that she DOES look prepubescent that I’m not into. That’s alright. Reading is naked sometimes. I forgive you.

  21. You don't get to eat your cake and have it too. You're emotionally cheating on your fiancé. If you want your relationship to work try couples counseling. You need to set strict boundaries with the girl at work. It's inappropriate considering her age and your one of her bosses. You'll be lucky if you don't get fired if you continue to let that relationship ride.

  22. I really don't think I could put the time and effort into another person. I've had a bad run of relationships my entire life, whether it be with family or romantic. I think i'm just done. If this falls apart, i'll happily be alone until I die.

  23. He passed away 7 years ago. And no she never cried until now. And yes she cries easily. I guess I'm insecure?

  24. My advice is walk away……Decent men don’t hide things like this

    You’ve been with him for a year, why the hurry to move in and get married???? If that’s his idea I suspect he’s controlling and you’re going to regret this

    Slow down and I suggest you move out…..Sorry OP but I suspect this guy will not be the happy ever after you think he will be


  25. I still hold the belief that live! bullying needs to be addressed in a calm, respectful but firm way

    If bullies could be reasoned with in a calm, respectful manner, they wouldn't be bullies.

    Lmao. Are you seriously expecting a grown mad to get in a pointless argument over a game because someone said bad words to you and you want your honor defended? Don't be so childish.

  26. You’ve been in a slump for nearly half of your relationship.

    Book the couples counseling. You two are basically roommates who barely see each other. I don’t see how that is sustainable.

  27. He already has. I saw his comment history, and she has been cheating on him for a while and he knows it.

  28. Just fyi that you might know already, but the hormonal IUD can basically stop all bleeding. I still get PMDD and occasional cramps but that’s it. I have the Skyla which has the lowest hormones of all IUDs available.

  29. Realistically observe that you are kicking his negging ass to the curb. Full stop.

    This person is not your friend. What he is doing is unkind and frankly, concerning.

  30. Do what makes you happy. You’re living to make yourself happy not others. Imagine living life to make others happy you wouldn’t be living.

  31. I honestly cannot understand how ANY person can become so divorced from their humanity that they are capable of this type of callousness.

  32. I'm gonna make this very clear. YOU have NOT caused him any pain. He claims to be saving everything for a special someone while also coming up with the BS excuse that “you have been used before, so let's level the playing field.”

    Be very careful, OP. Stand your ground. I've heard of people trying to get a pass to have sex with someone else because they're currently cheating and trying to get away with it. I'm not saying he's cheating on you for sure, but keep an eye out. This flag is redder than the Soviet Union flag.

  33. There's absolutely no reason your boyfriend should be visiting his old FWB. Especially alone. This is, in my opinion, unacceptable. The chances that he's not about to boink this chick are less than 1%. Just cut your losses. Even if he doesn't sleep with her, he made a terrible choice and it will always eat you alive not knowing.

  34. Im talking to her rn and trying to find out some more, I hope I'm not being catfished but it's a whole conglomerate mess and I want this to be real. Honestly I am heavily emotionally invested and it literally kills me even thinking about it being fake.

  35. Don't date losers. You're just devaluing yourself. Find someone that you'd be happy with. That's all there is to it.

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